Introduction to Better World Detectives
‘Better World Detectives’ is a six lesson classroom project developed by Thomson, comprising a set of teaching materials developed by teachers for teachers to help them engage Key Stage 2 students aged 7-11 about living and travelling in a more sustainable way.
The cross-curricular lesson plans are built around a compelling story that is brought to life through exciting multi-media tools in order to drive engagement and aid comprehension.
A rich and immersive story evolves over six classroom experiences with the aim of engaging students in the consequences of their actions both individually and as a group, and the role they can play to protect and make a positive difference in the world.
Overview of lesson plans
- These six lesson plans have been written by Key Stage 2 educators designed to be flexible enough for teachers to edit in order to suit their teaching needs
- Differentiation is incorporated in each lesson through group, paired and individual work
- The lessons are a social construct of learning which relates to the theory of Vygotsky, which is all about collaborative rather than individual learning
- Each lesson is supported by a range of multimedia and designed content displayed on the PowerPoint presentation. For the videos you will need to refer to the MP4 video files in your pack and either drag onto the relevant slides to watch them in PowerPoint or watch in your own video player. There are also various PDF documents, outlined below, that you will need to print out.
- Each lesson ends with the completion of a ‘jigsaw piece’, which teachers can refer back to at the beginning of the next lesson. At the end of the project the jigsaw will link together to show what learning has taken place in relation to the wider learning objective of sustainable travel
- Prior to the first session pupils should be introduced to the Better World Detective characters through the Better World Detectives cards which provide pen portraits of each personality
List of multimedia resources
Video files to insert into PowerPoint:
- Lesson 1, PowerPoint Slide 6: LS1_BWD_Main film mp4
- Lesson 1, PowerPoint Slide 9: LS1_Newsflash 1.mp4
- Lesson 2, PowerPoint Slide 14: LS2_Sara.mp4
- Lesson 3, PowerPoint Slide 18: LS3_Carlos1.mp4
- Lesson 3, PowerPoint Slide 20: LS3_Carlos2.mp4
- Lesson 3, PowerPoint Slide 21: LS3_Turtles nesting.mp4
- Lesson 4, PowerPoint Slide 25: LS4_Pedro.mp4
- Lesson 6, PowerPoint Slide 35: LS6_Newsflash2.mp4
Printable PDFs:
- 0_Jigsaw base_bg_A3 (colour)
- 0_Jigsaw base_nobg_A3 (black and white)
- 0_Jigsaw pieces_b&w_A4 (black and white)
- 0_Jigsaw pieces_colours_A4 (colour)
Lesson 1
- LS1_Better world detective cards_A4
- LS1_Comparison images_A4
- LS1_Locals cards_A4
- LS1_Turtle worksheet_A4
- LS1_turtles FAQs (for teachers only)
Lesson 2
- LS2_Sara drawings_A4
- LS2_Sustainable fishing FAQs (for teachers only)
- LS2_Sonrisa stamps_A4
Lesson 3
- LS3_beach users_A4
- LS3_Turtle info cards_A4
- LS3_turtles FAQs (for teachers only)
Lesson 4
- LS4_Coral FAQS_A4 (for teachers only)
- LS4_Pedro drawings_A4
- LS4_Sonrisa stamps_A4
Lesson 5
- LS5_address label to Marco_A4
- LS5_employment worksheet_A4
- LS5_Marco_letter
- LS5_Sustainable Tourism FAQs_A4
Lesson 6
- LS6_Better world detective cards_A4
- LS6_Locals cards_A4
Lesson 1- INTRODUCTION. WHAT IS IT LIKE TO LIVE IN SONRISA? (approx 1 to 1 ¼ hours)
LO:To identify similarities and differences between Sonrisa and our local area. To consider what it is like to live there. / Cross Curricular links:
Main lesson: English-speaking & listening; summarising
Supplementary: Computing, English & Maths
Success criteria:
All- I can identify similarities and differences between Sonrisa and our local area
Most- I can explain what it is like to live in Sonrisa
Some- I can explain why life in Sonrisa is different to life in our local area
Prep for lesson:
Insert LS1_BWD_Main film onto slide 6 and LS1_Newsflash1 onto slide 9. Print out LS1 Better World Detective cards, LS1Comparison images, LS1 Local cards; LS1 Turtles FAQs and LS1 Turtle worksheet; Print out Jigsaw (A4) of six pieces to cut out and LS1 Jigsaw base (A3). Have whiteboards/pens and topic books available. Open ppt to take pupils through.
Teacher input:
(Open ppt slides 1-3 to introduce pupils to the story). On slide 3hand out the Better World Detective cards so that the pupils are introduced to each of the characters.Then read Watsapp message as a class and watch main film. What is this place like? How does it compare to our local area? Pupils make notes on whiteboards. Locate Costa Rica on world map. How would we travel to Sonrisa? Discuss video then transition to Activity 1(paired/small group work)
Activity 1 (approx 20mins): What is this place like?
Compare and contrast aerial photos and pictures of typical places and items in Costa Rica and the UK (local area). For example, houses, landscape, food, clothing, language, wildlife, traditions, sports and culture. Use this information to summarise what Sonrisa is like.
OR What is it like to live in this place?
Choose one local Sonrisacharacter pen portrait to read with a partner using the Local cards. Identify and record what that character’s life is like in Sonrisa.
Teacher mid-point intervention:
Bring pupils back together. What can we tell Max and Mia about the comparison between our local area and Sonrisa? Scribe points made (tell pupils these points will be sent to the Better World Detectives). A NEWSFLASH POPS UP (Slide 9) – The turtles have stopped nesting!!! Why has this happened? Can you help? What do the children know about turtles/turtles nesting habits? (Teacher refers to Turtle FAQs and shows turtle cards to pupils). If pupils are going to help they need to know something about turtles and their nesting habits. Transition to Activity 2 (paired work)
Activity 2 (approx 15 mins): Generation of questions to introduce the topic of turtle nesting
Pupils discuss what they would like to find out about turtles’ nesting habits with talk partner. Each pair write down their favourite question on a post-it.
Teacher Plenary:
Pupils bring postits and display on Working Wall. Teacher introduces home/school activity where pupils are asked to research turtles using the Turtle worksheet.
Each pupil selects one question from the Working Wall to try and find the answer to (pupils to select method of reporting findings). Introduce Jigsaw sheet and complete piece 1. / TUI prepared multimedia/designed content
- Better World Detective cards (PDF)
- Slide 5 Watsapp Message from Max and Mia
- Slide 6 Main film (separate MP4 file)
- Slide 7 Local cards - printable pen portraits of local people who live in Sonrisa (PDF)
- Slide 8 Comparison images of houses/landscapes/ schools/sports/culture/ clothing/food/ traditions for Sonrisa (PDF)
- Slide 9 Newsflash (Separate MP4 file)
- Slide 10 Turtle cards (PDF)
- Turtles FAQs for teachers only (PDF)
- Slide 11 Turtle worksheet (PDF)
- Jigsaw base and Jigsaw pieces to cut out (PDF)
- Photos/aerial views of local area
- Postits
- Whiteboards and pens
- Topic books (to record similarities/differences &explain what it is like to live in Sonrisaand why
- Computing: Pupils create a video message to Max telling him about the local area around their school
- Maths: consider distance / time of travel/time difference between England and Costa Rica
- Computing/Literacy / Geography: Pupils create a brochure/flyer to tell people in Sonrisa about their own local area
Lesson 2-WHAT’S HAPPENING TO THE FISH? (approx 1 to 1 ¼ hours)
LO:To consider the impact of people’s actions on the environment / Cross Curricular links:
Main lesson: Art, English, PSHE
Supplementary: Computing, English
Success criteria:
All- I can recognise pollution in the environment
Most- I can identify the impact pollution has on the environment
Some - I can suggest ways pollution can be addressed
Prep for lesson:
Display homework on Working Wall for children to see. Insert LS2_Sara onto slide 14. Print and cut out LS2 Sonrisa stamps and stick one on envelope. Print and cut out LS2 Sara’s drawings and place in envelope. Place sugar paper around classroom; have whiteboards/pens/A4 paper/colouring pencils/ topic books, and refer to Jigsaw piece 2. Open ppt slide 12 for Lesson 2 content.
Teacher input:
Use displayed homework and jigsaw piece 1 to recap on previous lesson; children look at homework on working wall and identify one thing they didn’t know before. Use talk partners to share findings. Open and read Whatsappfrom Mia and Poppy. Watch Skype message from Sara, a local fisherwoman, read Sara’s note and then ‘find’ envelope with Sara’s drawings on desk (or TA/LSA could ‘deliver it into the class). Transition to Activity 1(small groups of 3 or 4)
Activity 1 (approx 7 mins): Analysis of evidence.
Teacher Blutaks Sara’s drawings onto sugar paper around room. Pupils move around drawings in small groups and jot down initial thoughts of what they can see/what impact this might have on the environment. Transition to mid-point intervention.
Teacher mid point intervention:
Discuss impact of images on the environment. What is over-fishing? Who is causing the pollution? What impact is it having? What could be done about it? Discuss importance of everyone taking responsibility for the environment and the need to raise awareness of environmental issues relating to pollution. Pupils make notes on whiteboards. Transition to Activity 2 (individual)
Activity 2 (approx 25 mins):Creation of anti-pollution posters
Using notes made during intervention, pupils make anti-pollution posters / leaflets using text and images to inform and persuade. Incorporate the features of persuasive and informative writing. Each pupil creates their own poster/leaflet but can magpie ideas from others on their table. Posters/leaflets go into topic books.
Teacher plenary:
Select some pupils to share their posters/leaflets with the class. Steer the discussion and asks questions such as: What can we feedback to the Sara? Is there any pollution in our local area E.g. littering, dog mess, etc? How can we adapt what we’ve learned to our own community? Do you think pollution and over-fishing might be one of the things that is affecting the turtles nesting? Children complete the second jigsaw piece (could be done as homework if appropriate). / TUI prepared multimedia/designed content
- Slide 13 Whatsapp message from Mia andPoppy introducing Sara, the fisherwoman
- Slide 14 Skype call from Sara the local fisherwoman (Separate MP4 file)
- Slide 15 Note from Sara
- Slide 16 Sara’s drawings (PDF)
- Sonrisa stamp (cut out from PDF)
- Sustainable fishing FAQs for teachers (PDF)
- 2nd jigsaw piece
- Envelope for note and pictures
- Sugar paper and Blutak
- A4 paper for posters/leaflets
- Colouring pencils/pens
- Whiteboards and pens
- Topic books
- Computing/English: Pupils make an anti-pollution TV advertisement (could be posted on class blog)
- English: Write letters to local council re pollution in local area
- English: Invite local councillor into school to question them about local pollution.
LO:To consider the environmental challenges of meeting the wants of different groups / Cross Curricular links:
Main lesson: D&T, English, PSHE
Supplementary: Computing, English, Music
Success criteria:
All- - I know that different people want different things from a locality
Most- I can consider ways to meet the different wants and needs of different people and animals
Some -I can recognise the challenges of meeting the different wants and needs of different people and animals
Prep for lesson:
Insert LS3_Carlos1 onto slide 18 and LS3_Carlos2 onto slide 20. Insert LS3_Turtles nesting onto slide 21. Print out LS3 Beach User Cards, LS3 Turtle Info Cards and LS3 Turtle FAQs for teachers. Have A4 paper/colouring pencils/whiteboards and pens/topic books and jigsaw piece 3 available. Open ppt slide 17 for lesson 3 content.
Teacher input:
Look at previous jigsaw pieces to recap on prior learning. Class watch Skype from Carlos who has a problem. What can pupils do to help? Teacher pretends to send Carlos a text saying pupils will design beaches to meet the needs of everyone. Explain structure of research process (expert then jigsaw groupings). Split class into 6 or 7 groups of 4/5 pupils (depending on class numbers) according to the different beach user characters featured on the cards. Transition to Activities 1 (group) and 2 (individual).
Activity 1 (approx 10 mins): Adapting the beach- what needs to be included?
Stage 1 (5 mins)- Expert groups: each group records key information about their beach user characters with a focus on what their character needs from the beach
Stage 2 (5 mins)- Jigsaw groups: experts split into jigsaw groups and share beach users’ needs
Activity 2 (approx 20 mins): Designer beach
Pupils design and label their own beaches to meet the needs of all users. Pupils work individually but can magpie ideas from one another.
Teacher mid point intervention:
Draw pupils back together and share one or two designs. Listen to Carlos second Skypeto say he’s received text and is looking forward to seeing beach designs but he’s forgotten about an important beach user - the turtles! Watch footage of turtles nesting. Give out turtle info cards. Transition to activity 3 (paired work)
Activity 3 (approx 15 mins) Think about the turtles
Pupils work in pairs and draw on the turtle nesting video footage and info cards to make a list of things Carlos MUST remember for the turtles to make the beach turtle friendly.
Teacher Plenary:
Choose some pupils to justify their lists to class. Teacher led discussion: What challenges are there in meeting the needs of all beach users? Why is it important to consider the needs of the turtles? Could this be a reason why the turtles have stopped nesting? Refer back to difficulty of meeting all needs. Encourage pupils to make links between tourists supporting local businesses/tourists impacting negatively on the environment/degeneration of the environment making location less desirable to tourists. Complete next part of jigsaw (can be done as homework if appropriate). / TUI prepared multimedia/designed content
- Slide 18 Skype call from Carlos, the hotel owner (Separate MP4 file)
- Slide 19 Beach user cards (PDF)
- Slide 20 Second Skype call from Carlos (Separate MP4 file)
- Slide 21 Video footage of turtle nesting (Separate MP4 file)
- Slide 22 Turtle info cards (PDF)
- Turtles FAQs (PDF)
- 3rd Jigsaw piece
- A4 paper for beach designs
- Colouring pencils/pens
- Whiteboards and pens
- Topic books
- Music: Write turtle songs which could be used to raise awareness of their needs
- English: Create adverts for what people should do to make the beach turtle-friendly. Create a short animation for advert.
LO:To identify and raise awareness of the range of factors that threaten the coral reef / Cross Curricular links:
Main lesson: English, PSHE
Supplementary: Computing, English, Music
Success criteria:
All- I know that a number of factors threaten the coral reef
Most - I can recognise the impact of different factors on the coral reef
Some -I can consider ways to reduce the human impact on the coral reef
Prep for lesson:
Insert LS4_Pedro onto slide 25. Print out LS4 Sonrisa stamps and stick on envelopes then print out LS4 Pedro’s drawing and pop in envelope, (one set for each pair of children).Edit the tweet from Carlos on the powerpoint to include your school’s name. Print out LS4 threats to coral reef FAQs for teachers. Decide who will be researching what & which pairs will then be working together in groups of four. Have large sheets of sugar paper/colouring pens or pencils/topic books and 4th piece of jigsaw available. Open ppt slide 23 for lesson 4 content.
Teacher input:
Recap on prior learning using jigsaw pieces. Share ‘thank you’ tweets from Carlos (ppt slide 24). Open up Skype call from Pedro, the scuba diver - another problem facing Sonrisa. Discuss as a class-what can we do? We need to let everyone know about the threats!!! Pedro has sent a drawing about the different threats to the coral reef (energy or de-forestation). Remind pupils about skimming for information. Transition to activity 1 (paired).
Activity 1 (15 mins): Gathering the information
Pupils work with partner to draw key information about ONE threat from the drawing with focus on key questions on recording sheet.
Teacher mid point intervention:
Draw pupils back together and ask some pairs to share their points. What might be the impact of these threats to the local people/to the tourists/to the turtles? Who is causing the threats? Why is it important that we consider the impact of these threats? Facilitate discussion about importance of educating people about the human impact on the environment.