An Exopolitical paper on - ET DISCLOSURE

Written by Neil Gould – in Hong Kong

Dated 28 April 2008


It is important to promote extraterrestrial disclosure in a way that doesn’t immediately expose the ‘black budget’? This article is about the advantages and disadvantages of such a strategy?

A house has been condemned for demolition, due to irreparable structural faults. The workers climb onto the roof and remove the materials layer by layer. First the roof tiles, then the lattices and slowly but surely the bricks are carefully removed to prevent a total collapse of the structure, thus containing any “fallout” so as to not effect neighboring houses. Later, a new structure can be rebuilt where lessons of previous design defects can be avoided, ending up in a lesson for all.

One has to understand just how the deep and complex certain critical infrastructures are entwined within the MIC, which in turn are linked throughout the world economies. Disclosure could have an impact, which could cause the world financial systems to implode. Back up systems, checks and balances have to be put in place beforehand, so that whilst ET disclosure takes place, the black budget is exposed, layer-by-layer, over a well-prepared time scale. During this period, layer-by-layer, portions of the funds are put to use in new innovative areas, which serve the disclosure process best whilst the black infrastructures are slowly weaned from their dependence on this revenue.

Disclosure is not about an overnight fix; it is a deeply complex layer of processes, which have to deal with the economy, the sentiment of humans and an effective post disclosure world, systemized to transform black operational activities into transparent and productive means of continuity. Forgiveness in exchange for truth is fundamental, however the truth of the Black operations has to be disclosed a little at a time through a process of transparency, albeit, drip-fed to the public under a published timetable. A Truth and Reconciliation board and a panel made up of insiders, scientists and religious leaders, would oversea the process in order to keep the environment secure and assured.


Finance of the black operations has come about by total deceit. Congress was tricked into many aspects of the Afghan war that had nothing to do with bringing democracy to the area. The land and coastal areas are rich in opium, the raw material that fuels addicts and drug companies all over the world.

The CIA has its operations in Latin America, running Cocaine based drugs and not all of the drugs end up in the United States but distributed worldwide, through a global network.

Other sources of funding are linked to the trafficking of humans into the sex trade. This is only the surface of a deeply entrenched system, which employs many people worldwide, all of which are oblivious to the puppet masters pulling the strings. It is said that if the US Dollar bills are tested for drug contamination, more than 60 percent of notes are impregnated with the signature of cocaine.

Wars and terrorism, mind control, weapons systems, seeding the atmosphere, genetic manipulation, time line shifts, teleportation and much more are hidden within the bag of Black tricks all funded by clandestine operations using black budget cash.

Result of Disclosure: A Collapse in the Banking system, which has depended on these huge amounts of funds running through their operating channels, which are used to keep the stock markets afloat, and others are used to finance black projects within the MIC.

The health of many military subcontracting factories would seriously diminish as projects would be cancelled and funds dry up.

Remedy: To work through a disclosure committee who would set up a timetable of 10 to 15 years to gradually eliminate, layer-by-layer the activities of the CIA who encourage landowners to grow drug related crops. Once in place and agreed by all parties who have been through a truth and reconciliation process, Disclosure on Ets and the Black budget can begin with a fall back operational network in place.

The advantage is that there is no implosion in the Black economy, which is rumored to be almost as large as the legitimate economy.

Human sentiment:

The American people will be shocked, horrified and disgusted, not by disclosure alone but by the realization that their whole reality has been painted in and will become aware that they have put their trust into a country for which fellow Americans have lost their lives in defending. Such a backlash will be important to prepare for because it will involve institutions, education, medical and religious ramifications.

Result of disclosure: Due to loss of trust, the people will not recognize Police, law and order and they may be attacked in some cities. Just where the line of truth will be in their eyes is debatable.

Remedy: Well before disclosure a truth and reconciliation committee is set up to deal with the emotional crises with a clear explanation of how the country will be run henceforth. The US defense system must remain intact. Black budget funds need to be supplied to the military; however, their applications would be transparent and known only to the Truth commission until the layers of the old regime are totally removed over the allocated period of time. Status quo must be maintained during this economic shift.

The advantage is that the Black budget would be able to keep flowing through what would now be a transparent and authorized system, ensuring gradual change and preserving the defense capabilities of the Military against foreign attack at this critical time. Current projects would not be cancelled and employment would continue as best under the circumstances until all operations were legitimized.

The aim is to promote normalization and social order within the economy.

Effect on Financial Institutions:

The economy is driven by the Shadow government’s secret intervention by way of safe stockbrokers who shore up selected shares. It is the same with safe currency traders. Much of the country’s heavy industry feeds off of Black projects by way of the materials supply and related services to the economy.

Result of Disclosure The realization that a huge cosmic Watergate has erupted would send the stock market into a downward spin. The Black budget fuels the markets directly to serve the interests of the Elites and military. The currency itself would lose value and a consumer supply chain crises would erupt without anyone having confidence in the value of the dollar, both at home and abroad.

Remedy: The Truth and reconciliation committee would select an action group, which would include Bankers, Stock market officials, insiders, scientists and religious leaders, not to mention Exopolical Groups.

Their job would be to put together a plan to assure the markets that materials supply will continue and the Banks would be supported. No immediate mass cancellation of Black projects would take place. The action group would have in place a clear plan of action which would demonstrate that new technologies would be coming into play at the same time the black funding would become legitimized, moved away from its negative use and would fuel the development of new technologies such as free energy. Such implications would be the dawn of a new era thus promoting confidence in the financial sectors. New transport methods, free fresh desalinated water, new opportunities from all the hidden technologies.

The advantage is that whilst the activities of the rogue funding are slowly halted, they are used to fuel the new technologies under the scrutiny of a transparent truth commission who would be watching the movements of the funds.

As layers of the Black budget are exposed during the ET disclosure project, it will cause temporary food shortages, an incredible hazard, which has been assessed at top level. One week of deprivation leads to looting and over a week leads to events causing death. The Hurricane Katrina was a good example and it should be something that is studied very carefully.

During many such studies one might come to find that the breaching of the levies in itself was a black operation funded by the black budget. 9/11 and many others will come to light.

If the Black budget was not disclosed during Et disclosure it would lead to more distrust, especially of those who brought about ET disclosure in the first place

The core of Exopolitics is to disclose the truth. We have expounded to the world the evidence which support the existence of a government within a government and questions will be asked as the media is set free.

The Truth and reconciliation committee and action groups will have to create a time table, with project headings, showing the dates as to when info on the black budget will be released and at which stage it will be reduced to nil.

It is a fact that this amount of black money, if taken out of the financial system, could be more than replaced, even on a global scale once the hidden technologies are introduced into the private sector, where by business will flourish