TRIM: D17-17818
May 2017
Application form for the approval of accrediting agencies assessing general practice
Note: Applicants should read the Guide to the approval process for accrediting agencies assessing general practicebefore completing this application form.
Official ACSQHC use only
Date received:Applicant number:
Notes:Part A:Application instructions
Applicants should read the Guide to the approval process for accrediting agencies assessing general practice before completing this form.
By ticking a box you are answering in the positive or are agreeing to a statement of question. Please leave the box empty if you choose to answer ‘no’ or feel the question is not applicable.
Applicants are advised that incomplete documentation may lead to a delay in the assessment of their application as outlined in section 5 of the Guide to the approval process for accrediting agencies assessing general practice.
Submitting Applications:
Applications should be submitted no later than close of business Friday 27 October 2017.
Applications must be submitted in hard copy and electronically.
One hard copy application with original signatures and copies of supporting documentation plus a USB with electronic copies are to be sent to:
General Practice Accrediting Agency Approval Assessment Process
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Level 5, 255 Elizabeth St
Sydney NSW 2000
An electronic copy with supporting documentation should also be emailed to:
Applicants should ensure that supporting documentation is collated and labelled in a way that makes it clear which section of the application it relates to.
Applicants are advised that incomplete documentation may lead to a delay in the assessment of their application as outlined in Part B of this application form to ensure you have completed all necessary steps of the application prior to submission.
Part B:Application Checklist
On completion of the application form please check that you have:
☐Read the Guide to the approval process for accrediting agencies assessing general practice
☐Completed each question in all sections of this application form
☐Collated and labelled all the necessary supporting documentation
☐Signed the Declaration of Compliance
☐Dispatched one original, signed copy of the application form with supporting documents plus USB with electronic copy of all documents to:
General Practice Accrediting Agency Approval Assessment Process
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Level 5, 255 Elizabeth St
Sydney NSW 2000
☐Provided an electronic copy of the completed application form and any supporting documentation via .
Intention to seek interview with the Panel
Section 5 of the Guide to the approval process for accrediting agencies assessing general practice outlines the process of assessment of applications. Applicants may request to meet with the General Practice Accrediting Agency Approval Assessment Panel (the Panel) to present information or address an issue that has arisen as part of the application process.
Please indicate below if you are requesting an interview with the Panel to discuss your application.
☐Yes, we would like an interview with the Panel to discuss this application.
If you have indicated Yes, the person nominated as the ‘Contact Officer’ in this application will be contacted by an officer of the Commission to make arrangements for an interview.
Accrediting agencies can elect to attend the interview in person or via teleconference.
Note: The Panel may request an interview with any applicant to address queries in relation to their application even if the applicant does not requested an interview with the Panel.
Part C:Organisational information
Applicant details / Required informationName of business or company applying for approval
Name of organisation, if different from company business name
Street, suburb, state & post code
Postal address
Person authorised to submit this application / Required information
Phone number
Mobile number
Email address
Contact person for this application / Required information
Phone number
Mobile number
Email address
Supporting documentation
☐Certification of registration enclosed
☐Other supporting documentation, please list:
Part D:Accreditation status
Please provide details of the international accreditation award/s your organisation holds.
☐ISQua against the Organisation Standards / Required information (if applicable)Date accreditation awarded
Date accreditation expires
Details of any conditions or restrictions on the awarding of your organisation’s accreditation
☐JASANZ to the healthcare management systems / Required information (if applicable)
Date accreditation awarded
Date accreditation expires
Details of any conditions or restrictions on the awarding of your organisation’s accreditation
☐Other(please provide details): / Required information (if applicable)
Date accreditation awarded
Date accreditation expires
Details of any conditions or restrictions on the awarding of your organisation’s accreditation
Supporting documentation
☐Copy of relevant accreditation awards enclosed
☐Other supporting documentation, please list:
Part E:Assessment products offered to general practices
Please provide details for each safety and quality assessment product offered to general practices that relate to the standard/s. Also provide copies of any communication or promotional material provided to general practices.
Product name / .Length of cycle assessment
Key processes in assessment cycle / Timing / Format of assessment (onsite/desktop/short notice) / Other information
Mid-cycle or periodic assessment
Organisation-wide assessment
Product name / .
Length of cycle assessment
Key processes in assessment cycle / Timing / Format of assessment (onsite/desktop/short notice) / Other information
Mid-cycle or periodic assessment
Organisation-wide assessment
Product name / .
Length of cycle assessment
Key processes in assessment cycle / Timing / Format of assessment (onsite/desktop/short notice) / Other information
Mid-cycle or periodic assessment
Organisation-wide assessment
Product name / .
Length of cycle assessment
Key processes in assessment cycle / Timing / Format of assessment (onsite/desktop/short notice) / Other information
Mid-cycle or periodic assessment
Organisation-wide assessment
Part F:Organisational processes
Quality assurance
Describe the quality assurance process undertaken during the accreditation process. This process is to be described briefly.It is not sufficient for this application to refer to an internal policy or procedure.
Assessment of general practices in rural, regional and remote areas
Describe how assessment services will be provided and tailored to general practices in metropolitan, rural, regional and remote areas. This process is to be described briefly.It is not sufficient for this application to refer to an internal policy or procedure.
Release of information
List the relevant causes in your contract terms and conditions related to the release of information, to the Commission and other bodies:
a)for routine reporting on assessment outcomes
b)when significant patient risk is identified
Schedule of assessments
For accrediting agencies applying for approval for the first time
Number and type of general practice assessments scheduled / Number and type of general practice with assessment to be scheduled.
Please attach a schedule of assessments, including the organisation name, date and type of assessment (mid cycle / organisation wide) for each of the relevant programs:
Supporting documentation
☐Quality assurance policies and/or procedures
☐Schedule of planned accreditation (Note: For first time applicants only)
☐Release of information clauses
☐Metropolitan, rural, regional and remote assessment policy, procedure and/or protocol
☐Other supporting documentation, please list:
Part G:Assessor workforce
Workforce size
Number of assessors usually available to assess general practices
No. of assessors.
Selection Criteria
Describe the selection criteria used when recruiting assessors (including the skills, experience and qualifications sought specifically for healthcare accreditation assessments). This process is to be described briefly.It is not sufficient for this application to refer to an internal policy or procedure.
Performance management
Describe the process for assessing and maintaining skills and competencies (including the management of performance). This process is to be described briefly.It is not sufficient for this application to refer to an internal policy or procedure.
Inter-assessor variation
Describe the process in place to reduce inter-assessor variation. This process is to be described briefly.It is not sufficient for this application to refer to an internal policy or procedure.
Training activities
List the type and frequency of assessor training activities undertaken by your organisation, (e.g. workshops, webinars, access to e-learning packages) and provide your agency’s schedule of training events.
Description / Frequency/availability / Date of last activity.
Supporting documentation
☐Assessor selection criteria and recruitment processes
☐Assessor performance management policy and procedures
☐Schedule of training events for the next 12-month period
☐Other supporting documentation, please list:
Part H:Appeals processes
Appeals process
Outline your agency’s appeals process available to general practices and provide a copy of policy, procedure and/or protocol documentation. This process is to be described briefly.It is not sufficient for this application to refer to an internal policy or procedure.
Complaints process
Outline your agency’s complaints process available to general practices and provide a copy of policy, procedure and/or protocol documentation. This process is to be described briefly.It is not sufficient for this application to refer to an internal policy or procedure
Supporting documentation
☐Appeals policy, procedure and/or protocol documentation
☐Complaints policy, procedure and/or protocol documentation
☐Other supporting documentation, please list:
Part I:Declaration of compliance
I, (name), authorised on behalf of (organisation applying for approval), certify that the information provided in this application is correct.I acknowledge that it is an offence under Section 137 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 to provide false or misleading information or documents to the Commonwealth.
I, declare this organisation (named above) will meet the conditions of approval set out below by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care to assess general practices to the RACGP Standards for general practices.
Conditions of approval to assess general practices to the RACGP Standards for general practices
International accreditation
An approved accrediting agency will hold and maintain accreditation with an internationally recognised body, either:
a)Joint Accreditation Scheme of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ) to JASANZ HCSMS Scheme
(Part 1) Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of Health Care Service Management Systems
(Part 3) Additional requirements for bodies assessing the conformity of general practices under the Practice Incentives Programme.
b)International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua) to the Governance Standards, or
c)Other international accrediting body which may be recognised by the Commission from time to time.
Assessment products offered
An approved accrediting agency will:
- offer accreditation program/s that consist of:
-an assessment of the RACGP Standards for general practices in their entirety, at least once per accreditation cycle
-a cycle of assessment that is not more than three years
- conduct onsite assessment of the RACGP Standards for general practices, unless approval is sought and granted by the delegate
- conduct onsite assessments in a manner that is consistent with the needs of the service and relevant to support quality improvement
- include standard contractual terms and conditions for each assessment product relating to the assessment of the RACGP Standards for general practices
- have a quality assurance process in place for the accreditation process.
Complaints and appeals process
An approved accrediting agency will:
- have a comprehensive complaints and appeals process in place
- include within their complaints and appeals process mechanisms to escalate issues to the relevant state or territory health care complaints body or the Commission.
Assessor workforce
An approved accrediting agency will:
- maintain a rigorous process for the selection, training, support and performance management of assessors
- provide the assessor workforce with necessary tools and information to effectively perform their role
- allocates at least two assessors on each assessment, one of which must be a General Practitioner (GP), in accordance with the Medical Board of Australia’s requirements, with a minimum of five-year experience as a vocationally registered GP
- ensure assessors have and maintain their relevant experience of the general practice sector
- provide general practices with information on the skills and experience of assessor teams prior to onsite assessments and seek feedback on their suitability
- ensure processes are in place to declare and manager assessor conflicts of interest to maintain impartiality.
Recruitment, training and performance management of assessors
An approved accrediting agency will:
- ensure all assessors recruited and/or contracted to their organisation:
-maintain their knowledge, skills, and experience with the general practice sector to understand and assess general practices to the RACGP Standards for general practices
-participate in not less than 2 assessment processes annually, to maintain their accreditation skills and knowledge
-participate at least annually in the performance development and management processes of the accrediting agency.
- exclude assessors who do not meet the recruitment requirements set out above from participating in accreditation processes
- report to the Commission on recruitment and performance of assessors, as outlined below
- implement a training program on the RACGP Standards for general practices for their assessor workforce that:
-is held at least annually
-requires all assessors to attend annually
-ensures mechanisms are in place to access alternative training and training materials if an assessor does not participate in the scheduled annual training program
-monitors and reports to the Commission on participation of assessors in training
-ensures representatives from the Commission and the General Practice Accreditation Coordinating Committee are invited to present during all training on the RACGP Standards for general practices
- exclude assessors from participating in accreditation processes if they have not participated in training on the RACGP Standards for general practices for more than 12 months
- invite representatives from the Commission and the General Practice Accreditation Coordinating Committee to participate in assessor workforce training
- make available the RACGP resources to the assessor workforce whenever training is held.
Assessment of general practices
An approved accrediting agencies will:
- assess general practices to the current edition of the RACGP Standards for general practices
- use the RACGP Standards for general practices without modification
- assess each indicator of the RACGP Standards for general practices
- use the rating scale specified by the General Practice Accreditation Coordinating Committee to assess each indicator of the RACGP Standards for general practices
- seek agreement from the General Practice Accreditation Coordinating Committee, convened by the Commission to make any changes to an approved accreditation program that uses the RACGP Standards for general practices, including changes to the timing of events, length of cycle, and type of assessment or assessment requirements
- not use the RACGP Standards for general practices to assess general practices in any accreditation program outside of Australia.
- comply with the requirements of the National General Practice Accreditation Scheme to be eligible to assess general practices to the RACGP Standards for general practices.
Reporting to general practices
An approved accrediting agency will:
- notify general practices immediately or as soon as practical if a significant risk of patient harm is identified during an assessment and require an action plan be developed by the general practice within two business days.
- notify the general practice in writing within five business days of the overall outcome of the initial assessment and detail on all not met actions
- provide general practices with a final report on accreditation within 30 business days of the final assessment including any not met actions
Reporting to the Commission and the General Practice Accreditation Coordinating Committee
An approved accrediting agency will:
- notify the Commission and the relevant state or territory health care complaints body within 2 business days of a significant risk identified during assessment, including submission of an action plan developed by the general practice to mitigate the risk
- notify the Commission within two business days of general practices commencing or ceasing their membership during an assessment or before an accreditation award is determined
- routinely submit to the Commission, and the General Practice Accreditation Coordinating Committee, accreditation outcome data on or before the 10th of each month, for assessment of general practices completed during the previous month
- when requested by the Commission, provide data on indicators determined notapplicable by the accrediting agency
- notify the Commission and the General Practice Accreditation Coordinating Committee of practices that do not meet the standards and do not obtain accreditation
- report annually to the Commission each assessor’s name and number of assessments completed in the previous calendar year
- provide the Commission with data annually on the training of assessors carried out in the previous calendar year by the accrediting agency, the name of each assessor that attended the training and name of each assessor that has not participated in training.
Data reporting requirements
An approved accrediting agency will:
- include in all member/client contracts with general practices conditions that outline and enable the submission of demographic and accreditation outcome data to the Commission and the General Practice Accreditation Coordinating committee.
- submit on-time, complete, accurate accreditation outcomes data, free of charge and in the agreed format, to the Commission. These requirements include:
-routine assessment data which is to be submitted by the tenth day of each month, where the tenth day falls on a weekend, the data should be submitted the working day before
-routine assessment data will include all assessments that have been awarded accreditation by the submission date and assessment that have been finalised but not awarded accreditation
-the general practice assessment schedule, which is to be submitted annually and updated quarterly