10th Annual UT Dallas Project Management Symposium

Call for Papers

A Call for Papers has been issued for the 10th Annual UT Dallas Project Management Symposium, Project Management: A Key to Business Success. Abstracts are requested addressing topics related to this theme.

The Project Management Symposium will be held at The University of Texas at Dallas, Naveen Jindal School of Management in Richardson Texas. The two-day symposium is sponsored by the Graduate Program in Project Management at The University of Texas at Dallas, in cooperation with the PMI Dallas Chapter and PM World Journal. The symposium will focus on topics relevant to organizations, industries and the economy in North Texas.

Of greatest interest are new ideas, concepts and experiences associated with the following:

  • Innovative project/program management
  • Project management’s impact on the bottom line
  • Team collaboration and virtual teams
  • Portfolio management and governance
  • Entrepreneurial project management
  • Business process
  • PMOs
  • Agile vs. waterfall
  • Solving project complexity
  • Case studies and lessons learned

Please complete the application below to be considered as a presenter. As a reminder, if your abstract is selected, both a paper and a presentation are required.

The applicationmust include learning objectives for the one hour presentation session and indication of the appropriate PMI Talent Triangleclassification for each of the certifications (e.g., 0.5 hour technical, 0.5 hour leadership; 100% applicable to PMP and 10% applicable to RMP).

Important Dates

Application, abstract, bio and head shot photo due Monday, March 14, 2016.

Selections will be announced no later than Friday, April 8, 2016.

Additional Information

  • Submit your application in .doc or .docx format
  • Incomplete submissions will be returned to the applicant and may be resubmitted with all requirements included
  • Papers must not have been previously published
  • Papers and presentations should be free of commercial sales content
  • Papers and presentations should focus on the subject of the title, and provide new contributions to the topic
  • Speaker expenses are not reimbursed. However, speakers are not charged a fee to attend the symposium
  • Submit your speaker application to

For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact or 972-883-2656.

Download the Call for Papers and Speaker Application at


Speaker Information*

Speaker Name:
Company Name:
Mobile: Phone:
Admin Name:
(if primary contact)
Admin Email: / Admin Phone:

Speaker Bio*

Brief Speaker Biography (125 words or less. Please attach a photo):

*If you have a co-presenter(s), please complete these two sections for each presenter.

Presentation Title

Presentation Title/Topic

Presentation Abstract

Abstract (250 words or less)
Process Areas: / Initiation / Controlling & Monitoring
[Check all that apply] / Planning / Closing

Knowledge Areas:


Project Integration


Project Human Resources

[Check all that apply]


Project Scope


Project Communication

Project Time


Project Risk

Project Cost


Project Procurement

Project Quality


Stakeholder Management

PMI Talent Triangle:


Technical Project Management _____%

[Select Applicable]


Leadership _____%

Strategic and Business Management _____%

Applicable Certificates:




ACP (_____% of presentation)

[Check all that apply]




PBA (_____% of presentation)



RMP (_____% of presentation)

PfMP (_____% of presentation)

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes(Clear and concise statements that describe the intended outcomes of instruction. Learning outcomes represent the skills that learners can expect to demonstrate after completing the instruction. Outcome statements must be specific, observable, and measurable)