Adaptec MaxIQ Software
· Adaptec would like to get your feedback on the MaxIQ feature as provided in this beta release.. Please create a package, ideally after setting up MaxIQ and running tests, but before a reboot. A package can be created through ASM (right-click on local system -> "Save support archive"). Without this archive, we will have little to no information about the actual IO load and MaxIQ cache usage. Please return this information to Adaptec FAE together with the filled in feedback sheet.
The following information would be helpful for Adaptec:
Beta Field Demo Questionnaire
Customer Information
1) Name:
2) Company:
3) Email:
4) Phone number:
Customer Demo Configuration
5) What evaluation application (aka “ benchmark”) did the customer use?
6) Date of evaluation tests:
7) Software version tested (MaxIQ, ARC versions):
8) Describe the server configuration that the customer used for their evaluation:
a) Motherboard type:
b) Chipset:
c) CPU (type and speed):
d) Memory (DDR2 or DDR3, speed and size):
e) Which RAID controller did the customer use (Series 5405, 5805, 51245, 51645?):
f) What type of SSDs did the customer use (Intel X25E, X25M, STEC, etc):
g) How many SSD drives did the customer use?
h) How many SATA and/or SAS drives did the customer use?
i) What RAID configuration did the customer use?
j) What type of file system and OS was used?
Demo Evaluation results
9) Describe the overall customer impression of the evaluation?
10) What type of IOPs were observed during the evaluation? Please specify this by:
· Load pattern (% Random/sequential, % Reads/writes):
· Read rate (IOPs)
· Write rate (IOPs)
· Block size:
· Ratio of frequently accessed Random data vs. Logical volume size:
11) How long did the evaluation run?
· What was the total elapsed time of each test case?
· How long did it take to achieve good results? (i.e., did it start with lower performance and get faster? If so, how long to achieve good results?)
12) What were the customer’s target performance goals?
· IOP goals (read, write):
· Throughput goals (read, write):
· Other goals (e.g., latency, time to warmup, etc., etc.):
13) Did we meet or exceed the customer’s target performance goals? (Yes, No)
· IOP goals (read, write):
· Throughput goals (read, write):
· Other goals (e.g., latency, time to warmup, etc., etc.):
14) Did the customer ask for any customizations to the workload and demo? If so, please describe them.
15) Did the customer suggest any other enhancements, additions? If so, please describe them.
Application and Deployment
1) What is the customer’s use case – (appliance for such-and-such, data center doing XYZ, business application running PQR, etc)? Please describe it.
2) What applications will be running in the deployed configuration? (ABC database, DEF web server, other applications)?