Educator and Provider Support Grant:
Monthly Data Reporting Requirements
· Educator and Provider Support (EPS) partners should collect, maintain, and report on the following data elements for individual educators and providers/programs that participate in professional development activities funded in part or full by the EPS grant.
· EPS lead grantees must report data elements using the “Aggregate Data Reporting Form” below to EEC on a monthly basis (see timeline below). You may use your own form provided that it captures the same data. Note: entities that are working with more than one partnership will need to report data on a regional level and not on an aggregate level for all educators or providers/programs they have served as an entity.
· EPS partners must submit a list of all educators including first name, last name, and Registry ID and all providers/programs including program name and program number served to EEC on a monthly basis (see reporting form below).
· EPS partners must include professional development opportunities on EEC’s online Professional Development Calendar as part of grant reporting requirements.
· EEC will use data provided by EPS partners through monthly data reports, the Professional Development Calendar, and the Professional Qualifications Registry to generate monthly regional and statewide data reports.
· EEC has provided a list of data elements and definitions for each data element below in the “Required Data Elements” section.
· EPS lead grantees are responsible for submitting aggregate data reports electronically by the due date specified below. Reports should be sent to Katie DeVita at and to Michele Smith at .
Timeline for Reporting:
Aggregate ReportDue Date / Timeframe:
To include professional development opportunities and support services delivered during the following times:
October 5, 2010 / July 1, 2010 through September 30, 2010.
Note: Grantees must submit a separate report for July 2010, August 2010, and September 2010.
November 5, 2010 / October 1, 2010 through October 31, 2010
December 6, 2010 / November 1, 2010 through November 30, 2010
January 5, 2011 / December 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010
February 7, 2011 / January 1, 2011 through January 31, 2011
March 7, 2011 / February 1, 2011 through February 28, 2011
April 5, 2011 / March 1, 2011 through March 31, 2011
May 5, 2011 / April 1, 2011 through April 30, 2011
June 6, 2011 / May 1, through May 31, 2011
July 5, 2011 / June 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011
Educator and Provider Support Grant
Required Data Elements
Individual Educator Level Data: For educators who participate in professional development activities supported by the Educator and Provider Support grant EPS partners should collect, maintain, and report on the following data elements in addition to the data elements that are collected by EEC through the Professional Qualifications Registry and the Professional Development Calendar.
Data Element / Definition1. Name / Collect and maintain record of the first and last name for each educator that participates in a professional development activity, i.e. college course or coaching and mentoring support service.
2. Professional Qualifications Registry ID / Collect and maintain record of the PQ Registry IS number for every educator who participated in grant funded professional development activities. To participate in professional development activities educators must be registered in the Professional Qualifications Registry. Educators are required to provide EPS partners with their PQ Registry ID to allow EEC to merge data and generate aggregate reports at the regional and statewide level. Providers who have educators who are not in the PQ Registry are not incompliance with EEC licensing regulations.
3. Provider/Program Name / Collect and maintain record of the name of the provider/program where the educator is working at the time of the professional development activity.
4. Individualized Professional Development Plan / Identify if an educator has an individualized professional development plan (yes or no), identify with whom the plan was developed, and maintain a copy of plans created with/by partnership members. Plans should include at least three activities the individual educator is planning to participate in for the year to meet their goal(s). The EPS lead grantee is not required to maintain copies of all professional development plans, copies of individual plans should be kept by partnership members who worked with the educator to complete the plan. The Lead agency should have record of partnership members who are working with educators to complete plans, the number of plans completed by each partnership member (and total plans completed across partnership), and a list of educators who have completed plans with each partnership member.
5. Professional Development Goal(s) / Identify and maintain record of the individual educator’s professional development goal(s) for the given year. Use the following categories to identify the educator’s goal(s):
§ Earn degree
o Identify degree type: associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree
o Identify major: early childhood education or related field, related field must be a field that has been approved by EEC
§ Earn credential or certificate
o Identify type: CDA, Infant/Toddler Certificate, School Age/OST Certificate, Administration Certificate, Special Education Certificate, other
o Identify other, if applicable
§ Specific core competency or focus area
o Identify core competency area: Area 1-8
o Identify focus area: infant and toddler development, preschool development, school age development, special education, English language learner, or leadership
6. Year One Goal Achievement Activities / Identify and maintain record of the types of professional development the individual educator will plan to participate in to achieve yearly goal.
§ College courses
§ CEU courses
§ Coaching and Mentoring
§ Unknown
7. Coaching and Mentoring Supports / Identify if educator has participated in coaching and mentoring support services offered through the EPS grant (yes/no). Maintain record of coaching and mentoring related support services received including information on dates, times, topic, and who provided services. Note: One time stand alone coaching and mentoring events are not considered effective coaching and mentoring and should not be counted as such. See Technical Assistance Questions from the EPS meeting on August 24th for more information on coaching and mentoring support services.
8. Goal Attainment / Identify and maintain record of individual educators’ goal for year and beyond and identify if yearly goal has been met. If goal has not been met identify why and support services that may help the educator to succeed.
Provider/Program Level Data: For providers/programs that participate in professional activities supported by the Educator and Provider Support grant EPS partners should collect, maintain, and report on the following data elements in addition to the data elements that are collected by EEC through the Professional Qualifications Registry and EEC licensing.
Data Element / Definition1. Provider/Program Name / Identify and maintain record of the provider/program name.
2. Provider/Program Goal / Identify and maintain record of the provider/program goal for the year.
§ Upward movement on QRIS
§ Earn/ maintain accreditation
3. Accreditation or QRIS
Action Plan / Identify and maintain record of the provider/program’s action plan and necessary support services for the year. Use the following categories:
§ NAEYC Accreditation
o Step 1: Enrollment/Self Study
o Step 2: Application/Self Assessment
o Step 3: Candidacy
o Step 4: Meeting the Program Standards
§ NAFCC Accreditation
o Step 1: Self-Study Enrollment
o Step 2: Application
o Step 3: Observation
o Step 4: Decision
o Step 5: Annual Renewals
§ COA Accreditation
o Step 1: Application /Financial Agreement
o Step 2: Intake
o Step 3: The Self-Study
o Step 4: The Site Visit
o Step 5: Pre-Commission Review
o Step 6: Accreditation Commission
o Step 7: Final Accreditation Report
o Level 1: Awareness
o Level 2: Emerging Practice
o Level 3: Focused Development
o Level 4: Full Integration
o Level 5: Best Practice and Demonstrable Child Growth and Development
4. Coaching and Mentoring Supports / Identify if provider/program is interested in participating in coaching and mentoring related support services. Identify coaching and mentoring support services necessary for provider/program to achieve goal(s). Maintain record of coaching and mentoring related support services received through the EPS partnership including information on dates, times, topic, and who provided services.
5. Goal Attainment / Identify and maintain record of provider/program goal(s) for year and beyond and identify if yearly goal has been met. If goal has not been met identify why and support services that may help the provider/program to succeed.
Professional Development Opportunity Level Data: For professional development opportunities supported by the Educator and Provider Support grant EPS partners should collect, maintain, and report on the following data elements in addition to the data elements that are collected by through EEC’s online Professional Development Calendar.
Data Element / Definition1. Outreach Activities / Identify means of communication used by the lead agency and partnership members to reach early education and care and out of school time educators and providers/programs within partnership region. Provide detail on how partnership members reached out to hard to reach populations including but not limited to:
§ Out of school time educators and providers/programs
§ Family child care providers
§ English language learners
§ Geography
Educator and Provider Support Grant
Aggregate Data Reporting Form
1. Individual Professional Development Plans: Provide the unduplicated number of educators who completed an individual professional development plan. Identify the professional development and career goal(s) identified in plans.
Number of EducatorsCompleted Professional Development Plan
Professional Development Goal (Goal for year) / Number of Educators / Percent of Educators
(Out of total completed IPDP) / Number of Educators Who Met Goal / Percent of Educators
Degree Attainment
Associates Degree
Bachelors Degree
Masters Degree
Credential/Certificate Attainment
Infant/Toddler Certificate
School Age Certificate
Administrator Certificate
Other Certificate
Specific Core Competency Area
2. Provide the unduplicated number of educators who participated (completed) in professional development supported by the EPS grant by opportunity type. For opportunities that span across months the number of educators should be reported in the month in which the opportunity begins. Example: If 20 educators are participating in a cohort college course for the Fall 2010 semester than the aggregate report for September 2010 only would include those 20 educators.
Opportunity Type / Number of Educators / Percent of Educators(Out of calculated total)
College Course
Individual Course
Cohort Course
CEU Course
Coaching and Mentoring Services
3. Provide the unduplicated number of providers/programs that completed a professional development plan. Identify selected goals.
Number of Providers/ Programs / Percent of Providers/ Programs(out of total completed IPDP) / Number Who Met Goal / Percent Who Met Goal
Completed Professional Development Plan
Accreditation Goal
1. Enrollment/Self Study
2. Application/ Self-Assessment
3. Candidacy
4. Meeting program standards
5. Reaccreditation
1. Self-Study Enrollment
2. Application
3. Observation
4. Decision
5. Renewal
1. Application/ Financial Agreement
2. Intake
3. Self-Study
4. Site Visit
5. Pre-Commission Review
6. Accreditation Commission
7. Final Accreditation Report
8. Renewal
Upward Movement on QRIS
Level 1: Awareness
Level 2: Emerging Practice
Level 3: Focused Development
Level 4: Full Integration
Level 5: Best Practice and Demonstrable Child Growth and Development
4. Provide the unduplicated number of providers/programs who received assistance with accreditation fees by accreditation type.
Accrediting Body / Number of Providers/Programs / Percent of Providers/ Programs(out of calculated total)
5. Provide the unduplicated number of providers/programs who have developed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with staff to promote, encourage, and support staff professional development and program quality. Identify the number of educators who have an MOU with their employer.
Number of Providers/Programs / Number of EducatorsUtilizing MOUs
6. Coaching and Mentoring: Identify the number of educators and providers/programs that partnership members completed a risk analysis/assessment for/with to evaluate necessary support services and the number of educators and providers/programs who ultimately participated in coaching and mentoring services.
Number of Educators / Number of Providers/ ProgramsAssessed for Coaching and Mentoring Needs
Received Coaching and Mentoring Support Services
7. Identify types of coaching and mentoring support services that were offered through the partnership and the number of educators and providers/programs that participated in said activities. Additional services may be added to the list identified below if necessary.
Coaching and Mentoring Activity Type / Number of Educators / Number of Providers/ ProgramsIndividual One on One Coaching & Mentoring
Academic Advising
Career Counseling
Group Coaching & Mentoring
Professional Development plan implementation and monitoring
Accreditation Consultation
QRIS Consultation
8. Provide information on how funds for the EPS grant has been allocated thus far in the categories listed below.
FY2011 Approved Allocation / Funds Allocated To Date / In Kind Contributions Received / Cost to Educators & Providers/ProgramsCohort College Courses
Individual College Tuition
Developmental College Courses
CEU Courses
CEU Fees
CDA Application Fees
NAEYC Accreditation Fees
NAFCC Accreditation Fees
COA Accreditation Fees
Coaching and Mentoring for Educators
Coaching and Mentoring for Providers/Programs
9. Outreach: Provide information on the outreach conducted by the EPS Partnership to educators and providers in the region. For mailings and electronic outreach, please estimate the number of educators and providers you may have reached. Please report the number of attendees at sessions or meetings.
Outreach Activity Type / Number Activities / Number of Educators/Providers reachedNewsletter
Informational sessions
Presentations at meetings
Educator and Provider Support Grant
Participating Educator List
List the early education and care and out of school time educators that participated in professional development opportunities supported by the EPS grant. This information may be submitted in other formats that gather the same information. For educators participating in opportunities such as a college course that span across several months the educators should be reported on the “Participating Educator List” for the month in which the opportunity began. Example: Sally Smith is taking child growth and development at the local community college during the Fall 2010 semester. Sally Smith should be including on the “Participating Educator List” for September 2010 only unless she participates in additional professional development activities during the span of the course.