Dear Parent/Guardian,
Students in grades 3-10 are assessed three times a year in Language Arts and Math using a program called Acuity. This program allows teachers to determine how a student is performing in these subject areas. Results from these assessments will target areas in which your student needs to grow academically.
Acuity can be accessed on the Internet at Pop Ups will need to be enabled for this website. Once the site has been accessed, you, or your student can log in by typing in the User Name and Password that has been assigned to your student (see below) and clicking thebutton. If you encounter an error accessing the Acuity login page, please see directions on page 2.
User Name: CHRISTOPHERSMITH94 Password: 621084
Once logged in to Acuity please select the Study or View Reports button (Take a Test is only available to students through computers at school).
Not available for Acuity At Home use. It is only available to students at school sites during testing.
Used by students to practice areas that were difficult for them on the Acuity test. Click this button to access assignments for students that can be completed online at home.
After clicking the Study button, student will choose to work on Math or Language Arts by clicking the appropriate button. (Science and Algebra are not currently assessed.)
After choosing the subject, student will choose an assignment from the Study Materials list and click on the assignment link (name of the assignment that is blue) and follow prompts to start the assignment. Once the assignment is started, all activities and questions must be completed. Assignments will not be saved until all questions have been answered.
Click on the Reports button to view reports. The reports show how your student is performing on Acuity Assessments given during this school year.
After clicking the Reports button, several reports will be available to view. Click any of the blue links to view reports. Students are given Predictive Form A in September, Predictive Form B in November, and Predictive Form C in January.
If you have questions concerning Acuity, please contact your child’s teacher.
If you experience issues accessing the Acuity login screen, please follow these directions. Steps will need to be performed only one time on your computer.
1. If you encounter error pictured at right:
Please make sure Pop Ups are enabled for site
2. Click on yellow bar at the top of your screen:
3. Select Run Add On from drop down list:
4. Click Run to run ActiveX Control on Computer:
5. Click on the “clicking here” link (blue on screen) to access Acuity: