Robert E. Markland
Dr. Robert E. Markland is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Management Science Department, at the Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, and a Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute. He retired in July, 2008 after a 40 year academic career.
Prior to retirement from the Moore School of Business where he was Professor – Management Science, he served as Associate Dean – Administration (January, 2001 – July, 2008), Associate Dean – Academic Affairs and Director of Graduate Studies (October, 1994 – January, 2001) and Department Chair – Management Science (August, 1978 – June, 1995). Additionally, he was Executive Director of the USC Business Partnership Foundation (April, 2003 – July, 2008).
Professor Markland served as Associate Dean and Director of Graduate Studies at the University of Missouri – St. Louis (September, 1977 – August, 1978), Management Science Area Coordinator (June, 1972 – June, 1976), where he taught (January , 1969 – August, 1978) and was Professor – Management Science. He also taught at ArizonaStateUniversity (1976 – 77), and WashingtonUniversity (1967 – 68).
Dr. Markland’s publication count in major research journals and proceedings papers exceeds 130. His papers have been published in top ranked journals such as: Management Science, Operational Research Quarterly, Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Forecasting, Interfaces, and the American Journal of Public Health.
Professor Markland has had a distinguished research career focused on applying operations research and statistics to a variety of operations management problems. He has made notable research contributions to various operations management areas, including: production planning and scheduling, service operations, operations strategy and production competence and banking operations. His research has won numerous prizes and awards, and he has received several research grants.
Dr. Markland’s pedagogical contributions are significant. He was the sole author of management science textbook (three editions), a co-author of a quantitative methods textbook and the co-author of an operations management textbook (two editions). During his academic career he taught a wide variety of operations research, statistics, computer programming and operations management courses. He has continually taught at the undergraduate, MBA and PhD levels and in Executive Education programs at four major universities over four decades. He also directed some twenty five PhD and masters dissertations or theses and has mentored countless other students. He served as the faculty advisor and President – Beta Gamma Sigma at the Moore School of Business for nine years. He has been an invited guest lecturer at several other universities in the United States and at twelve universities in foreign countries.
He was the recipient of the AMOCO Excellence in Teaching Award at the University of Missouri – St. Louis (1975), the Best All-Around Professor Award – 1982 MBA Class at the University of South Carolina, and the Alfred G. Smith Excellence in Teaching Award at the Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina (1983).
Professor Markland has been a major contributor to professional service activities. A charter member of the Decision Sciences Institute, he served as its Annual Meeting Program Chair (1981), Vice-President (1978-81), President (1991-92), Program Co-Chair, Second International Conference – Seoul (1993), Editor – Decision Sciences (1984-89), Associate Editor – Decision Sciences (1990 – 2006), and Global Development Coordinator (1995-2003). He was Vice President – Publications for The Institute of Management Sciences (1991-94) and was Program Chair – 1994 National Meeting of the Production and Operations Management Society. He also served as an Associate Editor for twelve other academic journals, including Management Science, Production and Operations Management, and Journal of Operations Management, during his academic career.
He has received several professional honors, including being elected as a Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute (1980) and was awarded the Decision Sciences Institute Distinguished Service Award (1985) and the Decision Sciences Institute Outstanding Service Award (2002).
At the Moore School of Business, USC, he was selected as a USC Business Partnership Foundation Fellow (1988-90), and as the James C. Self Distinguished Foundation Fellow (1990-2003).
He served as a consultant for the Ralston Purina Company (eight years), St. Louis County Government, RAND Corporation, Williams Pipeline Company, Northern Trust Company, Mercantile Trust Company, Maryland National Bank, Milliken & Company, Burroughs Wellcome Company and the SC Department of Motor Vehicles.
Professor Markland has been recognized as an outstanding researcher, teacher, and mentor and as a scholar who has made significant contributions to the academic community through his professional activities and administrative leadership. He is most proud and appreciative of the numerous friendships that he has developed with academic colleagues and students over the past four decades.
Top Publications (most citations and impact)
Books Published
Topics in Management Science, (John Wiley & Sons, 3rd edition, 1989).
Quantitative Methods-Applications to Managerial Decision Making, co-authored with J.R. Sweigart, (John Wiley & Sons, 1987).
Operations Management: Concepts in Manufacturing and Services, co-authored with S.K. Vickery and R.A. Davis, (South-Western College Publishing, 2nd edition, 1998).
Production Planning and Scheduling
“Analyzing Multi-Commodity Distribution Networks Having Milling-in-Transit Features”, Management Science, (September, 1975).
“Production-Distribution Planning in a Large Scale Commodity Planning Network”, with R.J. Newett, Decision Sciences, (October, 1976).
“Integer Goal Programming for Multi-Stage Lot Sizing: Experimentation and Implementation”, with S.K. Vickery, Journal of Operations Management, (February, 1985).
“Multi-Stage LotSizing in a Serial Production System”, with S.K. Vickery, International Journal of Production Research, (Fall, 1986).
“The Efficient Computer Implementation of a Large Scale Integer Goal Programming Model”, with S.K. Vickery, European Journal of Operational Research, (IBM Prize Paper), (Fall, 1986).
“Evaluation of Scheduling Techniques for Solving Flowshop Scheduling Problems With No Intermediate Storage”, with B.S. Kang, Journal of Operations Management, (December, 1988).
“Improved Hierarchical Production Planning”, with G.K. Leong and M.D. Oliff, Journal of Operations Management, (June, 1989).
“Sequencing Rules, Progress Milestones and Product Structures in a Multistage Assembly Job Shop”, with P.R. Philipoom and T.D. Fry, Journal of Operations Management, (August, 1989).
“Coordinated Production Scheduling For Make-to-Order Manufacturing”, with K.H. Darby-Dowman and E.D. Minor, European Journal of Operational Research, (April, 1990).
“Master Scheduling In Assemble-to-Order Environments: A Capacitated Multiobjective Lot-Sizing Model”, with H.S. Lewis and J.R. Sweigart, Decision Sciences, (January-February, 1992).
Service Operations
“Demand Management –Today’s Challenge for Service Industries”, with R.E. Crandall, Production and Operations Management, (Summer, 1996).
“The Performance Implications of Media Richness in a Business-to-Business Service Environment: Direct Versus Indirect Effects”, with S.K. Vickery, T. Stank, T. Goldsby, and C. Droge, Management Science, (August, 2004).
“Integrating Service Design Principles and Information Technologyto Improve Delivery and Productivity in Service Operations: The Case of the South Carolina DMV”, with K. R. Karwan, Journal of Operations Management, (June, 2006).
“A Note on the Growth of Research in Service Operations Management”, with J.S. Smith and K.R. Karwan, Production and Operations Management, (November-December, 2007).
“An Empirical Examination of the Structural Dimensions of the Service Recovery System”, with J.S. Smith and K.R. Karwan, Decision Sciences, (February, 2009).
Operations Management and Production Competence
“Production Competence and Business Strategy: Do They Affect Business Performance?, with S.K. Vickery and C. Droge, Decision Sciences, (March-April, 1993).
“Strategic Production Competence: Convergent, Discriminant, and Predictive Ability”, with S.K. Vickery and C. Droge, Production and Operations Management, (Spring, 1994).
“Dimensions of Competitive Strength in Manufacturing: An Analysis of Competitive Strengths in the Furniture Industry”, with S.K. Vickery and C. Droge, Journal of Operations Management, (November, 1997).
Banking Operations
“Theory and Application of an Optimizing Procedure for Lock Box Location Analysis”, with R.M. Nauss, Management Science, (August, 1981).
“Improving Transit Check Clearing Operations at Maryland National Bank”, with R.M. Nauss, Interfaces, (February, 1983), reprinted in Excellence in Management Science Practice, book edited by A.J. Assad, E.A. Wasil and G.L. Lilien, (Prentice-Hall, 1992).
“Optimization of Bank Transit Check Clearing Operations”, with R. M. Nauss, Management Science, (September, 1985).