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Monaco, 20 August 2001

From:Department of Public Works and Social Affairs,

Licensing and Telecommunication Supervision Directorate
Principality of Monaco

To:Secretary-General, ITU

Our Ref.:AB/cp.-01/03838

Matter followed by: A. Bertholier

Your Ref.:DM No. 1184 JUR/M-HC/jl


Further to your above-referenced letter, I have the honour of enclosing herewith the short-form implementation letters from the Administration of Monaco (MCO), which have been duly filled in and relate to THURAYA SATELLITE TELECOMMUNICATIONS (GMPCS - MoU Registry).

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

For: Director
Licensing and Telecommunication Supervision Directorate (Stamp)


Received on 23 August 2001 ITU

Short-Form Administration and/or Competent Authority Implementation Letter
to the ITU Secretary-General

(GMPCS-MoU ITU Registry)

Re: ITU Circular letter: DM-1183

1.Administration and/or Competent Authority:


2.GMPCS System Operator: Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications

3.Manufacturer and Terminal Type No.: Hughes Network Systems: Dual-Mode Handheld Terminal HNS7100

4.The terminal type listed above is registered at the ITU. It was authorized by the ITU Secretary-General to carry the GMPCS-MoU Mark with the Abbreviation "ITU" on 22November2000

5.Can the terminal be carried into your country? (Please answer YES or NO): YES

6.If the answer to Question No. 5 is YES, can the terminal be used in your country? (Pleaseanswer YES or NO): YES

7.Are there any conditions required for use? (Please answer YES or NO): YES

8.If the answer to Question No. 7 is YES, please describe the conditions in detail: (Use an attachment if necessary):

Subject to delivery of a general licence by the Administration of Monaco for the operator Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications

9.Has your Administration made a Recommendation to the Customs Authorities regarding GMPCS terminals carrying the GMPCS-MoU Mark? (Please answer YES or NO): NO

10.If the answer to Question No. 9 is YES, explain in detail: (Use an attachment if necessary) ______

Date: 10 August 2001

Signature: _(Signed)______

Name (Print): VIORA Raoul

Title: Director, Contrôle des Concessions et des Télécommunications

City and country: Principality of Monaco

Short-Form Administration and/or Competent Authority Implementation Letter
to the ITU Secretary-General

(GMPCS-MoU ITU Registry)

Re: ITU Circular letter: DM-1184

1.Administration and/or Competent Authority:


2.GMPCS System Operator: Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications

3.Manufacturer and Terminal Type No.: Ascom Business Systems Ltd.: DualMode Handheld Terminal Ascom21

4.The terminal type listed above is registered at the ITU. It was authorized by the ITU Secretary-General to carry the GMPCS-MoU Mark with the Abbreviation "ITU" on 11December2000

5.Can the terminal be carried into your country? (Please answer YES or NO): YES

6.If the answer to Question No. 5 is YES, can the terminal be used in your country? (Pleaseanswer YES or NO): YES

7.Are there any conditions required for use? (Please answer YES or NO): YES

8.If the answer to Question No. 7 is YES, please describe the conditions in detail: (Use an attachment if necessary):

Subject to delivery of a general licence by the Administration of Monaco for the operator Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications

9.Has your Administration made a Recommendation to the Customs Authorities regarding GMPCS terminals carrying the GMPCS-MoU Mark? (Please answer YES or NO): NO

10.If the answer to Question No. 9 is YES, explain in detail: (Use an attachment if necessary) ______

Date: 10 August 2001

Signature: _(Signed)______

Name (Print): VIORA Raoul

Title: Director, Contrôle des Concessions et des Télécommunications

City and country: Principality of Monaco