Brinkley Chapter 13

Pgs 338-365

“The Impending Crisis” 1840-1861


DBQ Question:

  1. To what extent was the secession of the Southern states the result of the breakdown in the legacy of compromise that began at the Constitutional Convention?
  1. Why did the institution of slavery command the loyalty of the vast majority of antebellum whites, despite the fact that only a small percentage of them owned slaves
  1. Analyze the ways in which supporters of slavery in the nineteenth century used legal, religious, and economic arguments to defend the institution of slavery.

Terms to Memorize:

Expansion: / Abolitionism: / The 1850's: Decade of Crisis
  1. Manifest Destiny
  2. John L. O’Sullivan
  1. Texas Settlement
  2. Stephen Austin
  3. Texas War for Independence
  4. Alamo
  5. Battle of San Jacinto
  6. Sam Houston
  7. Annexation of Texas
  8. Oregon Boundary settlement
  9. Mexican American War
  10. Wilmot Proviso
  11. James K. Polk
  12. The Mexican War
  13. The Mexican Cession
  14. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  15. Nicholas Trist
  16. Gold Rush
  17. “Forty Niners”
  1. Theodore Weld
  2. American Colonization Society
  3. William Lloyd Garrison
  4. The Liberator
  5. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  6. Sarah and Angelina Grimke
  7. American Anti-Slavery Society
  8. Declaration of Sentiments
  9. Lucretia Mott
  10. Susan B. Anthony
  11. Political Abolitionism
  12. John Quincy Adams,
Black Abolitionists
  1. Sojourner Truth
  2. Fredrick Douglas
  3. North Star
  4. Slave Resistance
  5. Nat Turner
  6. Denmark Vessey
  7. Uncle Tom's Cabin
  8. Harriet Beecher Stowe
  1. Popular sovereignty (regarding slavery in territories)
  2. Compromise of 1850
  3. “Omnibus Bill”
  4. Fugitive Slave Act
  5. Ostend Manifesto
  6. Stephen Douglas
  7. Kansas-Nebraska Act
  8. Bloody Kansas
  9. Sumner/Brooks Confrontation
  10. Pottawatomie Massacre
  11. Know Nothing Party
  12. Free-Soil
  13. Demise of the Whig Party
  14. Emergence of the Republican Party
  15. Dred Scott Decision
  16. Lecompton Crisis
  17. Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858
  18. John Brown's Raid
  19. Harper’s Ferry
  20. The election of 1860
  21. Abraham Lincoln
  22. The Secession crisis
  23. Crittenden Compromise

Brinkley Chapter 13

Pgs 338-365

“The Impending Crisis” 1840-1861

Specifics of Chapter:

Part 1 Expansion

1)Define Manifest Destiny and who coined the phrase.

2)Outline American Involvement in Texas

3)How does Texas become independent?

4)Why didn’t Jackson, Van Buren, or Harrison annex Texas?

5)Is Oregon important?

6)Name 6 notable events of the Mexican American War. (if 4 of them don’t match mine you lose 20 points)

7)Why do the some of the Whigs oppose the war?

Part 2 Sectional Debate and The Crisis of the 1850s Due Monday, December 15

Read it all and know it all, see the key terms…

Show evidence.