Martin ManjakPage 1
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Information Security Professionalwith a background in higher education, business, and the performing arts. Special skills include:
- Managing, supervising & inspiring professional staff
- Developing training and educational programs and materials
- Project management
Dedicated, creative team player with highly developed analytic abilities and excellent oral presentation and written communications skills. Enjoys working with people to overcome obstacles and realize goals.
Chief Information Security Officer, 3/2017—Present
In addition to the previous responsibilities, management of the University’s Identity and Access Management group was added to my portfolio.
Information Security Officer, 02/2006—Present
Appointed ISO in Feb., 2006. Responsible for securing the information asses of the University and its affiliates such as the Research Foundation, Student Loan Services Center, The Center for Technology in Gov’t, University Auxiliary Service and any other entities housed within the University’s information technology infrastructure.
Major accomplishments and initiatives include:
- Establishment of a campus-wide InfoSec governance body in the form of the University Information Security Council. The council is comprised of stakeholders representing the major data owners (HR, Registrar, Finance, Academic Affairs), faculty, Counsel’s Office, and the CIO.
- Policy making: The UA Information Security program has an extensive and mature policy framework consisting of issue and system specific policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures.
- Staff and Student Training: Developed training classes for faculty, students and staff offered through the ITS Training service. Successfully implemented turn-key training product from SANS, Securing the Human, subsequently adopted by the Office of Internal Controls to satisfy regulatory training requirements.
- Incident Response: Oversaw the development of a campus-wide, incident response and management tool.
- Metrics and Reports: Provide quarterly reports on information security incidents to the Information Security Council, correlation incidents with academic departments and business units to focus remediation efforts.
- Enterprise Desktop Management: Oversaw the deployment of Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) to manage over 5,000 endpoints and push security patches and updates to these systems.
- Server Inventory: Created an inventory of all UA systems offering services based on monthly scans of our /16. Owners are notified by email that they must certify their server is in compliance with the University Standards for Connecting Servers to the Network. They must also validate each of the services detected and report on any regulated data stored on their system.
- Vulnerability scans: Acquired Nessus to provide internal and external vulnerability scans of UA systems.
- IDS/IPS: Oversaw the design and build of the campus IDS/IPS architecture and components (Snort, Bro, IPBlocker, Netflow, BotTracker, Splunk)
- Log collection, aggregation, and searching-Splunk: Successfully lobbied for the acquisition and implementation of enterprise logging using Splunk. ITS has since tripled its daily indexing capability.
Adjunct Faculty, School of Business, MBA Program, 2013- present
Developed and taught graduate level courses in Information Security and Log Management for the MBA program.
Associate Director ResNet, The SHeD (Student Help Desk) and ISES (Instructional Support and Educational Services), 12/02—01/2006
Assumed control of the Student Help Desk (The SHeD) and IT instructional staff. Supervisor for 30 student employees and three FTEs charged with providing a broad range of IT and instructional support for UAlbany’s 17,500 graduate and undergraduate population and 3,000 faculty and administrative staff.
- Initiated and managed consolidation of disparate student support services and staff into one integrated, centralized technical support service. Redesigned the technical support model to provide students with faster, more effective service.
- Successfully lobbied for and implemented an all-student staff tech support service, thereby freeing permanent professional staff for redeployment during a period of significant growth in demand for services.
- Created public and internal knowledge bases to serve students and staff.
- Established service level commitment and standards for student and professional staff with on-going reporting tools and regular evaluations.
- Successfully met serious security threats on three separate occasions, putting together emergency response teams and directing defense and remediation efforts.
- Developed various tools for delivering information and services including brochures, web pages, and CDs.
- During in the first year under my direction, The SHeD saw in increase of 50% in demand for technical support on the part of University students. We successfully met this demand despite a reduction in service hours and a 6% budget cut.
Project Coordinator-IT Strategic Planning Project, 10/01–12/02
Under the direction of the campus CIO, coordinated various project elements related to a campus wide initiative designed to elicit input from a broad range of constituencies on IT strategic planning.
Director- University Residential Network (ResNet), 12/94–12/02
Responsible for managing support staff and providing services over the University’s residential data network. Duties include: Setting policies and procedures for network administration and operation; determining hardware standards; developing training programs for student staff and users; supervision of professional and student staff in the delivery of student services; and procurement of network software and hardware, including PCs, workstations, peripherals, internetworking devices, printers, and servers.
- Oversaw the growth of ResNet from one building and 100 students to a campus wide program, serving 7,000 students in seven major residential clusters. Growth was facilitated and managed by exploiting new information technologies including web-based data capture and delivery of services, open source software, and the first campus roll out of DHCP.
- Created and defined various technical support positions. Managed staff, including hiring, training, and supervision, while increasing staff levels from an initial number of five to 20.
- Worked closely with University staff from a variety of areas encompassing physical plant, telecommunications, central computing services, academic departments, residential life, and library services to successfully install the network and integrate it into existing University information and residential programs, as well as supporting initiatives to integrate this technology into the classroom.
- Authored and produced several new publications designed to acquaint students, faculty, and staff with network technology and electronic information resources.
- Proposed, designed, and taught CS course introducing students to fundamental networking concepts, components, and operations.
- Designed and managed development of ResNetweb pages offering a variety of information and services via the World Wide Web.
Staff Assistant, Division of Finance & Business,1/94—12/94
Assistant Project Coordinator for a major telecommunications upgrade to the University's dormitories and academic facilities.
Artistic Director: Established WNT as a respected source of original as well as traditional, but overlooked, theater in the Capital District. Stabilized the membership of the board, authored several successful grant applications, increased private donations, and produced and directed major works including Goldoni’s Mirandolina, and original adaptations of prose and poetry, e.g.,Great Joy and The Dead House. Developed a relationship with the Arts Center of the Capital Region as a resident performing arts company.
COOPER UNION for the Advancement of Science & Art, 1984—1987, 1990—2001
Adjunct Faculty, Humanities Department: One of the nation's oldest engineering schools, Cooper Union offers a tuition-free education, and consequently maintains very high admissions standards. During my tenure I designed and taught the Theatre Collaborative course for engineering, architectural, and graphic arts undergraduates. Through improvisational work, the course emphasized the exploration and development of both traditional and non-traditional theatrical texts (e.g.,The Odyssey, The Inferno), as well as original pieces. The 15-week course culminated in a public performance of the company’s work during the term.
Bankers Trust Company, 1988-1993
Administrator, Contract & Vendor Management
Reported to Vice President of Purchasing and to Managing Director of Corporate Operating Services. Responsibilities included: Preparation and analysis of bid packages representing approx. $8 million worth of purchases, analysis of bids and recommendations for modifications and awards; participation in vendor negotiations; preparation and editing of contracts; monitoring vendors for contract compliance; and seeking out and evaluating new suppliers.
Teacher, English & Drama: On less than a week's notice, assumed responsibility for a full time position with 150 students. Formulated a syllabus that addressed the needs of students whose abilities ranged from grade level to functional illiteracy.
Assistant to Musical Director, ABC Television Series: Responsible for coordination of music production elements including: studio bookings, musicians' calls, scheduling, clearance of publishing rights, preparation of contracts, attending recording sessions, budget analysis, trafficking of recording and scoring elements, and liaison with composers, arrangers, and copyists.
Head Teacher: Advanced from intern to head teacher of a group of 17 pre-schoolers, aged 3-6, in a Montessori classroom. Responsible for designing overall environment, materials, and daily activities of the group, and coordinating and supervising support staff. Instituted an observation & record keeping system. Prepared social and academic evaluations of children and presented evaluations to parents in private conferences.
Note: Chronological gaps in resume reflect periods of temporary assignments while pursuing an arts career, or international tours with performing companies.
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)-GSEC, expired
GIAC Certified Windows Security Administrator (GCWN), expired
GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH), expired
Information Security Certifications (see above).
National Coalition Building Institute Controversial Issues Workshop, Spring 2004
Dale Carnegie Training: Dale Carnegie Course, Fall 2001
Various Web Design and Print Publishing Workshops and Seminars
Educause Institute Leadership Program, Summer 1999
Introduction to Solaris 2.x System Administration, 1997
NYS Supervisory Training, 1997
Graduate School of Drama, CCNY/Brooklyn College, 9/87-12/88
Graduate School of Humanities, SUNY at Buffalo, 9/72-12/72
BA, Theatre Arts (Cum Laude), SUNY at Buffalo, 1972
Languages:Italian and French
Instruments:Guitar, Mandolin, Electric Bass, Flute and Irish Flute
Activities:Hiking, Snowshoeing, Skiing, Golf
Committees & Community Work
University Faculty Senate, 2014-present
Internal Controls Steering Committee, 2013-present
PCI Compliance Steering Committee, 2015-present
REN-ISAC, Secretary-Treasurer of the Board, 2015-2018
REN-ISAC, Members Meeting Planning Committee, 2011-2016
REN-ISAC, Technical Advisory Group 2015-present
Internal Review Board (IRB), 2012-present
Council on Academic Assessment, 2014-2016
EDUCAUSE HEISC TOP Working Group 2011-2013
Faculty Senate CAFFECoR 2011-2013
GIAC Advisory Board, 2006
Communications Committee, Hackett Middle School PTA, 2002-2005
Alert & Resource Monitoring Group (ALARM), 2003-Present
PeopleSoft Go Live Implementation, Chair, 2003
Student Technology Advisory Group, 2000-2002
Computer & Information Technology Security Oversight Committee, 2000-2001
University Technology Steering Committee, 2000-2001
Academic Technology Coordinators Forum, 1999-2001
Middle States Accreditation Review Sub-Committee for
Libraries, Computing, and Other Learning Resources, 1999
Library and Information Systems Sub-Committee
of Faculty Senate charged with reviewing and formulating
campus-wide computing services policy, 1998-Present; Chair, 2001-2002
Magnet Schools Steering Committee, Albany City School District, 1995-1997
Residents’ Committee to Protect the Adirondacks, 1993-Present
Nominated for Excellence in Professional Services Award 1997-’98