Appendix Table
B-Codes defined in a vegetation classification system developed by the South Florida Water Management District (Bousquin et al., 2005). Only B-Codes observed in the study area are listed.
B-Codes / Discription1. H.AF / Axonopus fissifoliusdominant, usually with mixtures of Paspalum notatum and other species
Axonopus fissifoliusherbaceous vegetation
2. H.AG / Andropogon glomeratusdominant
Andropogon glomeratusherbaceous vegetation
3. H.CD / Cynodon dactylondominant
Cynodon dactylonherbaceous vegetation
4. H.CJ / Cladium jamaicense (sawgrass) dominant
Cladium jamaicenseherbaceous vegetation
5. H.CS / Cyperus spp. Dominant
Cyperus spp. herbaceous vegetation
6. H.EC / Eichhornia crassipesdominant
Eichhornia crassipes E herbaceous aquatic vegetation
7. H.EC-PST / Eichhornia crassipesand pistia stratiotescodominant
Eichhornia crassipes-Pistia stratiotes herbaceous aquatic vegetation
8. H.ES / Eleocharis spp. Dominant
Eleocharis spp. herbaceous vegetation
9. H.HA / Hemarthria altissimadominant
Hemarthria altissimaherbaceous vegetation
10. H.HG / Hibiscus grandifloruscover equal to or greater than 50%
Hibiscus grandiflorusherbaceous vegetation
11. H.HU / Hydrocotyle umbellatadominant
Hydrocotyle umbellataherbaceous aquatic vegetation
12. H.JEd / Juncus effususdominant in ponds or depressions that are inclusions within otherwise upland habitats
Juncus effususherbaceous vegetation (upland depressions)
13. H.JEp / Juncus effususcover equal to or greater than 30%, not within isolated ponds or depressions
Juncus effususherbaceous vegetation
14. H.LH / Leersia hexandradominant
Leersia hexandraherbaceous vegetation
15. H.MFM / Scirpusmats with other herbaceous species dominant
Miscellaneous herbaceous floating mat vegetation
16. H.MxE / Invasive exotics dominant (levees, abandoned pastures)
Miscellaneous exotic herbaceous vegetation
17. H.MxFA / Aquatic communities dominated by combinations of floating species
Miscellaneous aquatic vegetation dominated by floating species
18. H.MxFN / Communities dominated by fern species
Miscellaneous fern-dominated herbaceous vegetation
19. H.MxM / Littoral vegetation dominated by unclassified combinations of species including Sagittaria lancifolia, Pontederia cordata, and others
Miscellaneous littoral marsh vegetation
20. H.MxN / Native terrestrial grasses dominant, usually with scattered shrubs and upland forbs
Miscellaneous native herbaceous vegetation
21.H.MxW / Invasive, weedy native species dominant
Miscellaneous invasive herbaceous vegetation
22. H.MxWP / Native terrestrial grasses dominant, usually with scattered shrubs and upland forbs
Miscellaneous native herbaceous vegetation
23. H.MxWT / Other mixtures of native wetland grasses (e.g., Phragmites australis, Paspalidium spp.) and/or
graminoids (Cyperus spp., Scirpus californicus, Juncus spp.), or dominance not clear
Miscellaneous native wetland graminoid vegetation
24. H.NL / Nuphar luteadominant
Nuphar lutea herbaceous aquatic vegetation
25. H.PD / Polygonum densiflorumdominant
Polygonum densiflorumherbaceous aquatic vegetation
26. H.PH / Panicum hemitomoncover equal to or greater than 50%
Panicum hemitomonherbaceous vegetation
27. H.PN / Paspalum notatumcover equal to or greater than 50%, usually with mixtures of upland species
Paspalum notatum herbaceous vegetation
28. H.PP / Polygonum punctatumdominant
Polygonum punctatumherbaceous vegetation
29. H.PR / Panicum repensdominant
Panicum repensherbaceous vegetation
30. H.PS / Sagittaria lancifoliaand/or Pontederia cordatacombined or individual cover equal to or greater than 50%. If present, Cephalanthus occidentaliscover less than 5%
Pontederia cordata-Sagittaria lancifoliaherbaceous vegetation
31. H.PS-CO / Cephalanthus occidentaliscover 5%-25% cover in otherwise H.PS herbaceous vegetation
Pontederia cordata-Sagittaria lancifolia-Cephalanthus occidentalisherbaceous vegetation
32. H.PS-HG / Hibiscus grandifloruscover 30-45% in otherwise H.PS vegetation
Hibiscus grandiflorus-Pontederia cordata-Sagittaria lancifoliaherbaceous vegetation
33. H.PS-PH / Sagittaria lancifoliaand/or Pontederia cordata, and/or cover 10-45%, Panicum hemitomoncover equal to or greater than 10%; these three species combined making up equal to or greater than 40% cover
Pontederia cordata-Sagittaria lancifolia-Panicum hemitomonherbaceous vegetation
34. H.PS-PH-CO / Cephalanthus occidentaliscover 5%-25% in otherwise H.PS-PH herbaceous vegetation
P. cordata-S. lancifolia-P. hemitomon-C. occidentalisherbaceous vegetation
35. H.PST / Pistia stratiotes dominant
Pistia stratiotes herbaceous aquatic vegetation
36. H.RN / Rhynchospora spp. dominant (usually R. inundata)
Rhynchospora spp. herbaceous vegetation
37. H.SB / Spartina bakeri(sand cordgrass) cover equal to or greater than 30%
Spartina bakeriherbaceous vegetation
38. H.SCF / Scirpus cubensisdominant
Scirpus cubensisherbaceous floating mat vegetation
39. H.SS / Sacciolepis striatadominant
Sacciolepis striataherbaceous aquatic vegetation
40. H.TY / Typha domingensis(southern cattail) cover equal to or greater than 50%
Typha domingensis herbaceous vegetation
41. S.CO / Cephalanthus occidentaliscover 50% or greater, understory like H.PS herbaceous vegetation
Cephalanthus occidentalisshrubland
42. S.CO-PS / Cephalanthus occidentaliscover 30%-45% cover in otherwise H.PS herbaceous vegetation
Cephalanthus occidentalis-Pontederia cordata-Sagittaria lancifoliashrubland
43. S.CO-PS-PH / Cephalanthus occidentaliscover 30%-45% in otherwise H.PS-PH herbaceous vegetation, understory sometimes composed primarily of wet prairie species (e.g., Panicum hemitomon)
C. occidentalis-P. cordata-S. lancifolia-P. hemitomonshrubland
44. S.HF / Hypericum fasciculatumthe dominant shrub species
Hypericum fasciculatumshrubland
45. S.LS / Ludwigia spp. (L. peruviana and/or L. leptocarpa) the dominant shrub, often with Salix caroliniana, Baccharis halimifolia, or other shrub species
Ludwigia spp. shrubland
46. S.LSF / Ludwigia spp. (L. peruviana and/or L. leptocarpa) dominant
Ludwigia spp. floating mat shrubland
47. S.MC / Myrica cerifera(waxmyrtle) usually the dominant shrub species, occasionally approximately
codominant with Ludwigia peruviana, Baccharis halimifolia, or other woody mesophytes or
hydrophytes; not on floating mat vegetation
Myrica ceriferashrubland
48. S.MCF / Myrica cerifera the dominant shrub species
Myrica cerifera floating mat shrubland
49. S.MxFS / Other shrub-dominated communities on floating mats
Miscellaneous floating mat shrubland
50. S.SC / Salix carolinianathe dominant shrub species, sometimes associated with Ludwigia peruviana
Salix carolinianashrubland
51. S.SR / Serenoa repens(saw palmetto) the dominant shrub species
Serenoa repensshrubland
52. S.ST / Schinus terebinthifolius(Brazilian pepper) the dominant shrub species
Schinus terebinthifoliusshrubland
53. V.LM / Lygodium microphyllumcover equal to or greater than 30%, typically on living trees or shrubs
Lygodium microphyllium-dominated communities
54. V.MxV / Other vine species with cover exceeding 30%, typically on living trees or shrubs
Miscellaneous vine-dominated communities
55. XUNCL / Unclassified combinations of species
56. H.LF / Luziola fluitansdominant
Luziola fluitansherbaceous vegetation
57. H.IV / Iris virginicadominant
Iris virginicaherbaceous vegetation