Project Search Form
The following institutions are seeking to join a research proposal in the course of elaboration as partner on the following theme.
Project SoughtTheme :
Topic concerned : SSH-2009-7.5.1
Objective :
Potential Contribution to the project :
§ Ability to collect primary data
§ Potential to analyse data and to carry out foresight activities based on partners’ former experience
§ Ability to contact with other organisations which perform foresight activities
Comments and / or key words :
Collect and analyse data about the main components of the foresight exercises, such as: objectives, promoters, costs, geographical coverage, methods, duration in order to map those components and to produce an annual mapping report.
Partner Description
Contact person / Monika Fabińska
Organisation / EEDRI (Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Research Institute)
Address / Gdanska 121
Post Code / 90-519 / Country / POLAND
Tel. / +4842 664 22 41 / Fax / +48 42664 22 53
e-mail /
Web address /
Expertise / competency of the Partner:
EEDRI was set up formally at the beginning of 2004 on the basis of the Academy of Management in Lodz. Research activities:
•Entrepreneurship and SMEs development studies covering a wide range of issues as: the state of Polish private sector; factors influencing the survival and growth of the SMEs; development barriers; functions of governing authorities in facilitating the business environment; performance of SME support programmers; the role of non-profit organizations (NPOs) and non-profit self-regulatory bodies in cooperation with business; SMEs and transfer of technology;
•Innovation studies (regional innovation strategy, technology transfer and commercialization; other related issues);
•Economic studies covering a very vast area of comprehensive research in the field of applied economics, regional and local economy, employment and labor market;
•Foresight, applied econometrics, mathematical programming, statistics and forecasting;
•Economic integration processes (business environment in the EU and Poland; consequences of the European integration for Polish economy; development of towns and regions in the context of integration and globalization processes; the role of institutions involved in this process-government, non-government, R&D);
•Management of regional development (new techniques and methods of governing; local and regional planning; environment-friendly development etc);
•Socio-cultural studies covering a wide range of issues;
•Political studies on international relations with special focus on integration with EU.
Current collaborations : (among other things)
EEDRIPART - Partnership for Fostering Entrepreneurship and SME Development (2205-2009)
LORIS PLUS - Regional Innovation Strategy for the Lodz Region (2005-2008)
LORIS TEX - Transformation of Textile and Clothing Industry from a Labour-intensive into Knowledge-based (2005-2007)
LORIS WIZJA - Regional Technological Foresight (2006-2008)
TEX PLUS - Innovating Enterprises - Raising the Standard of Staff Training in the Cloth and Textile Industries (2005-2007)
IASMINE - Impact Assessment Systems and Methodologies for Innovation Excellence (2005-2008)
CBCED - Challenges and Prospects of Cross Border Co-operation in the Context of EU Enlargement (2005-2007)
IMP3rove - Innovation Management In Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (2006-2009)
Mainstreaming Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Among SMEs – Specific Action: CSR and Competitiveness - European SMEs' Good Practice (2006-2008)
Employment Initiatives for an Ageing Workforce in the New Member States Plus Romania and Bulgaria (2005-2006)
Chemicals substitution in the European SMEs (2005-2006)
Analysis of support measures for business creation following restructuring (2005-2006)
2005-2006 EU R&D Investment Scoreboards (2005-2006)
Promoting craft and SMEs in the area of European standardization (2005-2007)
Social Security for New Entrepreneurs and Their Spouses (2006-2007)
Study on Practices and Policies in the Social Enterprise Sector in Europe (2006-2007)
Benchmarking Regional and National Support Services for SMEs in the Field of Intellectual and Industrial Property (2005-2007)
Partner Description
Contact person / Marja Toivonen
Organisation / BIT (Business, Innovation and Technology) Research Centre
Address / P.O.Box 5500
Post Code / FI-02015 TKK / Country / FINLAND
Tel. / Fax
e-mail /
Web address /
Expertise / competency of the Partner :
BIT Research Centre, (former TAI Research Centre), has over 15 years carried out externally funded project-based research. Its approach is multi-disciplinary and targeted to simultaneously provide high-level academic results and benefit businesses. BIT works in close cooperation with the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management (DIEM), and it also has linkages to other departments at HUT. Thus, BIT forms an unique platform to integrate research and teaching activities. Research is funded by the Finnish Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes), Academy of Finland, domestic and EU funds, and companies.
Current collaborations : (among other things)
LIS - Local Innovation Systems - Project (12/2001 - 12/2004)
IMNE - Innovation Management in Networked Economy (01/2004 - 12/2004)
KILPA - The Development of Service Innovations in Real Estate Business (04/2003 - 06/2004)
COINNO - Customer Oriented Innovation in Network Economy (01/2003 - 12/2005)
EXI - EXtended Innovation EXI- Program (01/2003 - 06/2007)
KIBSINET - Development of Knowledge Intensive Business Service Innovations and Innovation Networks (10/2004 - 09/2007)
IPSI - An Integrative Perspective to Service Innovation (10/2006 - 09/2008)
Partner Description
Contact person / Prof.Dr.Ec.Sc. Julia Ouzounova
Organisation / University of Economics - Varna
Address / 77 Knjaz Boris I Boul.
Post Code / 9002 / Country / BULGARIA
Tel. / 00359 52660 422 / Fax
e-mail /
Web address /
Expertise / competency of the Partner :
As an educational institution University of Economics-Varna is one of the oldest schools of higher education in Bulgaria. The main area of work is the education on Economics, Marketing, International Economic Relations, Accounting and Audits, Finances, Tourism, Computer Sciences and Management. The global aim of the University is its further development as an educational and research institution and centre for development of the student's personality. The University has been working on asserting the achievements that have already been recognized and on gaining new ones in conformity with the European standards and criteria for higher education in the area of economics; multiplying the achievements in the quality of University activities and maintaining "the brand" of the end-product; keeping its place on the market of educational services; widening the scope of national, regional and international research projects, raising the competitiveness of the University of Economics. University of Economics participated in many international projects under different frameworks and programmes, incl. TEMPUS, PHARE, SCOPE, Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, FP5, Trans-Lingua, Civic Education Project, CEEPUS, etc. University of Economics is very active in Erasmus programme and there are many students coming from more than 10 different countries to study one semester. The courses are taught in english and they are fully recognized by ECTS. Now University is engaged in FP7 with 3 National Contact Persons from its staff.
Current collaborations : (among other things)
§ Thematic Network Project No. 109872 – CP-1-2002-1-NO-ERASMUS-TN – CCN - Consumer Citizenship Network, 2003 – 2006, Co-ordinator: Hedmark University College (Norway).
§ Project No. 116818 – CP-1-2004-1-ES-Comenius-C3PP – E-CONS European Network for Consumer Education, 2004 – 2007, Co-ordinator: Escuela Europea de Consumidores (Spain).
§ Thematic Network CCN2: Consumer Citizenship Network, 2006 – 2009, Co-ordinator: Hedmark University College (Norway).
§ Information Systems and Multimedia in Higher Education
§ Research Network INTACCT “Revolution in European Financial Reports: Correspondance, Consequences and Political Lessons”
FP7 SSH-2009-7.5.1. – – tel : + 48 42 6642241