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Our Mission

The mission of Otwell Middle School states that it is: Our unrelenting quest to do Whatever It Takes to TEACH,
INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE all learners. With that mission in mind, it is the duty of those most involved in the Title I
students’ education (the student, parent/guardian, and instructor) to commit to that vision for Otwell Middle School students.
Monday - Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm
OMS is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about children’s progress. You can expect to hear from us by:
·  Weekly emails
·  itsLearning
·  Infinite Campus messenger
·  Monthly and weekly newsletters
·  Grades accessible in Parent Portal
·  Conferences
·  Facebook/Twitter
Otwell Middle School
School wide
Revised 8/5/16

Goals for Student Achievement

District Goals: Forsyth County Schools set goals for the entire district. The district goals for 2016-2017 are:
·  The percentage of students scoring at Proficient Learner or above on the Georgia Milestones (GMAS) English Language Arts End of Grade Assessment will increase by five percentage points.
·  The percentage of students scoring at Proficient Learner or above on the Georgia Milestones (GMAS) Science End of Grade Assessment will increase by five percentage points.
·  The percentage of students who scored below grade level on the Lexile Levels Measure on the Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMAS) will decrease by three percentage points.
School Goals: The OMS Improvement Plan will be available to access on the school’s webpage by September 30, 2016. Otwell’s
three-year goal, 2016-2019 is to become an accredited STEAM-certified school. We will continue to improve upon our CCRPI score, currently 81.1, for academic growth and to address the mental, social, and emotional needs of all learners. In order to achieve this, Otwell will:
§  Have teachers engage in Data Teams and Professional Learning Communities to plan for instruction and analyze student data for learning growth in correlation with the sub-group flags on the CCRPI.
§  Foster student growth – academically, socially, and behaviorally – with a focus on motivation and student accountability with Dr. Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindsets. / PARENTING RESOURCES: A Parent Resource Room is available with parenting resources. Workshops are offered throughout the year.
PARTNERSHIPS: Parent/Teacher conferences (October and March) can be requested by parent and/or teacher. Parent meetings and Lunch & Learn workshops are held monthly. Curriculum Night is virtual and posted online for parents to have access through the year. Open Houses were held on July 30 and August 1, 2016. Parents are invited to volunteer at school. Online and virtual learning activities are available via itsLearning by student and teachers, as well as through Twitter, Facebook, webinars, podcasts, teacher-created videos.
LEARNING AT HOME: Parent workshops and/meetings will be available in the morning, afternoon and evening. Some examples of topics are; STEAM, Math, Literacy, Common Core, Homework/Study Skills, and Technology Safety.
We have an open door policy for the Parent Resource Room. Parents can check educational games, and activities. Parent books are also available.
DECISION MAKING: All parents of our School Wide Title I school have multiple opportunities to be involved in the joint development of the school-parent compact and the parent involvement policy.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:
As a parent/guardian, I/we will work to do the following:
§  Read school and class newsletters.
§  Be sure my child attends school every day.
§  Make sure homework is complete.
§  Be aware of what my child is learning by attending scheduled conferences and special programs presented to assist and inform parents.
§  Volunteer in my child’s classroom/school.
§  If my child needs to come to school for additional help, I will do my best to see that he/she gets to school for scheduled help sessions.
§  Be sure to be available to help my child with his/her home learning routine. / School/Teacher Responsibilities:
At Otwell Middle School, we will work to do the following:
§  Post grades in Parent Portal on Infinite Campus for parents to view.
§  Hold parent-teacher conferences during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.
§  Inform parent(s)/guardian(s) of any concerns regarding their student’s progress.
§  Provide Title I parent monthly meetings
§  Provide academic resources for content areas for parents to work at home with student via itsLearning, teacher and parent resource room.
§  Provide grade level weekly newsletters from each content area of current classroom learning.

Student Responsibilities:

As a student, I will work to do the following:

§  Come to school, and to each of my classes, prepared with my homework and supplies.
§  Bring home parent invites, discuss class newsletters and practice assigned math and reading skills at home.
§  Participate in classroom discussions, complete homework and study for assigned quizzes and test at home and at school.
§  When I don’t understand something in class, I will seek help from the teacher and my parents as well as make arrangements to come in for additional help.
§  Have the mindset that I can learn anything, be anything, and know anything.
§  Request and take the re-take assessment within five days of receiving a below average graded assessment.
§  Download all missing assignments before returning to school. This includes work missed due to absences or work that is misplaced.