Names ______
Othello Production Notebook Rubric
Exceeds Standard(A) / Meets Standard
(B) / Minimally Meets Standard
(C) / Needs Improvement
Character Analysis /
- Character Analysis shows deep knowledge of the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and objectives of character.
- Self-statements show deep knowledge of truths and fictitious character traits. There are a total of at least 12 statements, selected from all acts of the play, including 4 statements per category.
- Designs a creative, original, and practical costume for your character. Includes a detailed written description (1/2 page minimum) explaining your choices including styles, materials, colors, etc. Also includes fabric swatches, materials, research, etc.
- Shows great effort.
- Character Analysis shows knowledge of the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and objectives of character.
- Self-statements show knowledge of truths and fictitious character traits. There are a total of at least 12 statements, selected from most acts of the play, including approximately 4 statements per category
- Designs a creative and practical costume for your character. Includes a written description (1/2 page minimum) explaining your choices including styles, materials, colors, etc.
- Shows a fair amount of effort.
- Character Analysis shows minimal or obvious knowledge of the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and objectives of character.
- Self-statements show minimal or obvious knowledge of truths and fictitious character traits. There are a total of at least 12 statements, selected from some acts of the play, but the distribution is not equal.
- Designs a practical costume for your character. Includes a basic written description (1/2 page minimum) explaining your choices including styles, materials, colors, etc.
- Shows minimal effort.
- Character Analysis does not show knowledge of the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and objectives of character.
- Self-statements do not show knowledge of truths and fictitious character traits. There are not 12 statements.
- Designs an impractical costume for your character. Does not include a basic written description (1/2 page minimum) explaining your choices including styles, materials, colors, etc.
- Shows little or no effort.
Performed Monologue /
- Monologue Character Analysis shows deep knowledge of the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and objectives of character.
- The margin of the script shows detailed, thoughtful. creative production notes about the way the scene will be performed. Includes all of the following information for all of the lines: Blocking, Tone of voice, Pace, Body Language, Facial Expressions, Gestures.
- Shows great effort.
- Monologue Character Analysis shows knowledge of the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and objectives of character.
- The margin of the script shows thoughtful production notes about the way the scene will be performed. Includes most of the following information for all of the lines: Blocking, Tone of voice, Pace, Body Language, Facial Expressions, Gestures.
- Shows a fair amount of effort.
- Monologue Character Analysis shows minimal or obvious knowledge of thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and objectives of character.
- The margin of the script shows production notes about the way the scene will be performed. Includes most of the following information for most of the lines: Blocking, Tone of voice, Pace, Body Language, Facial Expressions, Gestures.
- Shows minimal effort.
- Monologue Character Analysis does not show knowledge of thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and objectives of character.
- The margin of the script shows little or no production notes about the way the scene will be performed.
- Shows little or no effort.
Script Annotation /
- Each time the character speaks you include varied, thoughtful, and specific action verbs to show character intent.
- Definitions are included.
- The subscene is divided appropriately.
- Subscene titles are thoughtful, varied, creative, original and purposeful.
- Summary sentences are clear and succinct.
- Shows great effort.
- Each time the character speaks you include specific action verbs to show character intent.
- Definitions are included.
- The subscene is divided appropriately.
- Subscene titles are thoughtful and purposeful.
- Summary sentences are clear and succinct.
- Shows a fair amount of effort.
- Most of time the character speaks you include specific action verbs to show character intent.
- Definitions are included.
- The subscene is divided appropriately.
- Most subscene titles are thoughtful and purposeful.
- Summary sentences are clear but may be wordy.
- Shows minimal effort.
- Most of the time the character speaks you do not include action verbs to show character intent, or the action verbs are senseless.
- Definitions are not included.
- The subscene is not divided appropriately.
- Most subscene titles are senseless, or they are not included.
- Summary sentences are not clear or not included.
- Shows little or no effort.
Historical Research /
- History of Shakespeare: You research well beyond the prompt questions that are asked and include detailed, thorough, and original information in all of the following categories:
- History of the Production of Othello: You research well beyond the prompt questions that are asked and include a detailed, thorough, and original information in all of the following categories:
Inspired Works
- Images are plentiful, unique, and creatively integrated into the notebook.
- Citations are included correctly.
- Shows great effort.
- History of Shakespeare: You research beyond the prompt questions that are asked and include detailed and original information in all of the following categories:
- History of the Production of Othello: You research beyond the prompt questions that are asked and include detailed and original information in all of the following categories:
Inspired Works
- Images are creatively integrated into the notebook.
- Citations are included correctly.
- Shows a fair amount of effort.
- History of Shakespeare: You find out the answers to mostly just the prompt questions that are asked and include information in almost all of the following categories:
History of the Production of Othello: You find out the answers to mostly just the prompt questions that are asked and include information in almost all of the following categories:
Theater Productions and Companies
Inspired Works
- Images are included in the notebook.
- Citations are included correctly.
- Shows minimal effort.
- History of Shakespeare: You only find out the answers to the prompt questions that are asked and include information in some of the following categories:
History of the Production of Othello: You only find the answers to only the prompt questions that are asked and include information in some of the following categories:
Theater Productions and Companies
Inspired Works
- Images are not included in the notebook, or it appears as a last minute attempt to include something.
- Citations are not included correctly.
- Shows little or no effort.
Setting /
- You research well beyond the prompt questions that are asked and include detailed, thorough, and original information in all of the following categories:
- Geographical
- Date
- Economic
- Political
- Social/Cultural
- Religion
- Citations are included correctly.
- Includes detailed, creative models of the set and props that you would use if you were doing a professional production.
- Shows great effort.
- You research beyond the prompt questions that are asked and include detailed and original information in all of the following categories:
- Geographical
- Date
- Economic
- Political
- Social/Cultural
- Religion
- Citations are included correctly.
- Includes detailed, creative drawings or models of the set and props that you would use if you were doing a professional production.
- Shows a fair amount of effort.
- You find out the answers to mostly just the prompt questions that are asked and include information in almost all of the following categories:
- Geographical
- Date
- Economic
- Political
- Social/Cultural
- Religion
- Citations are included correctly.
- Includes a basic drawing of the set that you would use if you were doing a professional production.
- Shows minimal effort.
- You only find out the answers to the prompt questions that are asked and include information in some of the following categories:
- Geographical
- Date
- Economic
- Political
- Social/Cultural
- Religion
- Citations are not included correctly.
- Does not include a basic drawing of the set that you would use if you were doing a professional production.
- Shows little or no effort.
Overall Creativity and Critical Thinking /
- The production notebook is highly original, creative, and thoughtful.
- The production notebook is creative and thoughtful.
- The production notebook is basic (unoriginal) and shows minimal thought.
- The production notebook is sloppy, uncreative, and/or shows little understanding of the play.