Africa Review
Define the following terms:
Animism – religions belief that ordinary things of nature contain spirits
Colonialism – European countries setting up new colonies in Africa to secure materials and markets for European products; subjects African peoples to foreign rule
Ethnocracy – system of government in which one ethnic group rules over others
Leaching – the dissolving and washing away of nutrients in soil
Nomadic Herding – herders move their flocks to different pastures throughout the year
Coup – sudden political takeover
Villagization - people are forced to move into towns and to work on collective farms
1. What are the prominent economic activities in Africa?
Subsistence farming, oil, nomadic herding
2. Where is the Nile River located?
North Africa in Egypt
3. What civilization first depended on the Nile River?
4. Where does the Nile River dump into?
Mediterranean Sea
5. How long is the Nile River?
Around 4,300 miles, longest in the world
6. Where is the Congo River Basin located?
Central Africa
7. What type of ecosystem does the Congo River Basin have?
8. Where is the Niger River Basin?
North East Africa
9. What does the Sahel region separate?
Sahara and savanna / Congo rainforest
10. List three facts about the Sahara:
· Largest desert in the world
· Separates Muslims from animist
· Arid
11. List the longitude lines that cross Africa and what significant physical features they cross over:
· Tropic of Cancer – Sahara, Red Sea, Nile River
· Equator – Lake Victoria, Congo River Basin
· Tropic of Capricorn – Namib Desert
12. Where is the Great Rift Valley located?
South East Africa
13. What major physical feature is along the Great Rift Valley and has snow year round?
Mt. Kilimanjaro
14. Where is the Suez Canal?
Connects Egypt with the Middle East, connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea
15. What is the significance of canals?
Provides trade routes, more efficient