Hamstring Injury Treatmentand Stretching Exercises!

Effective hamstring injury treatment & hamstring stretching exercises are vital to the health of the hamstring muscles..

Those athletes particularly vulnerable to injury are competitors involved in sports which require a high degree of speed, power and agility

The hamstring group of muscles are located at the back of the upper leg, are actually a group of three separate muscles.

The top of these muscles are attached to the lower part of the pelvisand the bottom of the hamstring muscles are attached to the lower leg bone just below the knee joint..

The picture to the right shows the muscles covering the back of the upper right leg.

Common causes of hamstring injuries

Imbalance between the quadriceps muscles (located at the front of the upper leg) and the hamstring muscles.

The quadriceps muscles can become so strong that they overpower the hamstrings, putting a massive amount of tension on the hamstring muscles..

Poor flexibility and poor strength of the hamstring muscles

Fatigued or tired muscles are more susceptible to injuries.

/ In the stretch to the left, simply kneel down on one knee and place your other leg straight out in front with your heal on the ground. Keep your back straight. Make sure your toes are pointing straight up and gently reach towards your toes with one hand. Use your other arm for balance. Hold this stretch for about 20 to 30 seconds and repeat at least 2 to 3 times.
In the stretch to the right, stand with one foot raised onto a chair, fence railing or similar object. Keep your raised leg slightly bent, with your toes on the edge of the chair. Let your heal drop off the edge of the chair. Keep your back straight and gently move your chest towards your raised leg. As above, hold this stretch for about 20 to 30 seconds and repeat at least 2 to 3 times. /

.To help you avoid injury

  • Warm up correctly this will contribute greatly to reducing the likelihood of a hamstring injury, and don't just stretch before you exercise.
  • Stretch both before and after any physical activity.
  • Dedicate time to your entire flexibility it will also make you a better athlete.

To Treat a Hamstring Injury

  • Rest, as soon as a hamstring injury occurs, rest the injured limb, ,
  • Ice, apply ice to the effected area,
  • Compression apply a compression bandage
  • Elevation elevate the limb if possible.

This treatment needs to continue for at least 48 to 72 hours. This is the most critical time for the injured area, correct treatment now can mean a better recovery

After the first 72 hours obtain a Physiotherapy referral from a qualified professional and start a comprehensive rehabilitation program.

This advice and exercise sheet has been produced by Physiotherapists working within Mater Hospital NHS part of the Belfast Trust