ALTH 1130 – Pharmacology for Allied Health

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I.COURSE TITLE: Pharmacology for Allied Health


II.PREREQUISITE: Acceptance intoHealth Science Program




Describes the scope of pharmacology as it relates to Health ScienceProfessions. Instruction introduces the student to drug therapy and pathophysiologic conditions, patient education regarding medications and researching drugs in a drug reference. Course content includes the use, action, side effects, contraindication, and routes of administration most commonly administered in the medical office. Knowledge and experience is gained through researching of drugs, both generic and trade name, and recording the information on pharmacology index cards. Students are also required to complete worksheets to record medications administered, dispensed, or prescribed during the practicum experience.


To satisfactorily complete this course, the student must achieve a grade of B or above according to the following system:

A = 90-100

B = 80-89 (A minimum grade of “B” is required for program continuation)

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = 0-59


Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting, 6th Edition

By: Rice

Delmar/Cengage Learning, 2011

ISBN:978- 1-305-85932-6


At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Describe the basic written language of drug therapy.
  • Identify commonly used pharmacological abbreviations.
  • Relate the general history of pharmacology.
  • Present day pharmacology practice.
  • Describe the evaluation of drugs.
  • Drug names and classifications
  • Therapeutic effects
  • Define drugs, identify their sources, and how they work.
  • Describe metabolism and excretion of drugs.
  • Know the procedure of how drugs get to market.
  • Define pharmacokinetic
  • Follow universal blood and body fluid precautions
  • Describe safety precautions for preparing medications
  • Know about and be able to define side effects, dependence, and drug interactions.
  • Define drug regulation: including record keeping, registration, inventory requirements, ordering, maintaining medication records, and security
  • Describe the prescription form and rules governing the use of prescription orders.
  • Complete a prescription order form
  • Describe the required steps to dispose of controlled substances to be in compliance with government regulations
  • Know the “Rights” for Correct Drug Administration
  • Know the rules of safety
  • Recognize common dosage forms
  • Know the routes of administration
  • Recognize factors that influence the effects of drugs, particularly in the elderly and the pediatric patients
  • Understand the immunization process
  • Teaching patients medication management
  • Recognize herbs their values, uses and dangers
  • Understand total parenteral nutrition, including its purposes, ingredients, stability and complications.
  • Recognize the use and benefit of OTC drugs
  • Know the types of emergencies and the general pharmacological guidelines for handling them
  • Understand the importance of the “Code Blue” alert, supplies and maintenance
  • List and be able to use drug reference materials
  • State the actions, uses, contraindications, adverse reactions, dosage, and routes and implications for patient care, patient teaching of the following selected agents:
  • Musculoskeletal agents
  • Circulatory agents
  • Respiratory agents
  • Antibiotics
  • Antifungal, antiviral, and immunizing agents
  • Antineoplastic agents
  • Psychotropic agents
  • Gastrointestinal agents
  • Urinary system agents
  • Endocrine Agents
  • Nervous agents
  • Reproductive agents


Class will include a variety of learning experiences which may include but not limited to: lecture, discussion, journaling, group work, audio-visual materials, critical thinking exercises, chapter and workbook assignments, publisher supplemental materials, computer assisted learning, student presentation, student projects, research paper, skill demonstration, skill competency, practical scenarios, human patient simulation, written tests, and other as assigned by the instructor may be utilized as appropriate to meet the course objectives.

Students are expected to apply information and knowledge gained in this course to other health science courses, including practicum assignments.


Section 1: Mathematic and Dosage Calculations

Unit 4: Metric System

Section 2: Introduction to Pharmacology

Unit 7: Drug Sources, Standards, and Dosages

Unit 8: Form of Drugs and How They Act

Unit 14: Allergy and Overview

Section 3: Medications, Supplements and Drug Abuse

Unit 15: Antibiotic Agents

Unit 16: Antifungal, Antiviral, and Immunizing Agents

Unit 17: Antineoplastic Agents

Unit 18: Vitamins and Minerals

Unit 19: Psychotropic Agents

Unit 20: Substance Abuse

Section 4: Effects of Medication on Body Systems

Unit 21: Medications used for Musculoskeletal System Disorders

Unit 22: Medications used for Gastrointestinal System Disorders

Unit 23: Medications used for Circulatory System Disorders

Unit 24: Medications that Affect the Respiratory System

Unit 25: Diuretics and Medications used for Urinary System Disorders

Unit 26: Medications used in Treatment of Endocrine Disorders

Unit 27: Medications that Affect the Nervous System

Unit 28: Medications that Affect the Reproductive System

Students are required to create a specified medication information card file (index cards) containing trade name, generic name, classification, side effects and contraindications of each drug. The cards must be turned in during the class time of discussion of the drug classification. Medication Cards are a course requirement. If medication cards are not completed you have not met course requirements and will not pass the course.

SAMPLE Calendar Outline:

WEEK 1 / Orientation; Section 1 Overview; Unit 4: Metric System
WEEK 2 / Unit 4: Metric System; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 7: Drug Sources, Standards, and Dosages; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
WEEK 3 / Unit 7: Drug Sources, Standards, and Dosages; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 8: Form of Drugs and How They Act; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 14: Allergy and Overview; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
WEEK 5 / Unit 15: Antibiotic Agents; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 16: Antifungal, Antiviral, and Immunizing Agents; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 17: Antineoplastic Agents; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
WEEK 7 / Unit 18: Vitamins and Minerals; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 19: Psychotropic Agents; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 20: Substance Abuse; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
WEEK 9 / Unit 21: Medications used for Musculoskeletal System Disorders; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
WEEK 10 / Unit 22: Medications used for Gastrointestinal System Disorders; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 23: Medications used for Circulatory System Disorders; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 24: Medications that Affect the Respiratory System; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 25: Diuretics and Medications used for Urinary System Disorders; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 26: Medications used in Treatment of Endocrine Disorders; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
Unit 27: Medications that Affect the Nervous System; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
WEEK 14 / Unit 28: Medications that Affect the Reproductive System; all assigned exercises, worksheets and drug cards
WEEK 15 / Review

Spelling test will be given as designated by the instructor.


It is highly recommended that students have a home computer (minimum computer requirements recommended for Blackboard Instruction), printer, internet access and a personal USB storage device and a medical dictionary. Other as determined by instructor (refer to instructor requirements).

Physician’s desk reference (in library)

Compendium of Drug Therapy (in library)

Drug reference book, of the students’ choice


Knowledge of content is evaluated by written exam, student performance of competency based skills, assignments, and work projects per instructor. All exams are comprehensive. A quiz may be given at instructors’ discretion. Competency-based skill performance is required on each skill discussed and demonstrated. After completion of this course, the student will be requested to complete a form to assist in evaluation of course content and instruction.

Class participation will be evaluated by the student’s ability to contribute to class discussion.

Points will be deducted on all assignments and quizzes for incorrect spelling or grammar.

Students must earn a passing average score of 80% on exams and must pass 100% of all competencies with accuracy rate of 85%. Failure in any of these areas will result in failure of the course.

No make-up tests will be given.

SAMPLE Final Grade Percentage Calculation:

Medication CardsCourse requirement

Chapter Exams and/or Quizzes35% of final grade (passing score required as above)

Coursework30% of final grade

Final Exam35% of final grade (passing score required as above)


Students registered for the online course must visit the introduction page for specific management requirements.

To meet the objectives of the online/hybrid course, the students must visit the course web site by the first day of the semester or they will be dropped from the course. The student must visit and comply with the Online Course Requirements, Instructor Requirements and complete the Online Readiness Checklist available on the SSCC website. Students are strongly advised to complete the Online Success Workshops.

Plagiarism – basically, copying someone else’s ideas and/or words and passing them off as yours. This includes copying and pasting material from your peers, books, the Internet, videos, and all copyrighted material without express permission and proper documentation (use quotation marks and citations/footnotes). Honesty and integrity are major elements in professional behavior and are expected of each Health Science Division student. Cheating is considered unacceptable behavior within all Health Science Division courses. Students having academic difficulties should seek guidance assistance from the instructor, academic advisor, or college counselor. Students observed or found to be cheating in any Health Science Division course will be given a “zero” on the test or assignment. A written report of the incident, signed by the instructor and the student, will be placed in the student’s permanent file. This notice will remain on file and in effect for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the Health Science Division. Should a second incident of cheating occur in any Health Science Division course, the student will be given a failing grade for the course and will be dismissed from the Health Science Division for one year (all re-application guidelines apply) and possibly from SSCC, as per college guidelines.

The “zero” grade for dishonesty will not be used as the drop grade in a course in which a drop grade option is given. If a student allows another student to copy or cheat from their work, the same ramifications will be given to that student as well. The student witnessing cheating is morally obligated to report the incident to the instructor.

Successful attainment of the objectives of this course will be measured by the student passing all competency-based exams (CBE), written assignments, other as assigned, and a final course grade of A or B. Students will be graded on his/her performance of the competency-based skills listed in the course description. Students must meet the passing average exam score requirement before any other scores will be averaged into the final grade as a score (see XI. Evaluation)

Students will be required to complete exams/competencies at the times designated in the Course Schedule. Students are required to participate in all class activities.

To meet the objectives of each course students must attend all scheduled classes. At the beginning of the term all instructors will pass out a “Class Schedule”, which lists all class meetings. If a student must miss class due to extenuating circumstances, as a professional responsibility, the student is expected to inform the instructor via phone, e-mail, or voice message should the instructor not be available.

Students will be allowed three (3) class absences. Absences over three times will result in a drop of one letter grade from the final grade; the third absence will reduce a final grade of A to a B, a B to a C (therefore removing a student from the program) or may drop the D to an F, requiring repeat of the course. Two instances of significant tardiness and/or leaving early will be considered equivalent to an absence for purposes of this calculation.

Faculty may withdraw students who have missed 20% of the total scheduled classes of a course and issue a grade of WI to the student.

Students may withdraw from classes up to and including the week before final exams by giving written notice of their intent to withdraw to the Student Services Office. Attendance in class is an important part of the learning process. Excess absence may result in a failure. Faculty may count attendance as part of the grading policy and a failure to officially withdraw may result in a failing grade. Withdrawal from classes may affect the student’s academic status and/or financial aid. See the FEE SCHEDULE section of the College Catalog for the policy on refunds and financial aid.

Any student who misses a scheduled competency, either demonstration or checkoff must make an appointment, within one week of return to school, with the instructor to make up this portion of the class. Failure to do so will result in a “Fail” for the competency, therefore failure of the course. It is the students’ responsibility to make arrangements for this.

The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus at any time to fulfill the objectives of the course. Notice of changes will be given at least one class prior to effect of the change. Absence from class shall not excuse a student from being subject to the change.


Classroom Conduct: Civility in the classroom is required. As future professionals, students are to conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner. Disruptive, rude, sarcastic, obscene, disrespectful speech and/or unprofessional behavior have a negative impact on everyone, and will not be tolerated. Students are reminded the online discussion boards and chat rooms in the online course are considered classrooms and the same rules apply. Students will use these tools in the online classroom for information that pertains to the course; it is not to be used for personal exchanges of a social nature. If you engage in any such conduct you will be asked to leave and you will receive a “zero” for any work completed on that day. The instructor reserves the right to permanently remove a student from the class for inappropriate conduct after consultation with the Department Coordinator and/or Academic Dean. Refer to Student Code of Conduct in the SSCC Academic Catalog and online at

FERPA: Work submitted in this class may be seen by others. Student work may be seen when being distributed, during group project work, or if it is chosen for demonstration purposes. Other instructors may also see your work during the evaluation/feedback process. Student assignments and exams are kept on file for review by various accrediting boards. On occasion papers may be traded with another student or work-study for grading purposes.

Student work may be submitted electronically to other entities to determine if references are cited appropriately. Plagiarism is a serious offense. Work submitted by the student must be the student’s own creation. The instructor reserves the right to fail any student who submits plagiarized or duplicated work. A grade of “zero” will automatically be given to the duplicated submissions. The instructor will be the sole judge in such cases. If a student cannot demonstrate conclusively that a work was not copied or plagiarized or, in the case of the original author, was copied without consent, the penalty will stand.

Disability Services: Students with disabilities may contact the Disabilities Service Office, Central Campus, at 800-628-7722 or 937-393-3431.

Tutoring Services: Please refer to Student Code of Conduct in the SSCC Academic Catalog and online at

Inclement Weather: In the event of campus delay (when this class start time is impacted by said delay) the class will begin at the scheduled campus opening time to complete any remaining class time permitted.