While I live, permit me to reveal all that I can of the unalterable opinions of The Most High and to make clarifications of His Holy Law and His Holy People, that the wise and prudent not intrude nor make any offense even in ignorance; and all the fools and demon-possessed have due warning concerning their evils, and their deliberate damnations become their own destruction. Lest and before this information be distorted as the damnables will certainly rush to attempt: the Akurians are not intent on converting even one soul, and thus certainly not the entire world; we are and will remain a firsthand living testimony of the individual, the tribes, the peoples and the nations as we are Ordained to do. Whether our testimony be for or against is entirely up to those of whom we testify. And even our testimony is confined to True Righteousness and Holy Law.

Though I am endowed with Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities, I do not hold myself above any other human, whether with or without a soul. Nor should anyone even attempt to consider me as anyone other than who and what I am, the Holy and Anointed Elect One of This Generation of Fire as testified to and verified by The Most High, Himself, and for His Own Purposes. By training, I am a Warrior; by Divine Appointment, I am a Priest – Supreme High Priest to be exact – and unfortunately for many I am not an endowed healer nor raiser of the dead. Those were Immanuel's Proof of Anointing, and mine is The Great Testimony of The Most High, Himself. I am a man, as any other man, and like all other living souls I must answer in absolute truth when asked by The Most High concerning anything. The lies and defamations of any and all others be damned to the deepest firepits of hell from which they came and to which the perpetrators are doomed, their penalties being at their own hands upon their own heads.

The Most High has informed me that as of this date, 22nd of June 2009 (GCAD) – 1 Tamuz 5769 (Hebrew) and excluding those emplaced for intelligence purposes of the Kingdom of Akuria, of True and Righteous Men (males) upon the whole world, there are less than a dozen. Five are Akurians of The Great Testimony and four are close associates. Of True and Righteous Women (females) and excluding those emplaced for intelligence purposes of the Kingdom of Akuria, there are six, all Akurians of The Great Testimony; and though there are several women in close association, by their own preference they are not numbered in this census. Of males and females in consideration of and in sympathy with the Akurians, it was not numbered to individuals but is in the several thousands.

And though I write to these True and Righteous Akurians first, this instructional is also intended for all who will read; all who desire truth regardless of their preferences of a world dripping with honey, which truth does not provide; all those who desire True and Righteous Knowledge above opinions or theory of unrighteous men or women; all those who seek True and Infallible Salvation of their souls where all Spirit and Spiritual Knowledge reside; all those born without a soul that they may achieve a soul and forever stand among the True and Righteous before The Most High; and all those who search for true and accurate answers to the turmoils of this age and generation. There are thousands posing and repeating the problems and disasters, and not one of them can offer so much as one viable and workable solution. Their layer upon layer of socialism and politically correct demonisms be damned. They have not one solitary answer.

Read then, and understand, nothing in this instructional is anything even near a theory – except the clarifications of the abominations of the damned, and those clearly identified – for each and every word, statement and claim herein has been tested in The Glorious Presence of The Most High, Himself, and confirmed as true, accurate and righteous, except those clearly identified as abominations of the damned, which are not true and are verified as false, and my descriptions of those are true and accurate.

The sole and exclusive intent of this instructional, as with all our other True and Righteous scripts and writings, is to return as many as who will to Holy Law as given ages ago in the very beginning of man and inscribed by the Anointed Prophet Moses, tested and proven in the presence of the whole of the Children of Israel. That Holy Law, exactly like The Most High who enacted it, is not changed, does not change, and will not change until all the Righteous Purposes of this Existence are fulfilled. If that makes me, and the Akurians, "cultists" and "anti-semites" as the demon-possessed liars claim and expound with all their abilities to lie and defame, then The Most High too wears those defamations of which we are accused.

And now comes my first warning: Those who so self-righteously spew such blasphemes also spit them upon The Most High, Himself, defiling and defecating upon all things True, Holy and Righteous; and out of the depths of their own vile and demon-possessed idiocies they have Blasphemed the Holy Spirit of Truth and sentenced and condemned themselves to Eternal Damnation. So be it upon them, and upon them all; for I am without mercy in my testimony against them, exactly as they are without mercy in their own testimony against themselves. And so shall it remain of all Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony and all True Teachers of Righteousness until Shiloh.


The Akurians, by virtue of My Holy Anointing by The Most High, and by earned right as Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony of themselves, are endowed with Righteous Power and Holy Authority to judge the whole world and not just Israel or Ishmael alone. Any and all True and Righteous Proven Knowers in all the remaining generations, whether none, one or a thousand, until Shiloh shall have, hold and retain both Righteous Power and Holy Authority to judge any and all doings and deeds, things, situations, circumstances, gatherings and individuals with respect to any and all matters thereof. The judgment of all True and Righteous Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony is infallible because that judgment must stand the test of absolute Righteousness as testimony before The Most High in the Great and Final Judgment. There cannot be any error, bias or emotional cause for deviation from the truth. I have been called into judgment by the jealous, stupid, ignorant, self-righteous and knowingly detrimental nearly every week of my adult life; and I have never been condemned of anything false or toward by The Most High nor by any fair and honest investigation by my accusers. The defamations come of fools and cowards as much as by the ignorant and stupid, but always with malice aforethought and always with my complete exoneration in due course. The Most High holds all Akurians to the same exacting standards regardless of call of duty, rank or station; and those standards shall not diminish one iota until Shiloh. In THAT DAY The Most High is going to ask all of us, and all Akurians are, and have always been, fully informed of such in all our generations of servitude.

That the Akurians possess Righteous Power and Holy Authority of The Most High in these generations of mankind should be a good word to the wise and dire warning to the fools and demon-possessed. That it is neither, in a great many instances, is upon the heads of those so inflamed at their own failure and infuriated at our success with respect to The Most High. In both instances the Akurians are grossly unimpressed. Anyone who sincerely wants True Righteousness need only ask any Akurian, and we will advise and direct them, at no cost and no obligation whatsoever. We will neither do these things for them nor excuse their failure to follow our advice and direction. The salvation of each individual's soul is his own responsibility to achieve and his own liability for his neglect or refusal. The Akurians are not sent to convert anybody, much less the whole world; and we do not evangelize except on invitation, answering sincere questions from sincere seekers.

That the Akurians are a people of Great Power to Bless and to Curse – with a delivery second to none – is not to be ignored except by the most abject of fools and the demon-possessed. While it is true that Akurians will not 'demonstrate' their powers for anybody's edification, that does not in any manner limit, reduce or obviate our fire power one iota. Akurians are not on trial by any other than The Most High, whom we must serve in as infinite obedience as possible. Akurians have accurate and infallible prophecy when, and only when, The Most High delivers such to us – and under no other terms or conditions. Akurians are not "resident psychics" and will not be attempted as such without dire consequences upon the defamer.

And now comes my second warning: To all those who think themselves superior and attempt to 'prove' themselves by 'disproving' the Akurians, insisting on a 'prophecy-on-demand' and such similar blasphemes, all you will achieve is a sure and certain Great Curse of the Anointed upon yourself, all your fellows and all your and their respective relatives living and dead for not less than four generations in both directions. Before letting a stupid mouth chain your otherwise worthless soul to Eternal Damnation, visit the Depths of Hell and see for yourself. Follow the instructions in our main publication, "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" as free copy is virtually everywhere.

Should such idiocy limit sufficient intelligence to see a Curse of an Anointed in full implementation, visit any city war zone, specifically any neighborhood of "low-income" housing developments, usually primarily Black and dope-infested white trash. Hispanic neighborhoods aren't much, if any, improvement and that due to mongrelization with Accursed Canaan; both in race mixing and culture. The Great Curse of Noah Upon Canaan is there, clear and unmistakable in all its deprivations and social agonies. Those who choose to be a part of that Great Curse, whether of their own perversions or crackpot socialist attempts to reduce or mollify it, will find themselves consumed and desecrated by it, just like the most unrepentant Negro. A Great Curse of an Anointed is a horrible factor upon its victims, and in the instance of the Great Curse of Noah Upon Canaan, it consumes and punishes even the honorable and honest among Black people. Expect no less upon you and all yours for inciting such a Great Curse by any Akurian in any age or generation.

Should such idiocy yet require a 'prophecy' or 'fortune telling,' contact the nearest astrologer or psychic – who won't deliver either because they can't! Be assured that Hell awaits the lot of all who involve themselves in such blasphemes and desecrations. Akurians will not involve ourselves with any such degeneracies or demonisms because every Akurian is a constant and living prayer to The Most High, our every deed and very breath being one constant living prayer.

Suffice it to inform, the Akurians are a people of the most infinite Righteousness mankind is capable of – many being Perfect in The Sight of The Most High and the rest attempting to achieve that Perfection; To Wit: (Paragraph 3565, "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" Thus Saith The Most High:

""What manner of prayer is this, where you are consumed with want, bereft of knowledge and devoid of vision? Yea! You seek me only in your need and troubles, and not as My Beloved Akurians who pray but once! Yea, My Beloved Akurians whose every breath is a living prayer of True Service unto Me! Therefore, I hear not scheduled and vain repetitions of the vile and the vain, for I hear only the continuous single prayer of My Beloved Akurians: their every thought and their every deed of every breath as they live!""

The wise will take notice, the fools and demon-possessed will take eternal damnation upon their own heads.


To forever clarify the Standing Before The Most High with respect to Scriptures; "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" is the fulfillment of all religions and evidence of whatever righteousness is contained in all other Sacred Scripts. Nevertheless, only "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" has the Testimony of The Most High, Himself, that each and every word, statement and claim therein is absolute, irrevocable and consistently verifiable truth! None of the other Sacred Scripts such as the Holy Bible, Holy Qu'ran, Bhagavad Gita, late versions of the Hebrew Torah or most translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls have that absolute and unquestionable testimony and verification. For instance, the latest publication of the Hebrew Torah, edited in accordance with the Talmud – which is not Holy Law – does not have the verification of The Most High while the older versions in Aramaic and ancient Hebrew do!

Of the sixty-six books in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible, The Most High will testify of only nine: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, the first five – Torah – Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel in the Old Testament; and Revelation alone in the New Testament, and only then of older versions. The reputed "gender neutral" New International Version is totally bereft of recognition by The Most High. It is so vile and blasphemous He will not even recognize its existence! None of the rest of the Holy Bible, including the Catholic version, contains so much as one book in its entirety that has Holy Verification. They have all been altered in some manner, having relevant parts edited out or irrelevant parts edited in. Given phrases, sentences and paragraphs may have Holy Verification of The Most High, but seldom do even full chapters receive such consideration.