Santiago Canyon College Associated Student Government
8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205
August 21, 2015, 3:40pm- 6:00pm (A-205)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Student Government of Santiago Canyon College held a meeting on the designated date, time, and location stated above. All Associated Student Government Council meetings are held in locations that are wheelchair accessible. Other disability accommodations will be provided upon request; please notify Diana Casares at (714) 628-4912 for said accommodations.
I. Call to Order
Meeting chair, SCCASG President, Kevin Pham calls the meeting to order at 3:55pm Friday, August 21, 2015 and appoints SCCASG Supreme Justice, Nathan Underwood as the clerk to take the minutes for the meeting.
II. Roll Call
ASG President / Kevin Pham / PICC President / Gerardo Padilla / A
Vice-President of Senate / Seham Nabilsi / E
Vice-President of Activities / Sydney Gaughan / P
Treasurer / Ebone Spence / P
Treasurer At-Large / Vacant / N/A
Secretary / Vacant / N/A
Supreme Justice / Nathan Underwood / P
Senator At-Large / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Academics / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Accreditation / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Advocacy / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Budget / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Educational Planning / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Enrollment / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Honors / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Innovation Sustainability / Vacant / N/A
Senator of International Affairs / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Planning Institutional Effectiveness / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Planning Organizational Effectiveness / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Student Success / Vacant / N/A
Senator of Technology / Vacant / N/A
Director At-Large / Vacant / N/A
Director of Academics / Vacant / N/A
Director of Athletics / Bryan Orrillo / P
Director of Communications / Vacant / N/A
Director of Community Service / Thomas Hatch / E
Director of Fundraising / Vacant / N/A
Director of Green Operations / Vacant / N/A
Director of Health and Wellness / Sasha Licari / Resigned
Director of Journalism / Vacant / N/A
Director of Marketing / Vacant / N/A
Director of Public Relations / Vacant / N/A
Director of Veteran Affairs / Vacant / N/A
Student Trustee / Vacant / N/A
Student Life and Leadership Liaison / Diana Casares / P
III. Amendments to Agenda
SCCASG Supreme Justice, Nathan Underwood moves to amend the agenda to include item “5.01 Approval of Minutes,” in order to approve the meeting minutes from the Special Meeting, August 5, 2015. Seconded by SCCASG Vice President of Activities Sydney Gaughan. (Vote Count: 4-0-0, Approved)
IV. Public Forum
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the council on issues on or not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of five (5) minutes per speaker and fifteen (15) minutes per topic will be enforced.
V. New Business
5.1 Approval of Minutes DISCUSSION/ACTION
SCCASG Director of Athletics, Bryan Orrilllo moves to approve the minutes after the correction of his misspelled last name from “Orillo” to “Orrillo.” Seconded by SCCASG Vice President of Activities Sydney Gaughan. (Vote Count: 4-0-0, Approved)
5.2 Standards of Excellence DISCUSSION/ACTION
Meeting chair, SCCASG President, Kevin Pham opens discussion to review the “Standards of Excellence.” Supreme Justice, Nathan Underwood reads the Standards of Excellence, answers questions, and receives feedback on ways to approve the document before it is proposed as a resolution.
(No Action Taken)
5.3 Office Depot Supplies Funds DISCUSSION/ACTION
SCCASG Treasurer, Ebone Spence moves to approve a blanket PO from Account: 6680, General Supplies, for invoices from Office Depot in the amount of $500.00 to provide general supplies as needed. Seconded by SCCASG Vice President of Activities Sydney Gaughan. (Vote Count: 4-0-0, Approved)
SCCASG Treasurer, Ebone Spence moves to approve a blanket PO from Account 6680 General Supplies, for invoices from Spectrum Gas for helium in the amount of $1000.00. Seconded by SCCASG Vice President of Activities Sydney Gaughan. (Vote Count:4-0-0, Approved)
5.5 ICC 2014-2015 Earth Day Event Funds DISCUSSION/ACTION No Discussion or Action Taken.
VI. Reports
This time is reserved for members of the Council to give a report from their committee/branch. A limit of three (3) minutes per speaker will be enforced.
6.01 Executive Reports
SCCASG Treasurer, Ebone Spence addresses the council to give a brief overview of check requests both pending and processed.
SCCASG Vice President of Activities, Sydney Gaughan addresses the council to give a brief overview of the planning progress for “Back to the Future” movie night.
SCCASG Supreme Justice, Nathan Underwood addresses the council to give a brief overview of the planning progress of the U.S. Presidential Debate event and gains feedback about the date for the GOP Debate.
SCCASG President, Kevin Pham addresses the council to give a brief overview of the RSCCD Board of Trustees meeting he attended to include the Grants that were discussed and the Safe-Tread App that may become implemented on the SCC campus to provide better access to law enforcement, first responders, and security in the event of an emergency. Kevin Pham discusses his meeting with the SCC Alumni Engagement Committee and explains their newly implemented social media campaign to engage with both students and alumni at SCC on Twitter and Instagram.
6.04 Office of Student Life and Leadership Report
Student Life and Leadership, Student Services Coordinator, Diana Casares addresses the SCCASG executive board and discusses the importance of having an overall goal for the academic year in order to better provide direction for both their leadership and success in the SCCASG.
VII. Event Reminders Announcements
9.1 Welcome Back Event
SCCASG Vice President of Activities, Sydney Gaughan is looking for volunteers with the set up and clean up of the “Welcome Back Event.”
9.2 Student Services Sticker
SCCASG Supreme Justice, Nathan Underwood reminds the council that SCCASG members must have their “Student Services Sticker” for Fall, 2015 by the next council meeting on August 27, 2015 in order to participate in ASG. He will be checking all members at that time,
VIII. Public Forum
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the council on issues on or not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of five (5) minutes per speaker and fifteen (15) minutes per topic will be enforced.
IX. Adjournment
Meeting Chair, SCCASG President, Kevin Pham adjourns the meeting at 5:01pm, August 21, 2015.
Next Meeting to be held on August 27, 2015 at 3:30pm.