Basing Lane
The ground Plott or ffirst Story
One Tenement lyeing on the north syde of Basing Lane in the Parish of St. Mildreds Basing Lane aforesaied against the South, Mr Turner north and west and Mr Norman against the East as appeareth by this Plott.
The Second Story
A Chamber or Hall next the streate cont from East to West with the Chimney 13 foote ½, and from north to south besydes the Study hanging ouer into the streate 11 foote ½ A kitchen adioyning with a Chimney in it, Cont from East to west 6 foote, and from north to south 11 foote ½
The Third Story
A Chamber with a Chimney ouer the hall aforesaied./.
One other litle Chamber adioyning to the same cont from East to west 8 foote and from north to south with the staires & howse of office 13 foote./.
The ffowrth story
Two Chambers ouer the Two Chambers aforesaied
The ffyft Story
Two Garretts ouer all cont from East to West 19 foote 1/2 north to south 14 foote
Also A Seller vnder the Shope being 8 foote square
The Ground Plott or ffirst Story
All those two Tenements Lyeing together on the South syd of Basing lane in the parish of Aldermary, Basing Lane aforesaid against the North, Mr Chambers against the East, The Chamber of London in the Tenor of Selman against the west
The Second Story of Thomas ffuddes howse
A Chamber next the streate cont from East to west with the Studdy and passage 18 foote ½, and from north to south 18 foote 4 inches, with a Chimney A Gallery Leading out of the same ouer parte of the yarde into A Chamber ouer the kitchen, which Chambers cont from East to West 17 foote and from North to south with the Chimney 13 foote./.
The Third Story
A Chamber next the streate with a Chimney Cont from East to west with the Clossett staires and a Litle Chamber there 18 foote ¼ and from north to south 19 foote ½
The ffowrth Story
Two Chambers one with a Chimney Cont from East to west 18 foote north and south 19 foote ½
The ffift Story
A Garrett with a Chimney from East to West 18 foote ¼, north and South 19 foote ½ A Seller vnder parte of the shope cont from East to west 14 foote, north and south 9 foote
The Second Story of Allen fallers howse
A Chamber next the streate cont from East to West with the Chimney 13 foote ½, and from north to south 14 foote ½
One other Chamber adioyning with a Chimney in it, which Chamber Cont from East to West 13 foote ½, North and South 14 foote ¼
Also a litle roome or gallery ouer parte of the yarde being 5 foote in bredth & 15 foote ½ in length
The Third Story
A Chamber next the streate cont from East to west with the Chimney 14 foote ½, north & south 15 foote
One other Chamber adioyning cont from East to West 13 foote ½ and from north to south 14 foote ½
The ffowrth Story
The garrett Chambers ouer all cont from East to West with the Chimney 14 foote ½, north and south 29 foote
A Seller vnder the shope cont from East to West 9 foote and from north to south 17 foote./.