APRIL 11, 2013
Meeting was called to order by Pres. Russell at 10:01am.
Attendance: Karen Cheyney, Anne-Marie Mastroianni, Barbara Brennemen, Sue Larsen, Peter Gostin, Monita Hebert, Robert Sherman, Mike Wyman, Judi Beaudreau, Tony Esposito, Fred DeCaro, Marie Greene, Darlene Burrell, Melissa Russell, Mary Clark-Wilson.
A motion was made by B. Brennemen and seconded by P. Gostin to accept minutes of last meeting, all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: sue Larsen reported that we have $35527.05.
County Reports: Fairfield-no report, Hartford- no report, Litchfield-has had 2 meetings. Rep. J. Case from the 63rd was very responsive to their concerns. Discussion of poll books with 10 towns present, second meeting had 25 registrars present and had a very good discussion on EDR. Middlesex-no report, New Haven- Steve Mason came to their meeting and answered questions concerning Convers 2 . New London- meets monthly and discussing concerns of EDR, Emergency Plan and legislation. Tolland- meet and 11 towns were represented, new registrars were introduced and legislation and EDR was discussed. Windham- no meeting was held.
Committee Reports: Conference: SOTS will have the following: ballot access, petitions and common election issues. Steve Mason will be teaching a class in the afternoon along with T. Bromley on Convers 2. SECC will having classes on common calls that they get, what is a bona fide address, FOI and election night EDR keeping. We also will be asking all of our Past Presidents to come to our banquet on Thursday night.
Education: looking into State colleges to use for classes.
Technology: UConn went through the scanner, SOTS has bought scanners, biggest concern on poll books is being able to input who voted.
Handbook: Chapter 7 on Petitions not finished yet because there needs to be some corrections made.
Legislative: 4 bills out of committee, poll books needs approval, Provisional ballot is ok, change of address in Canvass to new address, transfers-provisional ballot. ROVAC Day is May 16th at LOB from
8:00am to 10:00am. SB7 early voting was discussed.
Ways and Means: committee will be covering the booth. Raffle will be I-pad mini, sound bar and a $150 visa gift card. There was discussion on increasing the budget to $750.
Audit: A handout of Financial Policy was given to the board. The committee also presented their audit covering the period of July 1, 2012- December 31, 2012. Discussion concerning insurance coverage, also that ROVAC should conduct and maintain a property inventory to establish ownership of property and is safeguarded an insured, if necessary.
Old Business: A; Financial Policy recommendation, much discussion and motion was made by F. DeCaro and seconded by P. Gostin to approve with the following changes, under Bank Account, solely and deposit funds be removed, all in favor with one opposed. B; a motion was made to appoint Marge Diachenko, Reg. of Simsbury, by S. Larsen and seconded by M. Wyman, all in favor. C; website is still under construction and Erin Nash is filling in for Chris Prue while he takes care of his new babies.
New Business: A; B. Brennemen presented Budget for 2013-14, a motion was made to accept by A. Mastroianni and was seconded by M. Greene, all in favor with one opposed. B; Certification committee is looking for members and as of now certification is only in outline form. C; Annual meeting will take place on Thursday afternoon during conference. Committee is asking that all county reports be given in writing.
A motion was made by B. Brenneman and seconded by P. Gostin to enter into executive session to discuss a legal matter between two ROVAC members, all in favor.
Meeting was reconvened after Executive session, no votes were taken.
A motion to adjourn was made by A. Mastroianni all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Clark-Wilson
Mary Clark-Wilson