Programme Specification
Postgraduate Programmes in Healthcare Fire Safety Management
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that students are expected to achieve if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, and learning and assessment methods of each module can be found in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Awarding body/institution;Department; / LoughboroughUniversity
School of Business & Economics
Teaching institution (if different); / Not applicable
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body; / Not applicable / Being sought
(e.g .BA, MSc etc) / Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Fire Safety Management, Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Fire Safety Management, Master of Science in Healthcare Fire Safety Management
Programme title / Healthcare Fire Safety Management
Length of programme / Certificate (12 months)
Diploma (24 months)
MSc (36 months)
UCAS code; / Not applicable
Date at which the programme specification was written or revised. / January 2012
1. Programme Aims:
This multi-disciplinary Postgraduate Programme in Healthcare Fire Safety Management is aimed at professional healthcare Fire Safety Officers, those wishing to move from another field within healthcare and those working in specialist management areas wishing to broaden their expertise.
The programme is delivered as a series of short courses for part-time study and aims to:
- Provide a current view of fire safety management in healthcare encompassing both organisational issues and specialist areas. It particularly focuses on the integration of fire safety management into strategic and operational planning for the provision of a high quality health service;
- Develop participants knowledge in healthcare fire safety planning and related issues involving emergency planning and business continuity.
- Increase participants job competencies in respect of healthcare fire safety management
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and internal reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
The Programme conforms to the benchmarks published by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in respect of awards in business and management in 2002. Specifically the programme meets the requirements of a specialist programme for career development.
The following reference points also provide a benchmark for programme development, delivery and content.
- Loughborough University and departmental teaching and learning strategies
- Loughborough Academic Quality Procedures Handbook
- Loughborough University Equal Opportunities Policy
- Loughborough University Periodic Programme Review
- Framework for Higher Educational Qualifications (FHEQ)
- Relevant competencies in the Membership of the Emergency Planning Society competencies criteria
- Relevant competencies in the Business Continuity Institute membership criteria
3. Programme Learning Outcomes
3.1Knowledge and understanding
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
K.1 The organisational and scientific bases of the Healthcare Fire Safety Officer’s role.
K.2The tools and techniques used in healthcare fire safety management and most especially in the assessment and management of fire and related risk.
K.3The principles and practice of the planning, organisation, monitoring and reviewing of healthcare fire safety systems.
K.4The issues and concerns relating to business continuity planning in regard to Fire Safety.
K.5The principles and practice of change management.
K.6The theoretical issues relating to research methodology.
Learning, teaching and assessment methods to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
K.1This will be taught by means of short lectures, discussions, group work and guided reading
K.2 This will be taught by means of short lectures, discussions, syndicate work and guided reading
K.3 This will be taught by means of short lectures, group work case study analysis, role play and guided reading
K.4This will be taught by means of short lectures, case study analysis group work (including field exercises) and guided reading
K.5This will be taught by means of short lectures, seminars and group work, case study analysis and guided reading
K.6This will be taught by means of short lectures, group and syndicate work and guided reading
- Students will be encouraged to make use of on-line databases and to reflect upon their employing organisation’s systems
Assessment of learning is by:
- Assessed coursework for all modules and in-class tests.
3.2Skills and other attributes:
- Subject-specific cognitive skills
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
C.1Identify specific fire hazards and risks in particular healthcare environments and the potential for fire spread and serious consequences
C.2Conduct fire risk assessments inpatient and non patient areas
C.3Critically review existing fire safety policies
C.4Evaluate fire related elements of major incident plans
C.5Critically review evacuation plans and systems
C.6Evaluate business continuity plans
Learning, teaching and assessment methods to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
C.1This will be taught by means of short lectures, case study analysis, group work and discussion and guided reading
C.2Learning will be achieved by means of short lectures, group work (including field exercises) discussions and guided reading
C.3This will be taught by means of short lectures, case study analysis, group and syndicate work and guided reading
C4.This will be taught by means of guided discussions case study analysis, group and syndicate work, role play and guided reading
C.5This will be taught by means of short lectures, case study analysis, discussions and group work
C.6Learning will be achieved by means of case study analysis, group work and discussion, role play and guided reading
- Students will be encouraged wherever possible to make use of on-line databases and to reflect upon systems and procedures within their employing organisation.
Assessment of learning is by:
- Assessed coursework for all modules using a range of information sources.
- Class test
- Group presentation
- Research project (MSc
- Subject-specific practical skills
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
P.1Produce fire safety and related policies for their organisation
P.2Use a range of risk assessment tools and carry out risk assessment within their own organisation
P.3Devise and maintain systems for the collection of data on untoward incidents
P.4Develop effective risk control strategies for healthcare fire safety
P.5Evaluate fire safety equipment
P.6Devise an Evacuation Plan for their organisation
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
P.1This will be taught by means of short lectures, group and syndicate work and guided reading
P.2This will be taught by means of short lectures, group and syndicate work (including field exercises) and guided reading
P.3Learning will be achieved by means of group and syndicate work, practical demonstrations and guided reading
P.4This will be taught by means of short lectures, discussions, syndicate work and guided reading
P.5This will be taught by means of short lectures and demonstrations, discussions, syndicate work and role play supported by guided reading
P.6This will be taught by means of short lectures, case study analysis, group and syndicate work (including field exercises) and guided reading.
- In all of the above students will be encouraged to make use of on-line databases and, especially in regard to P5 and P6 , to reflect upon the policies, procedures and equipment provision within their employing organisation.
Assessment of learning is by:
- Assessed coursework using a range of information sources
- Class test
- Group presentation
- Research project (MSc)
Learning, teaching and assessment methods to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated
- Generic skills
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
T.1Establish management systems
T.2Communicate with a range of stakeholders
T.3Motivate others to take action.
T.4Present technical and complex concepts in a form which is
understandable to managers.
T.5Use information and communication technology appropriately in acquiring, analysing and communicating information.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
T.1This will be taught by means of short lectures, group and syndicate work, discussions and guided reading.
T.2Learning will be achieved by means of group and syndicate work,role play and guided reading.
T.3Learning will be achieved by means of group and syndicate work, seminar presentation, role play and guided reading.
T.4This will be taught by means of short lectures, demonstrations, role play group and syndicate work and guided reading.
T.5Learning will be achieved by means of practical demonstration, group and syndicate work and guided reading.
Assessment of learning is by:
- Assessed coursework
- In- class test
- Group presentation
4. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards:
The award available is the Loughborough University Postgraduate Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) (60 credits), Post-graduate Diploma (120) credits and Master of Science (180credits). The programme is available only by part-time study.
Full details can be found in the Programme Regulations at:-
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
Full details can be found at:-
6. Information about the programme assessment strategy:
Full information about our assessment strategycan be found in section 6 of our comprehensive statement to supplement this programme specification which is available on our web site at:
7. What makes the programme distinctive?
This course not only develops the students’ knowledge and skills in fire safety but ensures that they have the management skills to implement and embed that knowledge within the organisation. This ensures that their organisation complies with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the relevant Regulations within the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2009.
Whereas other programmes relating to fire safety are concerned wholly or mainly with issues relating to fire engineering or fire safety management in a generic form this programme is concerned wholly with the business of managing fire safety in hospitals and related institutions.
8. Particular support for learning:
Information about the support offered by the School of Business and Economics for this programme and the general support offered by the University for all programmes is available on our web site at:
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning:
The official University statement about improving quality for all programmes is available on our web site at: