Schoolof Business Leadership

Doctorate of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership (Ph.D.)

Approved Degree Program

Please fill out the ADP including the “Term” column such as “Fall 2012” or “FA12” and email as a MS Word document to your advisor.

Name: / Student ID:
Major: / Entrepreneurial Leadership / Program Start:
Advisor: / Date:
UNIV-LIB / Library Research & Resources / 0
English 500 / Writing Seminar / 0
LPHD750 / Orientation / 0
LPHD751 / Exegetical Methods / 3
LPHD752 / Exegetical Analysis / 3
LPHD753 / Quantitative Methods / 3
LPHD754 / Quantitative Analysis / 3
LPHD756 / Qualitative Methods / 3
LPHD757 / Qualitative Analysis / 3
LPHD758 / Advanced Analysis / 3
LPHD761 / Leadership Theories / 3
LPHD762 / Organizational Theories / 3
LPHD763 / Organizational Behavior / 3
LPHD764 / Group Behavior / 3
LPEN 768 / Theoretical Foundations of Leading Entrepreneurial Ventures / 3
LPEN 769 / Kingdom Business Leadership Strategies / 3
LPEN 770 / Theories of the Firm in Developing Economies / 3
LPEN 771 / Entrepreneurial Strategies to Lead Technological and Innovational Change / 3
LPEN 785 / Seminar: Global Entrepreneurial Activity / 3
LPHD759 / Capstone / 0
Total Required Core Course Credits / 48
LPHD 861 / Doctoral Dissertation (LPHD 861-864 courses are non-repeatable/can be registered for only once and must be taken in number sequence) / 3
LPHD 862 / Doctoral Dissertation / 3
LPHD 863 / Doctoral Dissertation / 3
LPHD 864 / Doctoral Dissertation / 3
LPHD 865 / Doctoral Dissertation (dissertation continuation course/ taken as needed, one per term until the dissertation is completed) / 1
Total Dissertation Credits (minimum 12) / 12
Total Program Credits (minimum 60) / 60

* Students must complete the PhD program in maximum 7 years from the first term of enrollment