Cost Formula Work Group
April 18, 2016
Meeting started 1:10 p.m.
SCLS HQ – Badger Room
In Attendance:
Erin Foley : Adams (yes) Bob Stack: PCPL (no)
Shannon Schultz – no longer on committee Andy Barnett: McMillan (no)
Tracy Herold : DCLS (yes) Emily Judd: Sauk City (yes)
Susan Lee, Margie Navarre Saaf: Madison (yes) Suzann Holland: Monroe (no)
Vicki Teal Lovely: SCLS, Chair (yes) Martha Van Pelt: SCLS (yes)
Wendy Rawson: Fitchburg (yes) Kerrie Goeden: SCLS (yes)
Tasks and timeline
- Complete: Revise cost formulas to incorporate E-rate discounts and review Network formula —four meetings (2/18; 2/24; 3/8)
- Complete: Present draft proposal at March 17 All Directors’
- N/A Make adjustments to cost formula based on All Directors’ meeting—one meeting (3/31)
- Complete: Review Technology & ILS Base Packages and Other Services & fees for MyPC & PaperCut fees—two meetings (4/18; 4/27)
- Complete: Review planned contingency (New)
- Complete: Final review of everything—one meeting
- Present final Cost formula and other service fees to May 19 All Directors’ meeting
- Review notes from previous meeting
- 2b- everywhere it says development, it should say SIP profiles.
- No other changes
- MyPC Startup fee = $15 per PC (no pro-rating)
- Agreed by committee
- Review Tech & ILS Base Packages again
- The Technology and ILS Start Up Costs document will replace the Technology and ILS Base Packages document.
- This document adds language that states, the first year start-up fee for the technology services “will not exceed” the first year annual payment + 25%.
- Change language to state, “the first year’s fees will not exceed the annual fee + an additional 25% start-up fee.”
- Add language, “Options to off-set costs may be available.” Add this at the end of the Technology Services section and at the end of the ILS Services section.
- Under the PaperCut Print Management section, add “per site” after $100.
- Enterprise Wireless does have a start-up fee, separate from the annual fee.
- Iboss fee formula for 2017
- Formula divides 2016 costs among the participating iBoss libraries on the network.
- Based on % of total budget.
- Total for Network: WiscNet fee and Maintenance fee for routers and switches for libraries = $26,900
- Highest/Lowest average e-rate discount: each library is eligible for a certain level of discount, however, since we’re applying as a consortium, we have to average the discounts. The range is 58% to 68%.
- So the e-rate rebates will cover the basic cost of iBoss filtering.
- In 2016 SCLS will pay for the cost of iBoss filtering, so any library can try it out.
- In 2017 this formula will apply to distribute costs of iBoss among the participating libraries. Start date would be 7/1/17 (when we pay for iBoss), so we will need to create a separate schedule for this as to when libraries will need to commit to participate and pay for this service. This will be charged separately from the January fees (for now).
- Pro-ration of GetIt fees for libraries using it for 2017
- Since this is a value added service, the proposal is to have only those participating libraries pay for GetIt fees, as versus everyone paying for it.
- Took ILS formula, subtracted Get It fees (they had been included in ILS fees and everyone was paying for it). This leaves just ILS fees.
- Then GetIt fees are added back into only the participating libraries.
- Establish a hard date by which libraries must commit to GetIt. Base fees on participating libraries.
- Can we give an unused account to another library to use? If we shut one down, and then want to start it back up, there’s a $500 fee. We will try to work out a deal with them.
- Final proposal is to remove any unused accounts. Give a deadline to libraries to sign on. Participating libraries will pay a pro-rated share for the service, based on collection size. Any added accounts, adds $500 to our annual bill, that will be spread out over the participating libraries. There is also a start-up fee for all new accounts. The new library will pay the start-up fee, plus their pro-rated share of the annual bill. LSTA funds could help pay for start-up fees.
- The GetIt start-up fees will be added to the other document, including language stating “options to offset costs may be available.”
- Planned Use of ILS and Tech Contingencies
- Technology: This contingency account is being built up for future equipment and hardware replacement over time, without having to charge libraries a large amount in one year.
- 2015: bigger expenditure year to replace SAN and switches.
- E-rate may affect which libraries’ equipment gets replaced first.
- Do we have any other uses for the contingencies?
- Agreed to keep contingency contribution levels as is.
- ILS: not being deliberately built up like the Tech contingency fund. Currently only budgeting $10,000 per year.
- Contingency use has not been as high as had been projected.
- Projected need for 2016 is $96,283.
- We’re fine at current funding level. Stay at the same funding level.
- Review decisions for May 19 All Directors
- See document: Cost Formula Work Group 2016 for 2017 Decisions
Only hand out this document at the May All-Directors meeting. Wait until July to send out hard spreadsheets outlining firm costs.
- Review meeting schedule
- We’re done! No more meetings needed.