Oakland Unified School District
Family & Community Office
District Advisory Committee (DAC)
Administration Building, Hunter Hall
1025, 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor
Minutes of January 17, 2013 Meeting
I. Welcome: The District Advisory Council meeting was called to order by Wandra Boyd, Chair Person at 6:31 pm.
DAC Members present: Wandra Boyd, Chair Person
Joe Brownlee, Parliamentarian
Staff: Susana Ramirez, Director State & Federal
Edgar Rakestraw, OUSD Board Secretary
Elaine Tan, District Advisory Specialist
Rebecca Aldana, Translator
Members Present:
Bret Harte Charlene Johnson
Burckhalter Patricia Blanson
Carl Munck Tameka Reed
Coliseum College Prep. Rafael Rosado Moreno
Dewey Charlene Johnson
Edna Brewer Veronica Carrillo, Charlene Johnson
Esperanza Maria Medina
Franklin Andrew Snellings
Fred T. Koramatsu Noel E. Dominguez
Frick Kermit Bayless, Charlie Jones
Glenview Jennifer Rakowski
Hoover Misty Cross
Life Academy Joe Brownlee
Lincoln Tim Chan, Kristen Jantzen (Alt.)
Madison Allison Bosley
McClymonds Annette Miller
METWEST Ana Miranda
Montera Bruce Kariya, Andrew Williams, Wandra Boyd
Oakland High Phyllis Paine
Oakland Technical Lesley Clark
Skyline Wandra & Clarence Boyd, Charlene Johnson
Think College Now Charlene Johnson
Guests: No guest list available at this time.
If your name is not printed on the DAC roster, Do Not Add your name to the DAC roster until the principal of your school notifies the State and Federal Office. Your name will then be added to the roster. Until this happens, please sign in on the Community List. Thank You.
Some people may not be mentioned in the minutes, either new members or guests, as they are new and recent to the DAC meeting of this date.
II. Call to Order: Wandra Boyd (WB) calls the meeting to order at 6:45 pm.
III. Establish Quorum: Roll was called for each school site. A quorum was established by a show of hands of 15 parents and 3 staff being present at this time. There are late arrivals.
IV. Welcome, New Members, Guests: Wandra Boyd (WB) welcomes both new members and guests. Clarence Boyd (CB) motions to move to election of new officers to before the meal break to accommodate Edgar Rakestraw’s (ER) time. Kristen Jantzen (KJ) seconds the motion. There is no discussion and the vote is 20 Aye, 0 Nay and 2 Abstentions.
V. DAC Executive Board Officer Election, Edgar Rakestraw: ER thanks the members in welcoming him and for overseeing the elections, ensuring that the DAC bylaws concerning, are not violated and are properly followed. ER has reviewed all members of the DAC as being qualified to be elected to any of the DAC Executive Board positions. He asks for 2 volunteers to help count the ballots used for voting, also mentioning that though some one may be nominated, the members are welcome to write in their choice and also informs the members that any position not filled tonight, may be filled at a later time in accordance to the DAC Bylaws. He declares the nominations are now open. The positions and nominee’s are;
DAC Chair: Wandra Boyd
DAC Vice Chair: Noel E. Dominguez (declines), Allison Bosley
Executive Recording Secretary: Joe Brownlee
Executive Secretary: Kristen Jantzen (not eligible as DAC alternate member), Clarence Boyd
Parliamentarian: Tameka Reed
Bruce Kariya (BK) asks why is it that some members received more ballots than others? WB explains that some members represent more than one school, and that the DAC acknowledges that, and for each school to be represented, that member would receive a ballot for each school for vote purposes.
ER now declares the nominations are now closed and that voting should begin. WB calls the meal break 7:15 pm and the votes are counted. The meeting resumes at 7:40 pm and the votes are tallied as follows:
Chair: Wandra Boyd, 20 Aye, 6 Abstentions.
Vice Chair: Allison Bosley, 18 Aye, 7 Abstentions, Noel Dominguez, 1 Aye as a write in.
Executive Recording Secretary: Joe Brownlee, 20 Aye, 6 Abstentions.
Executive Secretary: Clarence Boyd, 18 Aye, 8 Abstentions.
Parliamentarian: Tameka Reed, 20 Aye, 6 Abstentions.
With these votes cast and counted, ER declares the new officers for the term of Jan 2013 to Jan 2015 as officially elected by due process and the elections are now closed at this time. WB thanks ER for his time and effort in this election cycle.
VI. Approval Of Minutes: Phyllis Paine notes that her name was misspelled on the December 20 minutes, that it is not spelled Payne. In item 6, the following statement is missing a verb for better understanding “Clarence Boyd (CB) that the Federal Government has stated a very strong desire for parental involvement, and that OUSD should use dollars instead of words for student improvement.” It should read as ” Clarence Boyd (CB) states that the Federal Government has stated a very strong desire for parental involvement, and that OUSD should use dollars instead of words for student improvement. Patricia Blanson (PB) motions to approve the minutes as corrected, Leslie Reed (LR) 2nds the motion. There is no other discussion and the vote is 19 Aye, 3 Abstentions. The motion passes.
VII. Chairpersons Report – Wandra Boyd: WB once again welcomes all new members and all who have shown up for tonight’s meeting. One new member note is Ana Miranda from METWEST.
WB also informs the members, that because OUSD central offices were flooded at 1025 2nd Ave., all central offices have moved to other locations, but the phone numbers remain the same. As such, she has provided a list of those offices at new, currently temporary locations, which is attached at the end of these minutes. The cause of the flooded was due to a substitute janitor who left the water on, which ended up flooding the building from the 4th floor down. As such, finding a location for the parent center will most likely be delayed.
WB and CB both went to visit Cleveland’s recent SSC meeting and report that due to members of that SSC need to review documentation, they will also be having another meeting this month, possibly 2 more in order to fully review and respond in an informed manner, for the school. WB has expressed a concern that some principals have either gotten their deliverables (on-line tools, documentations, reports) either late or some do not seem to know they exist.
Allison Boyd (AB) asks if SSC’s can present issues to the DAC? WB answers yes they can, and she is willing to visit other SSC meetings, as an observer, and to even help if asked to do so. She also mentions that Susana Ramirez (SR) can be contacted as well.
WB reports that while the district is under duress due to the flooding, that most of the DAC material inventory is safe and located at 2111 International Boulevard. SR mentions, that also because of the estimated 10 to 12 weeks required to fully assess all the damage at the central building, that all temporary sites will be in use till at least the end of the school year. The loss assessment report will finalize any decision to 1025 2nd Ave building, as currently, except for the immediate moving of needed equipment, entry is restricted for safety reasons.
CB asks if his agenda item SSC Training con be moved to the end of agenda, before Public Comment, in order to maximize time for the Parent Involvement Policy. Kermit Bayless (KB) motions that agenda item 5 replace agenda item 7. Tameka Reed (TR) 2nds the motion. The vote is unanimous and passes accordingly.
VIII. Parent Involvement Policy: WB begins by asking the members to read the district Parent Involvement Policy, Board Policy 6020, as presented by the Board of Education for OUSD. SR notes that all Title 1 (T1) schools must have a T1 meeting, going over all requirements for T1, including the Parent Involvement Policy (PIP). WB notes that whiles schools and district policies differ, the basic approach is the same. Each school is required to have a Home-School compact, that identifies what the school, parent and student will do to maximize academic achievement. Each school must create and submit their own, partly to prevent rubber stamping any copies that may have been passed on.
WB states that the PIP is supposed to hold the district accountable in how it deals with the parents of OUSD students. WB asks Elaine Tan (ET, if Carol Dixon from the State offices could possibly be made available, even via a phone conference. WB notes that one example to be gathered from the policy is that OUSD is to communicate with parents. WB suggests one question be “How?”
IX. DAC Budget Report: WB notes that the budget report is mostly informational, to let the members know what is going on. She also notes that the future budget of $20,000 will also be used to hold other mini-conferences to better insure that ALL parents within OUSD have a chance to learn what the DAC has for them, as well as to prevent such problems as transportation troubles. She has been in contact with Roma Groves, principal at martin Luther King school, as just one possible location.
X. SSC Training – Clarence Boyd: CB begins by noting a handout with changes to the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), now being referred to as the Community School Site Plan (CSSP). Within the training to be provided, CB notes the duties ELAC, SSC, SAC and GATE committees. He also notes that since all GATE funds have been reverted back to general purpose funds, that GATE committee’s no longer exist. By law, the SSC is the only body that can vote to approve or not, all T1 and other categorical funds. The SSC uses such data sources, as provided by the school and the district, such as API, CAHSEE, review of successful school programs and those that do not succeed.
CB notes that an annual review of the CSSP is mandatory, and that also, if decided by the SSC, to be reviewed, and changed if necessary, on a monthly basis, as needed. When this plan has been approved, it then needs to be sent to State & Federal Compliance (S&F) for review and compliance, then onto the district Board for final approval, before being submitted to the State. He notes that any changes should also follow the same procedure.
One of the first meetings is the establishment meeting, members elected by the parents of the school, then officers elected by the members, including a bylaw review if available. CB notes that bylaws are not mandatory for a SSC, but it helps to prevent any unresolved issues.
KB asks that if a SSC has no bylaws concerning the time limit of effectiveness, is it still valid after 2 years? CB answers yes, as there is no written time limit imposed on them, but it does not prevent a review and modification, as noted by the members.
CB continues that the CSSP can be changed as needed. This is to also include meetings for T1 and policy that affect the school as a whole.
CB continues that any school that has at least 21 students designated as English Learners, they must also have an English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC). This council is responsible for advising the SSC on those funds that are specifically targeted for English learners. An ELAC can also vote their powers and responsibilities to the SSC, but that has a time limit of only 2 years, where the new ELAC, should consider and decide if that should continue or to remain active as an advisory council.
AB notes that her school has more for ELAC than the SSC, but that also her principal seems to be making all of the decisions for the SSC to vote on. CB responds that the SSC chair is who sets the agenda, and that until the SSC has reviewed the materials and programs, that no vote should be taken.
CB also notes that there are those principals who seem to be bullying parents into approving the CSSP without any involvement of the SSC except for voting needs only.
Kirsten Jantzen (KJ) states that the principal of Lincoln states that he received his projected 2013-14 T1 budget just last week and has not yet had the time to present it to the SSC. Patricia Blanson (PB) notes that the agenda should at least be to discuss, not always to vote on items of the SSC. KJ also notes that she and the members could not read the CSSP in just one day and had delayed voting on it for that purpose.
WB mentions a need to get the budget time-line to the current members of the DAC, as some principals are claiming that both the 2012-13 and 2013-14 budgets are late getting to them, and that she will try to get the same list as from last year. CB also notes that this is so that members can see what is going on. WB continues by stating so that there is no phantom $30,000 being spent with no source of the funding. She also mentions, that as with the DAC budget, all monies should have an object code with it in order to show funding sources.
XI. Announcements: Bruce Kariya (BK) of Montera announces a Crab Feed on February 9, 2013, so as to help the 8th grade class on their trip to Washington DC. Cost is $40 per person and all you can eat.
Annette Miller of McClymonds announces that on January 21, 2013, they will have a Martin Luther King Jr. celebration, including one speaker being Dr. Fox and community awards. This is also the 15th Annual such celebration.
KB announces that Frick Middle School will be having a Winter Festival from January 28th to the 31st, Teachers vs. Students.
XII. Public Comment: AB asks if the OUSD has a message board. WB responds that yes they do, on their calendar, which is submitted through the website and posted via Troy Flint. These events are mostly school and community related for posting.