28th September 2017
Dear Parents/Carers
Year 7 & 8 Football trip to Liddington Centre Wiltshire - 16th – 18th March 2018
Your daughter has shown an interest in football and we would like her to attend the PGL Football coaching residential for 2 nights including an activity weekend at Liddington in Wiltshire. Liddington is one of PGL’s newest centres. It is a former 4 star hotel set in 150 acres of grounds which hosts football pitches, netball courts and a variety of adventurous activities.
Accommodation is in 3-6 bedded en suite rooms situated close together and the party leaders are on the same corridor. Meals are provided by PGL and are freshly prepared. There is always a vegetarian option at every meal.
Your daughter will be participating in a coaching programme focusing on developing a range of techniques and movements as well as strong personal skills to deal with life on and off the pitch – every player is challenged to learn and apply new skills. Your daughter will also be participating in a variety of extra activities including challenge course, giant swing, abseiling, tunnel trail and team building challenges. A full list of what to bring will be sent out nearer the time of the trip. Our proposed itinerary is attached to this letter. Please note activities may be subject to change.
Your daughter will leave school on Friday 16th March 2018 at 11.30am and will be travelling to Liddington Centre by minibus. We will be returning to school on Sunday 18th March at approx 6pm.
The cost of the trip will be £145.00. This includes; mini bus travel direct from CHSG to the centre and return travel, full board and accommodation in en suite rooms, 2 full days of activities and evening entertainments. This does not include spending money. There are limited places on the trip therefore the trip will be a first come, first served basis. Online payment is available from Thursday 5th October 2017.
If you would like your daughter to take part in this trip it is being offered on a first come first served basis. Please complete the attached reply slip and return this to me, by Wednesday 11th October. A non-refundable deposit of £75.00 must be paid by Wednesday 11th October to confirm your daughter’s place, which will indicate your commitment to pay the remaining balance of £70.00 by Monday 15th January 2018. If you withdraw your daughter from the visit and no replacement is found you may be liable to pay for your daughter’s place in full.
Please make your non refundable deposit payment online via the link on the School’s website by clicking on the large £ sign on the home page to link you to the payment site If you are unable to pay online, please contact the Finance Office so that a unique Payment Barcode can be issued for you to pay cash at a local Paypoint ( for this trip.
Your daughter’s place on this trip is subject to satisfactory behaviour, attendance and conduct within school and this will be constantly monitored before the trip. If your daughter’s attendance or behaviour is deemed to be unsatisfactory, she will not be allowed to participate. If she is not allowed on the trip, there will be no refund of any monies paid. Whilst on the visit please emphasise to your daughter that she will be required to obey the instructions and advice of the Party Leader and other accompanying adults.
Many thanks for your continuing support of the PE Department
Yours faithfully
Miss R Golightly
Curriculum Leader PE/Dance
Reply slip: Please return to PE Department by Wednesday 11th October 2017
Year 7 & 8 Football trip to Liddington Centre Wiltshire - 16th – 18th March 2018
Student’s Name: ...... Tutor Group: ......
Please tick () all appropriate boxes
I would like my daughter to participate in the above football trip. I am aware of the travel details for the trip. I have made my non refundable payment
I acknowledge that I have already signed and returned a Generic School Consent Form to allow my daughter to participate in the visit.
I confirm that I have made a non refundable deposit payment online of £75.00
I confirm that I am aware that the non refundable final balance of £70.00 must be paid by 15th January 2018
Payment reference: ......
Date of Payment: ......
Deposit Amount £75.00
Signed: ...... (Parent/Carer) Date: ......
Print Name: ......
Emergency contact number …………………………………......
Medical Information: Please provide details of any conditions requiring medical treatment including any medication......