May, 2006doc.: IEEE 802. 15-06-0263-00-wng0

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / Minutes for 802.15 WNG Meeting in Hyatt Jacksonville, FL, May 2006
Date Submitted / 15th of May, 2006
Source / [Arthur W. Astrin, Ph.D.]
[Astrin Radio.]
[Palo Alto, CA,94301,USA] / Voice:[+1 650 704-2517]
Fax:[+1 650 328-7721]
Re: / 802.15 WNG Meeting in Hyatt Jacksonville, FL
Abstract / The document contains a summary of the work of the 802.15.wng task group during the week of May15th to 19th 2006.
Purpose / Official minutes of the 802.15 SC WNG.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Hyatt Jacksonville, FL

May 2006

Monday Session

10:30Meeting called to order by the chair, Erik Schylander.

There were 4 new people to WNG.

There were 22 people attending WNG.

Chair discussed WGN Objectives and Agenda, doc: 15-06-0203-01-wng0-wng-objectivs-and-agenda-may-2006-meeting

Motion by: Eric Schylander

Second: Arthur W. Astrin

No objections to approve the agenda.

10:40 Approval of the meeting minutes from Hawaii, with the doc: 15-06-0149-01-wng0-minutes-802-15-wng-meeting-in-denver-march-2006. There are no objections to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved with unanimous consent.

Motion by: Eric Schylander

Second: Ryuji Kohno

No objections to approve the minutes.

10:55 Meeting recessed till 8:00 Wednesday.

Meeting Attendance: 28

Wednesday 5/17/06 Morning Session

11:00 Meeting called to order by the chair, Erik Schylander.

11:05Presentation “Low Complexity FM-UWB for Short Range LDR Devices” by Dr. John Farserotu, CSEM, Switzerland, +41 32 720-5482, e-mail:

Q. LDR what is high bps limit? A. 100 kbps

Q. Interference from other devices?

Q. Regulatory hates sweepers and makes you stop?

Q What is the range? About 10 meters.

Q. Reed Fisher comment: remove UWB from slide. It gets you in trouble.

Q. What is MAGNET HDR optimized solution? There is another presentation for this.

11:48Presentation“IEEE802.15 Cooperate to Chinese WPAN Standard Working Group”by Liang Li, Bob Heile, Chenyang Yang, D.Y. Wu

Q. What about Bluetooth? We will have more in September 2006.

Q. Will Dr. Liang Li be in San Diego? Yes. He will present.

Q. Will IEEE cave in to Chinese demands? No.

12:00 Chair adjourned the meeting.

Documents & Contributions:






SubmissionPage 1Arthur W. Astrin, Astrin Radio