American Club

February 7, 2012

Meeting Notes


Leaders approved minutes from the January 10 Leaders’ Meeting.


•  Flossie Tsang who helps with HKIS facilities had a baby girl

•  Pitchaporn “Toffee” Jiaravanon earned and received the Gold Award for her Cheung Chau Library Project – Art in the Community

•  Cassia Patel received a recognition from the President and First Lady for earning her Gold Award

•  Girl Scout Uniform

-  HKIS is strictly enforcing the dress code

-  The uniform is a white HKIS shirt or Girl Scouts shirt, khaki pants, and the Girl Scouts vest; the vest needs to be worn at all times

-  If the Girl Scout vest is not worn during the day, girls need to wear their regular HKIS uniform and put the vest on after school

•  USA Girl Scouts Global Leadership Conference – April 20-22 in Japan

-  Held on the Yokosuka Naval Base

-  Scholarships of $500 will be provided to 10 leaders and 10 Girl Scouts to attend

-  Scholarships are first come, first served basis

-  OC will pay for registration fee

-  Bridging Juniors can sign up, but must register for 2012-13 Scouts and bridge before the conference

-  Liz Derrick sent an email regarding the conference to leaders of troops Juniors and older

•  Global Workshop, August 1-4 in New York

-  Focus is on recruitment and retention strategies that leverage Global Girl Scouting, including the series and travel pathways

-  75% of travel expenses will be reimbursed

•  2012 is the Year of the Girl

-  Theme is “To Get Her There”,

-  Katie Couric did an interview about Girl Scouts that can be found on YouTube

-  Princess Kate was a Brownie and one of her areas of focus is Scouts

•  Girl Scout Summer Camps are now open for registration



-  Or check with your local Council

•  Melinda Carroll Webinar – February 22 at 12 pm Eastern

-  Webinar is about Girl Scouts songs and singing

-  Go here to sign up:

•  World Wide Centennial Sunrise Ceremony – March 11 or 12

-  Organized by the Historic Georgia Council

-  Need a troop to volunteer to make a video

-  Contact Ann or Liz for more information

•  PFO Worlds Fair, April 14 – Troop 10 will do the opening flag ceremony and Troop 8 will do the closing flag ceremony

•  Troop 10 needed one more Early Bird Patch - Thanks to Troop 28 who provided an extra one!


•  Checking – 360,833.75 HKD

•  Savings – 40,686.14 HKD

•  Bake sales have raised nearly $10,000HK

-  Troops participating in a second bake sale can keep the proceeds for their troop’s use

-  Coffee is a big seller at early times; lemonade has also sold well

•  Bingo Night raised $7,749HK, nearly double the amount raised last year


•  Global Action Earned Award

-  A fun way for Girl Scouts to help with the UN’s goals to reduce poverty and address other major world concerns

-  A troop only has to do one activity to earn; suggested activities are age appropriate and not hard to earn


-  Submit patch order to Tonya King by Friday (February 10)

-  Leaders with troops that will earn the Honor Troop Patch this year need to place orders next month; for more information on the Honor Troop Patch see:

•  World Thinking Day Earned Patch

-  This patch is earned through WAGGGS


•  Girl Scouts Forever Green Patch

-  Girls who participate in at least one Forever Green project earn this patch.

-  Downloadable Pledge Cards, “I Refilled My Water Bottle” and “Flip the Switch” stickers can be found at

-  Three Council sponsored Forever Green events:

§  February 24, Field trip to waste transfer station

§  March 17, Earth Hour workshop

§  April 21, Field trip to Wetlands Park

•  Earned patches and badges go on the front of the vest; participation patches (like Bingo Night) go on the back.

•  An Honor Troop patch order form was passed around

•  Thinking Day patches will be distributed at the event

•  Bingo and Take Action patches are available


•  Bingo

-  Thanks to Patti and Trisha for organizing the event, which got great reviews

-  Thanks to Celine for organizing the hygiene kit assembly

•  Soup Kitchen

-  Was a very positive experience

-  More than 300 cup of noodle packs were provided

-  Older Brownies could do it in the future


•  Celine has 200 hygiene kits that troops can use for service projects

•  Contact Celine as soon as possible to schedule elderly home visits

•  Submit expenses for Take Action projects to Celine as soon as possible

•  Cheung Chau School, March 24 – there is room for another troop to sign up

•  Troops that have decorated bags for Ronald McDonald House should bring them to Thinking Day

•  Gala/Spring Clean Up

-  Working with AWA and Cub Scouts

-  Focusing on refugee and children organizations

-  Clean up starts May 4 and ends with Gala on May 14

-  A list of items wanted for collection will be distributed

-  Need girls to help sort

-  Asia Tigers will transport the collections to the charities

§  Celine is working on a plan that would allow girls to participate in the distribution


-  World Thinking Day – February 11, 9:00 to 11:45 am

-  14 girl led stations

-  Two Daisies will be assigned to each Brownie troop for the rotation

-  Participants need to bring $5HK and a water bottle

-  A snack will be provided

-  Daisies are invited to attend, but will not create the booths.

§  R2 Daisies should come from 9-10:15;

§  Grade 1 Daisies 10:30-11:45;

§  Parent to child ratio is 1:2

•  SITA Field Trip – February 24

-  Buses will leave from Lower Primary immediately after school

-  Need to sign up all people (adults and students) who plan to attend

-  Sign up is on the OC Calendar at

•  Father Daughter Dance – March 10

-  Need RSVPs back at the March 6 leaders’ meeting

-  Bring lucky draw prizes (two per troop) to the March 6 leaders’ meeting

•  Forever Green – March

-  Sign up is available for Saturday March 17 workshop; contact Nahid Iyer for more information

-  Troops need to sign up to make posters and distribute light bulbs during conferences on April 22nd and 23rd

•  Forever Green – April

-  Field trip to the Hong Kong Wetland Reserve on April 21

-  40 people (adults and children) can participate

-  Sign up is on OC Calendar

-  Contact Molly Saunders or Donna Massey for more information

•  Other events:

-  Next leaders’ meeting – March 6

-  Brownie Consulate visit – March 14

§  RSVP due to Kathleen Carlson on February 7

-  Bake Sales – March 18, May 19

-  Honor Troop Form Due – April 10


•  Camp

-  Two companies, Dragonfly and Asian Pacific Adventures have been asked to submit proposals for Camp 2012

-  Asian Pacific Adventures presented their qualifications and proposal to leaders; Dragonfly will make a presentation at a future meeting

•  2012-13 Calendar

-  Movie night has been a big success for raising funds; need to determine if it will continue

-  In September a Saturday workshop will be held in partnership with the League of Women voters for the US Election; the workshop will include

§  Election Trivia

§  Republican/Democrat debate

§  Mock election

-  Girl Scouts may be able to assist the League of Women Voters at Election Central on Election Day

-  Cookie Shine

§  Consensus was to re-instate Cookie Shine with a focus on giving to others

§  May want to consider doing swaps for the event and caroling in the HKIS neighborhood

-  A leader and committee needs to be established for both the election event and Cookie Shine


Girl Scout Leaders’ Meeting

February 7, 2012 Meeting Notes

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