Jane M. Berry
Curriculum Vitae
B.A. Psychology, Washington University, St. Louis MO; 1979
M.A. Psychology, Washington University, St. Louis MO; 1983
"Age and sex differences in somatic complaints associated with depression."
Ph.D. Psychology, Washington University, St. Louis MO; 1986
"Memory complaint and performance in older women: A self-efficacy causal attribution model."
PHS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, Institute of Gerontology, Ann Arbor, MI;
1986-1987; NIH/NIA Training Grant
Research and Professional Experience
Research Assistant, Aging and Development Program, Washington University, St. Louis MO; 1978-80
Research Assistant, Department of Neurology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO; 1984-1985
Assistant Research Psychologist, University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Personality Assessment and Research, Berkeley, CA; 1987-1991
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA; 1991-1997
Visiting Scientist, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; 1998-1999
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA; 1997-present
Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Richmond, 7/1/07-present
Endowed Chair, MacEldin Dunn Trawick Professorship in Psychology, U. Richmond, 8/18/10-present
Teaching Experience
Introduction to Psychological Science; Methods and Analyses; Adolescence and Adulthood;
Adult Development: Theory and Research; Adult Development: Methods and Analyses;
Cognitive Aging: Theory and Research; Cognitive Aging: Methods and Analyses;
History and Philosophy of Psychological Science; Memory: Mind, Matter, Maturity;
Human Development in Science and Literature; Positive Psychology; Personality; Graduate Statistics; Core Course: Exploring Human Experience (year-long first-year seminar); Old People: Longevity in Science and Literature (semester-long first-year seminar)
Honors and Awards:
PHS Predoctoral Trainee, NIA/NIH training grant, 1980-1983
Junior Scholar, International Congress on Gerontology; 1985
APA Division 20 Dissertation Research Award; 1987
Distinguished Educator Award, University of Richmond, 2000
Outstanding Faculty Award, Black Students Association, 2002
Outstanding Faculty Award, Psi Chi Honorary Society, 2003
Outstanding Mentor Award, School of Arts & Sciences, 2003
Finalist, Outstanding Faculty Award, State Council for Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV), 2004
Research Mentor Award, Virginia Union University, MARC U*STAR Program, 2009
Grant Support:
Co-investigator, "Aging and Type A Behavior," NIA AGO5031-01, 6/84-12/85; (Principal Investigator: J. Botwinick)
Principal investigator, "Physical and Mental Health Correlates of Life Satisfaction across the Lifespan," PHS Biomedical Research Support Grant, #90-28, 4/1/90 -3/31/91.
Principal Investigator, "Memory and Cognitive Aging Project," School of Arts and Sciences, Dean's Office, University of Richmond, 8/25/91-8/24/92.
Summer Fellowship (1992). "Memory Self-Efficacy in Adulthood and Old Age,"A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond.
Principal Investigator, "The Effects of Memory Training on Memory Performance in Older Adults," A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond, 3/8/94-6/30/95.
Summer Fellowship (1995). "Age and Domain Differences in Memory Self-Efficacy," A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond.
Principal Investigator, "Memory Self-Efficacy and Memory Performance in Adulthood," PHS R01 grant application to National Institute on Aging (Submitted 2/1/95; Resubmission 3/15/96; Funded 9/30/96 through 8/31/01, $650,000.00).
Principal Investigator, "Aging, Memory Self-Efficacy, Cognitive Strategies, and Memory Performance," A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond, 5/96-6/98.
Principal Investigator, “Attention and Memory: A Comparative Study of ADD and Aging,” A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond, 11/98-11/99.
Teaching Grant, Web-based Applications for Teaching Statistics at the Undergraduate Level, Program for Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness (PETE), University of Richmond, Summer, 2003.
Summer Fellowship (2006). “Memory Self-Efficacy and Aging,” A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond.
Principal Investigator, "Perceptions of Memory and Aging: Words, Faces, People," A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond,11/15/08.
Principal Investigator, “Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Analyses of Memory and Aging,” A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond,03/23/06.
Principal Investigator, " Perceptions of Memory and Aging: Words, Faces, People," A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond, 11/15/08.
Travel Grant, “Memory and Aging: Structural and Causal Relationships,” University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond,6/09.
Summer Fellowship (2010). “Self-Efficacy Analyses of Memory and Cognitive Aging,” A&S Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond, 12/11/09 (award letter received).
Teaching Grant, Course Transformation Grant for Psychology 315: Adult Development, Program for Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness (PETE), University of Richmond, Summer, 2011.
Principal Investigator, “Psychological Impact of memory loss in normal aging, mildcognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias Research Award Fund (ARDRAF), $40,000.00, submitted April, 2011 (non-funded).
Berry, J. M., Storandt, M., & Coyne, A. (1984). Age and sex differences in somatic complaints associated with depression. Journal of Gerontology, 39, 465-467.
Strube, M.J., Berry, J. M., Goza, B. K., & Fennimore, D. (1985). Type A behavior, age, and psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48, 203-218.
Strube, M. J., Berry, J. M., & Moergen, S. (1985). Relinquishment of control and the Type A pattern: The role of performance evaluation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49, 831-842.
Strube, M. J., & Berry, J. M. (1986) Attributional and emotional concomitants of control relinquishment. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 6, 205-220.
Strube, M. J., Berry, J. M., Lott, C. L., Fogelman, R., Steinhardt, G., Moergen, S., & Davison, L. (1986). Self-schematic representation of Type A and B behavior patterns. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 170-180.
Coyne, A. C., Burger, M. C., Berry, J. M., & Botwinick, J. (1987). Adult age, information processing, and partial report performance. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 148, 219-224.
Perlmutter, M., Adams, C., Berry, J., Kaplan, M., Person, D., & Verdonik, F. (1987). Aging and memory. In K. W. Schaie (Ed.), Annual review of gerontology and geriatrics (Vol. 7). New York: Springer.
Berry, J. M. (1989). Cognitive efficacy across the lifespan: An introduction to the special series. Developmental Psychology, 25, 683-686.
Berry, J. M., West, R. L., & Dennehy, D. (1989). Reliability and validity of the Memory Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (MSEQ). Developmental Psychology, 25, 701-713.
Berry, J. M., & West, R. L. (1993). Cognitive self-efficacy in relation to personal mastery and goal setting across the life span. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 16, 351-379.
Tetlock, P., Peterson, R., & Berry, J. (1993). Flattering and unflattering personality portraits of integratively simple and complex managers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 500-511.
West, R. L., & Berry, J. M. (1994). Age declines in memory self-efficacy: General or limited to particular tasks and measures? In J. D. Sinnott (Ed.), Interdisciplinary handbook of adult lifespan learning. Westport, CN: Greenwood.
Shimamura, A. P., Berry, J. M., Mangels, J. A., Rusting, C. L., & Jurica, P. J. (1995). Memory and cognitive abilities in university professors: Evidence for successful aging. Psychological Sciences, 6, 271-277.
Berry, J.M. (1996). Memory development and aging. Psychology Teacher Network, 6, 2-4.
Berry, J.M. (1999). Memory self-efficacy in its social cognitive context. In T. M. Hess and F. Blanchard-Fields (Eds.), Social cognition and aging. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Berry, J.M., & Jobe, J.B. (2002). At the intersection of personality and adult development. Journal of Research in Personality, 36, 283-286.
Cervone, D., Artistico, D., & Berry, J. (2006). Self-efficacy and adult development. In C. H. Hoare (Ed.), Handbook of adult development and learning. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Simmons, C., Worrell, F., & Berry, J. (2008). Psychometric properties of scores on three black racial identity scales. Assessment, 15, 259-276.
Berry, J.M., West, R.L., Hastings, E., Lee, C.L., & Cavanaugh, J.C. (2009). Memory deficits, beliefs, and interventions. In J. Cavanaugh and C. Cavanaugh (Eds.), Aging in America, Vol. 1, Psychological Aspects of Aging. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishing.
Artistico, D., Berry, J.M., Black, J., Cervone, D., Lee, C., & Orom, H. (in press). Psychological functioning in adulthood: A self-efficacy analysis. In C. Hoare (Ed.), Handbook of adult development and learning, 2nd ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Works in Progress
Berry, J.M., Williams, H.L., Usubalieva, A., & Kilb, A. (in progress). Metacognitive awareness of the associative deficit in older and younger adults.
Lee, C.L., & Berry, J.M. (rejected; under revision). Self-serving bias effects in adulthood across domains of competency.
Berry, J., & Huang, W. (rejected; under revision). Memory self-efficacy is a partial mediator of age-related episodic memory deficits.
Berry, J., West, R.L., & Cavanaugh, J.C. (draft manuscript). The structure of memory self-efficacy measured by the MSEQ and the MIA: Age differences and age invariance.
Blair, J., & Berry, J. (draft manuscript). Perceptions of normal and pathological aging.
McCracken, E., & Berry, J. (draft manuscript). Mathematical self-efficacy and aging.
Street, B., & Berry, J. (draft manuscript). Emotional self-efficacy and depression.
Berry, J., Grimm, K., & Salthouse, T. (draft manuscript,). The structure of cognitive aging measured by WAIS-R and WMS-R: Age differences and age invariance.
Book Reviews
Berry, J. M. (1987). A review of The psychology of control and aging, edited by M. M. Baltes and P. B. Baltes. Contemporary Psychology, 32, 784-785.
Berry, J. (1996). The magical number 5 + a few. Review of The developing structure of temperament and personality from infancy to adulthood, (Charles F. Halverson, Jr., Geldoph A. Kohnstamm, and Roy P. Martin, Eds.). Contemporary Psychology, 41, 344-345.
Berry, J.M., & Street, B.M. (2004). Review of Personal control in social and life course contexts, (S. H. Zarit, L. I. Pearlin, & K. W. Schaie, Eds.), Contemporary Gerontology, New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
Berry, J.M., Storandt, M., & Coyne, A. C. (1983, August). Age and sex differences in somatic complaints associated with depression. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Strube, M. J., Berry, J. M., & Moergen, S. (1983, August). Relinquishment of control and the Type A behavior pattern: Causal role of performance evaluation. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Berry, J. M., West, R., & Scogin, F. R. (1983, November). Predicting everyday and laboratory memory skill. Paper presented at the annual Gerontological Society of American meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Strube, M. J., & Berry, J. M. (1983). Type A/B behavior and psychological well-being. Paper presented at the annual Gerontological Society of America meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Strube, M. J., Berry, J. M., Lott, C. L., Folgelman, R., Steinhardt, G., Moergen, S., & Davison, L. (1984), August). Self-schematic representations of Type A/B behavior patterns. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
Berry, J. M., Schmidt, D. F., Strube, M. J., & Lott, C. L. (1985, November). Type A/B self-schemata in older adults. Paper presented at the annual Gerontological Society of America meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Berry, J. M., West, R., & Powlishta, K. K. (1986, November). Self-efficacy and performance differences on laboratory and everyday memory tasks. Paper presented at the annual Gerontological Society of America meeting, Chicago, IL.
Berry, J. M., & Cavanaugh, J. (Co-chairs), (1987, August). Cognitive and memory self-efficacy in adults. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, New York, NY.
West, R. L., Berry, J.M., & Dennehy, D. (1987, August). Self-efficacy and memory performance: Measurement issues. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, New York, NY.
Berry, J. M. (1987, August). A self-efficacy model of memory performance. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, New York, NY. (Recipient of Student Research Award; APA Division 20).
Berry, J. M., Geiger, H., Visocan, K., & Siebert, J. (1987, November). Age differences on subjective measures of memory. Paper presented at the annual Gerontological Society of America meeting, Washington, DC.
Adams, C., Berry, J. M., & Hammer, A. L. (1987, November). Age-related differences in cognitive style. Paper presented at the annual Gerontological Society of America meeting, Washington, DC.
Berry, J. M. (1989, June). Manifestations of type in older adults. Invited address to the 8th biennial meeting of the Association for Psychological Type, Boulder, CO.
Hill, R. D., & Berry, J.M. (Co-Chairs), (1989, August). What is memory training the training of? Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, New York, NY.
Berry, J. M. (1990, April). Self-efficacy in the cognitive domain: A lifespan perspective.Invited address to the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.
Berry, J. M. (1990, June). The influence of age on type development. Invited paper presented to the Midwest Regional Association for Psychological Type, St. Louis, MO.
Berry, J. M. (1992, March). Subjective and objective memory functioning in older adults. Invited presentation to University of Richmond, Sigma Xi Honorary Research Society.
Berry, J., Shimamura, A., Gross, C., & Mangels, J. (1992, April). Self-evaluations of memory and cognitive abilities in professors. Paper presented at the Fourth Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Shimamura, A., Berry, J., Mangels, J., Gross, C., & Jurica, P. (1992, April). Memory and cognitive functioning in academic professors: Evidence for successful aging. Paper presented at the Fourth Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Berry, J. (1992, September). The relationship between memory performance and memory self-efficacy in younger and older adults. Invited colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Virginia.
Berry, J. (1992, October). Age differences in memory self-efficacy. Invited colloquium, Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Berry, J. (1993, January?). Memory self-efficacy and aging. Invited colloquium, Department of Psychology, The College of William and Mary.
Berry, J. (1993, June). The potential of self-efficacy for maintaining cognitive function in adulthood. Invited presentation, MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Successful Aging, Chicago, IL.
Berry, J. (1993, November). The ebb and flow of memory across the life span. Invited presentation, Sigma Xi Honorary Research Society, University of Richmond, VA.
Berry, J., Althouse, J., Morgan, M., Rowe, R., & Uhles, N. (1994, April). Implicit test instructions reduce age differences on a self-referent word stem completion task. Paper presented at the Fifth Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Wright, C., & Berry, J. (1994, July). Age and sex differences regarding attitudes toward aging. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual American Psychological Society Convention, Washington, D.C.
Berry, J., Acosta, M., Baldi, R., Burrell, C., & Rotondi, J. (1994, July). Age differences in memory processing, outcome, and appraisal: A self-efficacy analysis. Paper presented at the Third Practical Aspects of Memory Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Baldi, R.A., & Berry, J.M. (1995, August). Memory complaints, memory self-efficacy, and memory performance. Paper presented at the 103rd annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.
Berry, J.M., West, R.L., & Cavanaugh, J.C. (1996, April). Construct validity analyses of memory self-efficacy in adulthood. Paper presented at the Sixth Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Drew, M., Harryn, J., Spickard, K., Young, J., Ziemba, J., & Berry, J. (1996). The effects of target age, subject age, and memory type on attributions for memory failures. Paper presented at the 74th annual meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science, Richmond, VA.
Wright, C.L., & Berry, J.M. (1996, August). The effects of age stereotypes on judgments of age norms. Paper presented at the 104th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Drew, M.R., & Berry, J.M. (1996, November). Strategy, affect, and self-efficacy predict memory performance in older adults. Paper presented at the 49th annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C.
Ramsden, S., & Berry, J.M. (1996, November). Age and gender effects on mathematics and vocabulary self-efficacy and performance. Paper presented at the 49th annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C.
Berry, J.M., Buckley, G., Clark, P., Kiefner, L., & Martin, J. (1997, May). Memory for age-relevant situations. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual American Psychological Society Convention, Washington, D.C.
Berry, J.M. (1997, August). Adult development and aging courses: Forging connections between science and literature. Paper presented at the 105th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Berry, J., Thompson, J., Bryant, D., Hambrick, J., & Drew, M. (1998, April). Age and domain-specific effects of memory self-efficacy on word and text recall performance. Paper presented at the Seventh Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Somers, T., & Berry, J. (1998, May). Age-related stereotypes: Analysis of the ingroup bias and the self-serving bias. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
Thompson, J.L., & Berry, J.M. (1998, August). Intellectual self-efficacy and performance in younger and older adults. Paper presented at the 106th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Berry, J.M. (1999, March). Memory mastery in the information overload age. Invited presentation at the 1999 Association Executive Regional Conference of the Virginia Association of Realtors, Fredericksburg, VA.
Berry, J.M. (1999, July). Metamemory and memory self-efficacy: Will the best predictor please stand up? Paper presented at the Meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Boulder, CO.
Berry, J., Bryant, D., Huang, W., & Baden, A. (1999, November). Microanalyses of memory self-efficacy beliefs and judgments. Paper presented at the 52nd annual convention of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
Berry, J., Bryant, D.S., Huang, W., & Welsh, D. (2000, April). Predictors of self-efficacy and performance across four memory domains. Paper presented at The Eighth Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Berry, J., Bryant, D., Huang, W., Welsh, D., Sagerman, A., & Bigelow, J. (2000, August). Efficient strategy use: Self-efficacy analyses of episodic memory aging. Paper presented at the 107th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Welsh, D., Bryant, D., & Berry, J. (2000, August). Age, self-efficacy, and performance on memory and attention tasks. Paper presented at the 107th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Berry, J., Bryant, D., Sagerman, A., Welsh, D., Huang, W., & Bailey, L. (2000, November). Do we know what we know as well as we knew what we knew when we were younger? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Washington, D.C.
Christoffel, T., & Berry, J. (2001, April). Effects of social comparison and competence on perceptions of memory ability. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Webster, M., & Berry, J. (2001, April). Working memory as a mediator of age-related memory ability. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Berry, J.M. (2001, August). Psychological science in literature: The Memory of Old Jack. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Bailey, L., Coles, R., & Berry, J. (2002, June). Age, sex, and education effects on strategy andprediction accuracy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, New Orleans.
Bonislawski, E., & Berry, J. (2002, June). Close friendships in late adulthood and adolescence. Paper accepted for presentation at the Society for Research in Adult Development, New York (unable to attend conference).
Guy, B., Bailey, L., Coles, R., Buelow, M., & Berry, J. (2002, August). Age, sex, and education affect recall prediction accuracy for names. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.
Guy, B., & Berry, J.M. (2002, November). “Paper-Sack Brown”: Late-life effects of stereotype threat on cognitive performance and self-efficacy among African Americans. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston.