ESS – Document Acknowledgement
Module: HR/Payroll
Topic: Employee Self Service
Document Acknowledgement Munis Version 11
This document describes the processes for managing document distribution and acknowledgement using Employee Self Service (ESS).
Document acknowledgment functionality allows your organization to present documents to employees using ESS, and if the employees must acknowledge receipt of the document, they can do so in ESS.
In Munis, the Employee Document Maintenance program tracks acknowledgement records and provides reporting for individual employees or groups of employees. The Generate Document Acknowledgements program provides the criteria for defining the employee who should receive the document. This program also provides an Email Employees option that allows you to distribute document announcements to the group.
In ESS, the Document Administration page manages the document links and stores document settings.
Before you can successfully use this feature, you must ensure that the necessary settings and codes are in place. If settings and codes are not set up, or not set up correctly, you may need to contact your Munis system administrator or department manager to have them updated or added into the Munis system.
ESS Document Administration
In Employee Administration, all documents or websites that are to be made available in ESS must be uploaded. Permissions to upload documents are granted to individual employees in the User Administration program.
The Document Administration page stores documents, providing descriptions, expiration dates, and action options for each:
· Document–Identifies the document by title.
· Description–Provides a brief description of the document.
· Expiration–Assigns an end date to the document’s availability in ESS.
· Action–Provides editing for the document title, description, and expiration date, and allows you to delete a document. Documents can only be deleted if no Employee Document Maintenance records generated. Use the Move Up and Move Down options to change the display order of the documents.
To add a document or a link:
1. Click Add Document or Add Link to display the Add Document page.
2. Enter the document title. The Document Title field is the only field required to successfully add a document or link. However, completing the remaining fields provides helpful information to end users.
3. Enter a brief description.
4. Specify the document path and file name. If you are adding a link, this field is labeled Destination. In this case, enter the complete URL for the website.
5. If appropriate, enter an expiration date.
6. Select the Required check box to identify the document as required reading for employees. When this check box is selected, the ESS includes the document in the ESS Required Reading section. Only documents that are identified as required can be generated for document acknowledgement. Documents that are not required display in the Resources list in ESS.
7. Complete the Acknowledgement Text field with acknowledgement comments or instructions.
8. Click Add.
Munis Document Acknowledgement Setup
Once documents are loaded to ESS, use the Generate Document Acknowledgements and Employee Document Maintenance programs to notify employees of the documents and to track acknowledgements.
Human Resources/Payroll > Human Resources > Document Acknowledgement
The Generate Document Acknowledgements program defines a group of employees who should receive a specific document. This program includes the Email Employees option, which you can use to send an email notification to the employees to notify them that documents have been posted to ESS for their review.
Once you define the document and employees, select the Generate option.
Generate is a proof-post process that provides proof of employees who are to receive the document.
Once you have reviewed the list, click Yes to the Generate confirmation.
When the Generate process completes, the Employee Document Maintenance program stores employee records for the Acknowledgement process. Click View/Maintain to open the Employee Document Maintenance program directly from the Generate Documents Acknowledgements program.
In the Employee Document Maintenance program, you can manually set the Acknowledged check box to selected. Navigate to a single employee record to maintain this information for individual employees, or use the Mass Acknowledgement option to reset these details for a defined group of employees.
The Mass Delete option allows you to delete records that have not been acknowledged. Records for which the Acknowledged check box is selected cannot be deleted.
The Email Employees option sends a reminder or other information regarding a document to a defined set of employees. When you click Email Employees, the program opens your default email program with the To: field completed with the addresses of the defined employee group and the Subject: line completed with the document title.
Use the options in the Output group of the ribbon to create reports of employee acknowledgements.
ESS Document Acknowledgement
Once a document is made available through ESS Document Administration and the Generate Document Acknowledgements program is complete, the document, along with required acknowledgements, is available to the defined employee group in ESS.
First, employees receive the email notify them that a document is available.
Employees then sign in to ESS, where their Home page displays an alert that a document needs to be read and acknowledged, and it includes the Required Reading section that provides the document to read and acknowledge.
When the employee selects the document, the program displays the document description.
The employee clicks View Document and the program displays the document in a new window.
The program also displays the Acknowledge option.
If the employee selects Cancel, document remains in the Required Reading section. If the employee clicks Acknowledge, the document is removed from the Required Reading section. For acknowledged documents, ESS completes the Employee Document Maintenance record in Munis by selecting the Acknowledge check box and completing the Acknowledge Date field with the current date.
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