Agenda – Regular MeetingBoard of Education
Dr. Una H.R. Keenon - PresidentEast Cleveland City School District
October 8, 2012
Board President – Dr. Una H.R. Keenon
Shaw High School Auditeria – 7:00 P.M.Monday, October 8, 2012
I.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
II.Roll Call By Treasurer
Special Meeting
/July 31, 2012
Regular Meeting
/August 30, 2012
Regular Meeting /September 10, 2012
Special Meeting
/September 17, 2012
III.Approval of Minutes
V.Open Discussion of Agenda Items
VI. Reports of Committees
A. Buildings and GroundsMs. Pamela McClarin
Dr. Patricia Blochowiak
1.VI. Reports of Committees
B. Education Ms. Eve Lynn Westbrooks
Ms. Gloria Avery-Prease
1. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Jack B. AndersonWhereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Jack B. Andrews to provide ninety (90) hours of unarmed self-defense training to Criminal Justice seniors for their Private Security Certification per the Ohio Peace Officers Training Commission for the 2012-2013 school year at a cost of $2,340.00, therefore be it
Resolved, this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $2,340.00 for said services from the Career-Tech/General Fund (001).
2. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Deborah Stoner-Richardson
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Deborah Stoner-Richardson to provide Child Abuse/Neglect Training Certification for the Early Childhood Education and Criminal Justice Programsfor the 2012-2013 school year at a cost of $4,228.00, therefore, be it
Resolved, this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $4,228.00 for said services from the Career-Tech/General Fund (001).
3. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Shawn Denise Holden
Whereas,the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Shawn Denise Holden to provide 440 hours of Early Childhood Education-National Child Development Associated Credentialing Training for the 2012-2013 school year at a cost of $11,000.00, therefore be it
Resolved, this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $11,000.00 for said services from the Career-Tech/General Fund (001).
4. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Fieldstone Farms Therapeutic Riding/Literacy Program
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Fieldstone Farms to provide therapeutic horseback riding and educational activities and experiences for Special Education students. Program participation will take place for the 2012-2013 school year at a cost of $5,000.00; therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 for said services from the General Fund-001.
5. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Hillcrest YMCA
Whereas,the East Cleveland City School District will contract with the Hillcrest YMCA to provide aquatic therapy for 40 multi-handicapped students at the Mayfield Road, Lyndhurst, Ohio location on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the 2012 – 2013 school year at a cost of $7,795.00; therefore, be it
Resolved,that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $7,795.00 for said services from the General Fund.
6. / Resolution to Authorize a Contract with and Payment to Connie Collier
Whereas, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Connie Collier to provide two full sessions of professional development workshopswith physical education teachers, one as a group session, and one whereas Connie Collier will visit the individual physical education teachers at their home schools at a cost of $1,000.00; therefore, be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 for said services from the General Fund-001.
VI. Reports of Committees
C. Finance Ms. Pamela McClarin
Ms. Eve Lynn Westbrooks
1. / Resolution to Approve a Transfer from the General Fund #001 to the Shaw High School Athletic Account #300-9501 and to the Heritage Middle School Athletic Account #300-9502Whereas, it is necessary to allow for a transfer of funds from the General Fund #001 in the amount of $150,000.00 to the Shaw High School Athletic Account and $30,000.00 to the Heritage Middle School Athletic Account representing the operating budget for the program, and
Whereas,gate receipts are insufficient to cover all necessary expenditures to maintain this program, therefore be it
Resolved,that the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District hereby approves said transfer to the Shaw High School Athletic Account and the Heritage Middle School Athletic Account.
2. / Resolution to Adopt the H.B. 412 Five Year Forecast
Whereas,it is mandatory for a Board of Education to adopt a revised Five Year Forecast by May 31st and October 31st of each fiscal year, therefore be it
Resolved,that this Board of Education authorizes the Treasurer of the East Cleveland City School District to file such Five Year Forecast with the Ohio Department of Education as required. (See exhibit #1.)
3. / Resolution to Amend the Permanent Appropriation
Whereas, it is necessary to amend the permanent appropriation for the East Cleveland City School District for the year ending June 30th, 2013 and file it with the Cuyahoga County Auditor, therefore be it
Resolved,that the appropriation is within the parameters of the estimated revenues and carry-over balances, also to be filed with the Cuyahoga County Auditor’s office, and further be it
Resolved,that this Board of Education authorizes the Treasurer of the East Cleveland City School District to make and adjustments as necessary to bring the appropriation into balance and file such appropriation amendment with the Cuyahoga County Auditor. (See exhibit #2.)
4. / Resolution to Authorize 2012-2013 Membership in the Ohio Schools Council Consortium and Cooperative Purchasing Program
Whereas,the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent to continue the District’s membership in the 2012-2013 Ohio Schools Council Consortium at a cost of $803.86 and Cooperative Purchasing Program at a cost of $400.00; and further be it
Resolved, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $1,203.86 for said membership from the General Fund-001.
D. Welfare & Public Relations Ms. Gloria Avery-Prease
Ms. Pamela McClarin
- Professional Leave for Board Members
Pamela McClarin / 2012 Capital Conference
Ohio School Boards Association
Columbus, OH
November 11-14, 2012
General Fund-001 ($1,595.00)
2. Acceptance of a Donation
Be it Resolved, that the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education accepts the following donations:
Source / Purpose / Item / ValueUnity of Greater Cleveland Church / Chambers Elementary School Students / 17 backpacks and $195.00 to be used for school uniforms
VII. Recommendations Of The Superintendent
A. Appointments - Certificated
Subject to the approval of the Board of Education, I recommend the following be appointed to the positions indicated:
1. / New Appointments – Certifieda. / Literacy II Institute – The Pedagogy of Teaching Adolescent Literacy
(Title I-572) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 School Year
Tanya Allen / Delesia Lockett
Tishawn Benson / Jacqueline Lucas
Tommie Bickley-Sanders / Debra Matthews
Elsa Blake / Renee McDonnell
Cheryl Blockson-Westmoreland / Vanessa Moore
Rhonda Braylock / Bennie Neal
Bertha Brady / Carla Neely
Barbara Bucher / Dave Pope
Crystal Cash / Janet Prude
Denise Cook / Michelle Reese
Felicia Curtain / Sonequa Reeves
Joyce Cyrus / Nicole Richardson
Paula Elder / Gilda Roberts
Janis Ernest / Sandra Singh
Jason Floyd / Sharon Smith
Andratesha Fritzgerald / Kimberly Trammell
Diane Haynes-Windham / Susan Washington
Cheryl Johnson / Faith Wentz
Miriam Livingston / Nyree Wilkerson
b. / Professional Developmentfor Teachers-Literacy Instructor
(Title I-572) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $1,500.00 per session)
Effective: 2012-2013 School Year
Pamela Prince
c. / Substitute Teachers
(General Fund: 001) ($100.00 per day)
Effective: 2012-2013 School Year
Deborah Adams / Dana Jetter
Emma Barnett / Enock O. Meshack
Kathleen Dietrich / Anthony Okoro
Lakea C. Gater / Raina Spencer
Gwendolyn Haynesworth / Diane Walker
Kelechi H. Ifeanyi / Loleeta Wallace
c. / MayfairElementary School After School Tutors
(Title I-572) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $4,000.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 school year (contingent upon enrollment)
Tonita Ford / Darling Hatcher
Deitra Harrison
d. / SuperiorElementary School After School Tutors
(Title I-572) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $4,000.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 school year (contingent upon enrollment)
Monique Branham
e. / Amend Board Resolution241/12
Mayfair Elementary School: Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Team (PBIS)
(Title II-A) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 School Year
Denise Cook
f. / Amend Board Resolution 241/12
CIP Team/Heritage Middle School
(Title I-572) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 school year
Remove: / Add:
Jennifer Bill / Kathy Booker
Darlene Helems-Alaniz
Amend Board Resolution 241/12
Shaw High School After School Tutors
(Title I-572) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $4,000.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 school year (contingent upon enrollment)
Remove: / Add:
Anthony Delbaslo / Elizabeth Davidson
B.Appointments - Supplemental
a. / Amend Board Resolution 168/12 Winter Sports Supplemental(General Fund-001) (Contracted Supplemental Pay)
Effective: 2012-2013 Academic School Year
(Amt. not to exceed)
1) Shaw High School
Boys’ Basketball:
Lamont Fields / Assistant Basketball Coach / $3,555.00
b. / Amend Board Resolution 197/12 Volleyball Scoreboard Operator
Denise Watkins / 25 games @ $30.00 = $750.00
Denise Watkins / 30 games @ $30.00 = $900.00
c. / Amend Board Resolution 197/12 Scoreboard Operator
Londa Byrd / 20 games @ $30.00 = $600.00
Londa Byrd / 35 games @ $30.00 = $1,050.00
C. Appointments – Classified
/ New Appointments – Classifieda. / Parent Liaison
(Title I-572) (not to exceed $3,000.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 School Year
Roberta Cole / Heritage Middle School
Catrice Edgerton / Chambers Elementary School
Tanya Evans / Superior Elementary School
Tellawanda Moore / Caledonia Elementary School
Eugenia Thomas / Mayfair Elementary School
b. / CIP Team/Caledonia Elementary School
(Title I-572) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 school year
Brenda Preston
c. / CIP Team/Heritage Middle School
(Title I-572) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 school year
Terris Patton
d. / Chambers Elementary School: Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Team (PBIS)
(Title II-A) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 School Year
Brenda Preston
e. / Heritage Middle School: Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Team (PBIS)
(Title II-A) ($29.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00)
Effective: 2012-2013 School Year
Bruce Coffey, Jr.
Whereas, the Board of Education employs Greg Neyland as a cleaner; and
Whereas,evidence shows that Mr. Neyland “stole” a district owned television; and
Whereas,Mr. Neyland was afforded a due process hearing before the Superintendent on August 13, 2012 and was represented at that hearing by the OAPSE President and an OAPSE Field Representative.
Now, therefore, be it resolved:
Section 1. / The employment contract of Greg Neyland is terminated effective
immediately for theft of district property which constitutes dishonesty, immoral conduct, insubordination, misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance in office within the meaning of O.R.C. §3319.081. Specifically, Mr. Neyland was caught on video surveillance tapes “casing” the location of a district owned television, making preparations to steal the television and then in fact taking the television without authorization to do so.
Section 2. / The Treasurer is directed to give Mr. Neyland written notice of
this action on behalf of the Board of Education.
Section 3. / It is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board
concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements including O.R.C. §121.22.
VII.Recommendations Of The Superintendent
A. Professional Meetings
Subject to the approval of the Board of Education, I recommend that the following personnel be given permission to attend the meetings indicated and that they be reimbursed for their expenses from the General Fund (unless otherwise indicated) in accordance with Board Policy:
Brian BuchananSteve Chandler
Tiffany Holmes / Ohio Coaches Clinic
Ohio High School Basketball Coaches Association
Columbus, OH
September 24, 2012
No Cost
Paula Elder
Debra Matthews / UPK Mandatory Orientation
Cuyahoga County Office of Early Childhood
Beachwood, Ohio
October 2, 2012
No Cost
Sandra Benjamin-Walker
Kathy Booker
Deitra Harrison
Williams Viancourt / Resident Educator Program
Education Service Center of Cuyahoga County
Valley View, Ohio
October 3, 2012
No Cost
Shanti Coaston
Jill Fears
Dalana Jackson
Rania Johnson
Darlene Mallett
Lawrence Perry
Walter Williams
Ebony Wright / Resident Educator Program
Education Service Center of Cuyahoga County
Valley View, Ohio
October 4, 2012
November 15, 2012
January 10, 2013
March 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
Title II-A 590 ($300.00)
Rebecca Borchert
Theresa Boyd
Freddie Foy
Dalanda Jackson
Rementhe Moore / Age Appropriate Transition Assessment
Education Service Center of Cuyahoga County
Valley View, Ohio
October 9, 2012
IDEA Fund-516 ($100.00)
Courtney Bean Jones
Shanti Coaston
Ernestine Davis, Ph.D.
Karen Griffin
Darling Hatcher
Qiana Johnson
Rhonda Kelley
Dianne Parker
Lawrence Perry
Michael Prince
Walter Williams / Goal Writing: Compliance and Quality
Education Service Center of Cuyahoga County
Valley View, Ohio
October 17-18, 2012
IDEA Fund-516 ($100.00)
Mary Ann Harris / 2012 Annual Conference - Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA)
Ohio Educational Library Media Association
Sandusky, Ohio
October 19, 2012
Title II-A-590 ($155.00)
Courtney Jones
Teri Powell / Parent Mentor of Ohio Fall Conference
Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities
Newark, Ohio
October 23-24, 2012
IDEA Fund-516 ($90.00)
Pamela R. Prince / 2012 Ohio Fall Coordinators’ Conference
Ohio Association of Administrators of State and Federal Education Program
Columbus, Ohio
October 9-12, 2012
Title I-572 ($1,645.00)
Mary Alice Conkey
Steven Mitchell / Ohio’s Annual Statewide Education Conference
Ohio Department of Education
Columbus, OH
November 1-2, 2012
Race to the Top ($340.00)
Dominica Brandon
Denise Cook
Monique Davis
Iben-Ali Fike
Jeanne Hill
Nicole Martin
Lawrence Perry
Michael Prince
Dave Pope
Jeri Shore
Natasha Taylor / IEP 101: IEP Process & Development
Education Service Center of Cuyahoga County
Valley View, Ohio
November 7, 2012
IDEA Fund-516 ($100.00)
Douglas Neumann / Athletic Administrators State Conference and Workshop
Ohio Interscholastic Administrators Association
Columbus, Ohio
November 11-12, 2012
No Cost
Mary Ann Nowak / 2012 Capital Conference
Ohio School Boards Association
Columbus, OH
November 11-14, 2012
General Fund-001 ($1,490.00)
VIII.Reports of the Superintendent
A. / Extended TravelSchool:
Date of Trip:
Educational Objective:
Funding Source:
B. / Extended Travel
Date of Trip:
Educational Objective:
Funding Source:
C. / Extended Travel
Date of Trip:
Educational Objective:
Funding Source:
VI.New Business-Next Regular Meeting: tba
VII.Expressions from the Community