Policy and Finance Committee
6.00pm Wednesday 15th April 2015
Civic Office, 133 Berw Road, Pontypridd_____
Councillor Mrs. M. Harvey – Chair
Councillor L. Bengough – Vice-chair
Councillor K Bennett
Councillor A Bevan
Councillor Mrs. J. Brencher
Councillor L. Fackrell
Councillor B. Morgan
Councillor B Watts
In attendance:
Gethin Williams Chief Executive Officer
Jan Fry Senior Executive Officer
Jacqui Hopkins Administrative Officer
Morwenna Perrott Curator
47. Apologies
Councillor I. ap Steffan, Councillor S. Powderhill, and Councillor G. Whiles.
48. Elaine Antoniw
Members expressed their condolences to Mick Antoniw AM following his wife’s passing away on the weekend.
That an appropriate “card” be sent to Mick Antoniw expressing the Council’s condolences to the AM and his family.
49. Declarations of Interest
Councillor A. Bevan – declared his interest in respect of the award of the gas contract – daughter’s employment and Councillor L. Fackerill in respect of the Community review – he is a member of the Trefforest Ward.
50. Chief Executive’s Report
50.1 Interlink – Ken Moon, Development Officer
The Interlink Development Officer addressed the meeting on the role that Interlink plays in the Rhondda Cynon Taff area and particularly in the Pontypridd Community.
He explained that Interlink’s role was to assist in the start up of new projects, and advising existing projects especially with asset transfers and in community needs projects.
The Development Officer explained that he hoped to assist Councillors who were involved with groups and projects as to advise that Interlink could provide assistance and gave several examples of the good work undertaken. He made particular reference to assistance that could be provided to allotment groups, and how Interlink could provide a grant from its £500 budget but would also direct groups as to where larger funds/grants were available. The Development Officer explained that a great deal of information was available on the Interlink website but if any assistance was required then Members should contact him.
To thank Ken Moon, Development Officer, of Interlink for the information provided to assist Members in fulfilling their constituency role in their locality.
50.2 Reforming Local Government – Power of Local Government White Paper
Consideration was given to the White Paper and a lengthy debate followed.
Members expressed their concerns that there was a great deal of information that was required before a more measured and meaningful response could be provided. Members also had regard to draft a response prepared by an other organisation.
At the meeting Members expressed concerns amongst other matters regarding the following:
· There was need to know the finances/costings involved in any proposed re-organisation.
· It was noted that the reference in the report to Council Members referred only to County/County Borough Councillors.
· Concern was expressed as to whether any new Town/Community Council would lead to a payment being made for those undertaking the role.
· who would undertake an audit/inspection of the work undertaken by a “Leader”?
· the need to limit Councils’ term of office and to cut the link between membership of two Councils was questioned.
· Whilst realising the Welsh Government did not made recommendations on the salaries of an AM or of an MP, it was considered that the pay of those in the public sector should be reviewed by one source to avoid any variations or complaints from the public – in this context reference was made that Members of the Pontypridd Town Council received no payment nor expenses for undertaking their role.
· Concerns were expressed regarding the constitution of the Area Boards and on the need for those sitting Members to be democratically elected.
· Would not the setting up of Area Boards and the need for an input from those making up such Boards lead to delays in decision taking?
· concerns were expressed regarding the capability requirement and further information or proposals were required before a meaningful response could be provided
· the Welsh Government were also asked to consider contacting Welsh Universities/Colleges as to whether it could provide the basis of a practical/paper qualification in addition to an experienced time served qualification for clerkship.
· concerns were again raised regarding the substantial cost and financial burden placed on a Town/Community Council when a community poll is required under the present legislation – the community poll is in the Pontypridd Town Council area if all the costs in excess of £13,000 and the electorate turn out to vote was extremely low. In contrast Members wondered in allowing for community involvement the holding of an Annual Meeting would serve the community better than a community poll on functions and issues which the Town/Community Council has not any responsibilities.
To delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and Vice-chair of Committee authority to comment to the Welsh Government on the “Reforming Local Government – Power of Local Government White Paper” having regard to the comments made at the meeting and in respect of a draft response from other interested parties circulated.
50.3 Community Review
The Chief Executive reported on the response received by Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC from the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (LDBCW) with proposals re allocating seats in the Trefforest and Rhondda Wards of the Town Council. At the meeting, concerns were expressed regarding the affect of the reduction of 1 Town Councillor on the Trefforest Ward in view of the large student population in the area many of whom were not on the electoral role but yet the local Councillors would deal with their concerns on a regular basis and the general “transient” population in that Ward.
To delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and Vice-chair of Committee authority to forward a response to the County Borough’s Legal and Democratic Services Officer in Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC expressing concern regarding the reduction of one Town Councillor in the Trefforest Ward and commenting and acknowledging that it was accepted and that there was a need for an additional Town Councillor in the Llantrisant Ward.
50.4 Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
To review the Council’s Standing Orders and financial regulations and to delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and Vice-chair of Committee authority to amend any drafting clarification amendments required to the financial regulations in particular.
50.5 2015/16 Budget – Ponty 10K Run/Aquathlon
Members considered the possibility that an “Aquathlon” event take place in Ynysangharad War Memorial Park, Pontypridd, which could involve a 5K run followed by a 400 metre swim in the soon to be completed Lido.
Members considered whether to allocate the funding for a 10K run in the 2015/16 budget towards holding an “Aquathlon” event provided the necessary information had been provided to the Direct Services and Regeneration Committee.
That the £4K allocated in the 2015/16 budget towards a possible 10K run event in the Pontypridd area be also allocated to an “Aquathlon” event provided it is considered beneficial for the Community by the Direct Services and Regeneration Committee.
51. Gas Contract
The Chief Executive reported that the fixed price gas energy plan the Council holds with British Gas ended on the 21st March 2015 and had now moved on to the Company’s variable price plan. He also reported that the Council already had entered into a contract with another supplier for gas/electric supplies at the Museum and gas at Taff Meadow Community Centre. Members were asked that as a result of the tendering exercise already undertaken that the gas contract for the Civic Office be added to the existing contract provided the prices from that contractor was less than those provided by British Gas for its variable price plan.
To delegate to the Senior Executive Officer in consultation with the Chair and Vice-chair of Committee authority to add the gas services contract for the Civic Office to the existing contract which the Council has with Business Utility Consultants provided that the prices for renewing the existing contract is less than those now submitted under the present supplier’s plan.
52. Curator’s Report
Museum Update
The Curator reported on the current exhibition’s at the Museum, employment of a new member of staff through the Jobs Growth Wales Scheme for a period of 6 months, the success of the social media and website, the collection management project, “Kids in Museums”, the possibility of working in partnership with students from the University of South Wales to develop a brief for an art project involving the phone box located outside the Museum and the job description drafted for the volunteers recruitment at the Museum.
To note the report and to proceed with the phone box project as reported to Council at the potential cost of adopting the box for £1, and to adopt the volunteer role description document for use in the museum.
53. List of Accounts (January 2015)
Following discussion the list of accounts for the period 28th February 2015 were noted.
54. Budget v Actuals to 31st October 2014
To note the information provided by the Chief Executive.
Signed: ______
Councillor Mary Harvey
The meeting closed at 7.45 p.m.
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Policy and Finance Committee
April 2015