CV of Muhammad Mefleh Al Rahim Kwafha
Curriculum Vitae
Muhammad Mefleh Al Rahim Kwafha
Specialization: Computer Science
Personal Details
Name: Muhammad
Address: Albalqa Applied University
Alhuson UniversityCollege
Alhuson – Irbid
Telephone: : (962) 795834574 (Mobile)
Summary of qualifications
University Sains Malaysia (USM)2000 – 2001
Penange, Malaysia
Master degree in Computer Science
YarmoukUniversity1981– 1985
Irbid, Jordan
Bachelor degree of Computer Science
Royal Society of Art (RSA) (Examination Board). September 1997
United Kingdom
I was awarded a D34 Internal Verifier
Internally verify the assessment process
Royal Society of Art (RSA) (Examination Board). February 1997
United Kingdom
I was awarded a D33/D34 Assessor Award.
Assess candidate performance.
Assess candidate using differing source of evidence.
Professional experience Details
Al Balqa Applied University,Jordan 14th Feb, 2010 – Present
Job Title : Lecturer, Department of Information Technology, Al HusonUniversityCollege.
Taught Courses:
- Compiler Construction
- Decision Support Systems
- Web Publishing
- Systems Analysis
- Office Automation
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
- C++
- Software Engineering
Greater Irbid Municipality, Jordan12th February 2006- 7th Feb. 2010
Job Title: Head of Department “Knowledge and Information Technology”
Job responsibilities
- Making proper plans for using the latest technology to keep IS in appropriate status.
- Planning the tasks for IS staff members
- Technical supervision for the IS staff
- Conducting different training sessions about the IS structure
- Making System Manager Activities
- Member for tenders Committee
- Supervisor to the Mayer for IT
- Member in City Deveopment Stratigy Committee(CDS).
PhiladelphiaUniversity,Jordan 1st September, 2002 – 29th March, 2006
Job Title : Lecturer, Department of Applied Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology.
Taught Courses:
CV of Muhammad Mefleh Al Rahim Kwafha
- Data Communication and Networking
- Algorithms
- Systems Analysis
- Decision Support Systems
- Office Automation
- Compiler Construction
- Internet and World Wide Web
- Operating System
- C++
- Computer Skills
- Introduction to Information Technology
- Fundamentals of IT
- Introduction to Software Engineering
CV of Muhammad Mefleh Al Rahim Kwafha
- Human Computer Interaction
Technical Industrial College ( Ibra, 21st September ’95 to 1st June 2000
Job Title : Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, TechnicalIndustrialCollege.
Taught Courses:
Systems Analysis
Organization and IT
Network Concepts
Mathematics for IT
YarmoukUniversity - Irbid, Jordan1992 – 1995
Job Title: Head of Financial Information Systems Team – Systems Analyst
System Briefing
I worked as a system analyst as well as the head of Financial Information System (FIS). The FIS is a vital system that it is providing service for all the major elements of the University. The main function for this system is in charge for the storage and manipulation of all Finance related information. The product is composed of seven major modules (Budget, Income, expenses, Payroll, and all Financial activities). It is considred as large environment and integrated with other systems. The count of the reports of the system exceeds 200 reports. The FIS is responsible for providing all kinds of information to decision makers, employees, students and other elements. The FIS is implemented on a VAX digital machine, running COBOL. Beside my administration tasks, I had contributed in building this system from the analysis phase to the implementation phase. Because of the limited number of people working on the FIS division, I was responsible also for providing user support, maintenance for FIS, generating various types of reports, conducting training sessions for FIS staff members and planning for various progress meetings both internally within the FIS, and externally with the computer center management
Also I was an active member in developing and implementing the following systems:
- Payroll System (group work) YarmoukUniversity.
- Inventory System (group work) YarmoukUniversity.
- Students Affairs System (group work) YarmoukUniversity.
Ibn Khaldoon College, Jordan 31st October ’89 to 12th January ’92
Job Title: Instructor, Department of Computer Science,
Taught Courses:
Systems Analysis
Data Structure
Operating Systems
Ministry Of Education, Jordan 1st September ’88 - 12th June ’89.
Job Title: Teacher,
YarmoukUniversity,Jordan Part Time
Job Title : Lecturer, Department Computer Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology.
Taught Courses:
Computer Skills (MS-OFFICE and SPSS)
Professional Training courses
Change Management
12th March 2006 – 15th March 2006
Project Management Professional (PMP)
17th March 2007 – 22nd March 2007
Modern Maintenance Systems Strategies
9th April 2006 – 11th April 2006
INGRES Database
INGRES User Interfaces,
INGRES/SQL & Report Writer,
Application Development in INGRES Using INGRES/ /ABF,
INGRES/ Vision for INGRES/ABF Developers,
21st March 1994 to 6th April 1994
Technical experience
- HARDWARE : Sun Workstations, DEC5500, VAX6000, MVAXIII , VAX 780, MVAXII, WANG VS100, WANG VS80, IBM Compatibles.
Prof. Yahia Khraysat, Dean of Al HusonUniversity College – Al Baqaa Applied University,
email :, Office Phone: (962)-2-7010400, Mobile No. (962) 7 77060985.
Abdallah Tubaishat, Associate Professor, College of Information Technology, Zayed University, UAE email: , Tel : (971) 50 66 70 414.
Omer Ab Shqair, Assistant Professor, College of IT, Philadelphia University, Amman –Jordan, email: , Tel : (962) 7777 15 347.
*Very good command of Arabic and English, both spoken and written
*Holder of a valid Omani and Jordanian driver’s License.
Interests and activities
My main interest areas are Computing, Reading, Traveling, swimming and playing basketball.
1-“A novel model for Data integration and optimization the global schema”, MAGNT Research Report (ISSN. 1444-8939) Vol.2 (4). PP: 470-475
2-“Evaluating alternative structures for prefix trees”.Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014 Vol I
WCECS 2014, 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA
3-Steady Hydrodynamics and Thermal Behaviors of Fluid flows in Micro–Parallel Plates (Couette Flows)ICMAE 2010
4-العوامل المؤثرة على تحول المدينة العربية نحو مدن المعرفة – دراسة مسحية على مدينة اربد – المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية
ماليزيا- مدينة شاه علم –مدن المعرفة 2009