SAC Minutes

Sept 30, 2015

In attendance: K.Cooling, C. Ferguson, M. Hodder, M. Myers, R. Langille, A. Boisjoli,

Absent: Jamie Kavanaugh, Bryn Jones – Vallincourt

Principal’s Report:

Great start up to the school year! EPEC supported Stand up Against Bullying Day by wearing pink as well as class conversations and lessons around positive relationships.

Class configurations: 17 Homerooms- 4 grade 7 English, 1 Grade 7 early FI, 1 Grade 7 late FI, 3 Grade 8 English, 1 Grade 8 early FI, 1 Grade 8 late FI, - 4 grade 9 English, 1 Grade 9 early FI, 1 Grade 9 late FI

We had a good turnout for our Curriculum night which was held on Sept. 16th

School pictures have been taken for this school year. Students will receive their proofs and ID cards shortly. Picture Retake Day: Nov. 5th.

Sport teams are up and running. We have cross country, football and soccer currently taking place. Thank you to all our coaches.

We will continue to focus on our CSI goals this year. Our PD day in Sept focused on Google Apps in Education as well as school climate.

Parents as coaches: On Monday, November 16, EPEC will be hosting a Parents as Career Coaches session from 6:30 to 9:00pm in the library. This eventassists parents with

helping their children make informed career choices.Specifically, it helps parents:

  • begin to explore their child's interests, skills and personal qualities, which will help them make career decisions
  • find tools and resources to research numerous career options,education opportunities, and financing
  • help their child select appropriate courses for high school

Parents can register at no cost at sign upat the school through Mr. Clark.

Term one ends Nov. 13, 2015.

Student leadership committee is up and running! They organized the Terry Fox Walk and we have been raising money to support Terry Fox.

SAC PD is Oct. 8th at Auburn high. Members of the SAC were invited to attend.

CyberScan: By the end of October,all grade 7 students will have received a presentation form the province'sCyberSCAN Uniton responsible use of social media and cyberbullying.Thegrade 8's andgrade 9's receivedsimilar presentations last year.

It was discussed to include in our newsletter supporting 21st Century Learning and allowing the use of mobile devices for educational purpose.

Student reps will be invited to next meeting.

Next Meeting Dates: Oct. 28, Nov.25, Feb. 24, April 27, May 25. All meetings are at 5:00pm.