28 JULY 2014
Subject:State of the District Debate
Lead Officer:Simon Purfield
Contact on 01789 260118
Lead Member/
Portfolio Holder: Councillor C Saint
The Leader of the Council is required as part of the Constitution to carry out consultation with the public and partners leading up to a ‘State of the District debate’ at full Council. This papers looks to change the date when the State of the District Debate takes place at Council.
1)That the State of the District debate is deferred to the Autumn Council on 20 October 2014, in order to gather the evidence alongside the corporate strategy consultation taking place in the next couple of months; and,
2)That the Governance Review Group be asked to review the timing of the debate, moving it to the Autumn Council Meeting in future years.
1.1.Stratford-on-Avon District Council’s Constitution adopted in April 2002 and updated in 2007, stipulates that the Council will debate the State of the District at its first meeting after the Annual Meeting.
1.2.The Constitution states that the Leader will decide the form of the debate with the aim of enabling the widest possible public involvement and publicity. This may include holding workshops and other events prior to or during the State of the District Debate.
1.3.The results of the debate will be:-
i)disseminated as widely as possible within the community and to agencies and organisations in the area; and
ii)considered by the Leader in proposing the Budget and Policy Framework to the Council for the coming year.
1.4.This will be the thirteenth year since the Council adopted the provision to debate annually the State of the District.
1.5.In the past insight has been gathered from various sources, results of recent consultations have been utilised, presentations have been given to all community forums and online surveys have been made available on the Stratford District Council website.
1.6.The delayed elections have meant there has been insufficient time to prepare for the debate for this meeting.
2.Future Approach
2.1.With the Corporate Strategy due for renewal in 2015, consultation on this will take place over the coming months. Various pieces of insight will be interrogated, alongside consultation with stakeholders, partners and residents.
2.2.The State of the District debate at Council in the Autumn will be better timed than that in the Summer, as it will form part of the process to consult on the budget for the following financial year.
2.3.The 2014 debate will be used to obtain feedback for the emerging Corporate Strategy.
3.Options available to Council
3.1.To approve or reject the two recommendations.
4.Evidence Base
4.1.Not relevant to this paper.
5.Members’ Comments
5.1.The Leader of the Council’s comments have been incorporated into this report.
6.Implications of the Proposal
6.1.Legal/Human Rights Implications
6.1.1.There are no direct implications arising from this report.
6.2.1.See 6.1.1 above.
6.3.1.See 6.1.1 above.
6.4.Corporate Strategy
6.4.1.See 6.1.1 above.
6.5.Analysis of the effects on Equality
6.5.1.See 6.1.1 above.
7.Risk Assessment
7.1.Not applicable
8.1.Council is asked to change the timings for the State of the District debate for 2014 and for subsequent years.
Councillor C Saint
Background papers: