Paul’s Epistle to the Roman Church
by, Rev. Eric Alan Greene
Paul’s Gospel Summary
God’s Impartial Future Judgment & The Work of God’s Spirit During the Old Covenant Era
1. Chapter 2 speaks of Old Covenant believers who “do”, “keep”, and “fulfill” the Law. (v.16,26,27) Same will be said about the New Covenant people. (3:31; 8:4,7; 13:8)
2. The fact that Paul never uses the word “faith” in chapter 2, may be more evidence that he is speaking about Old Covenant believers. Their good works were certainly
evidence of their faith. Most likely Paul reserves the word “faith” to speak about the New Covenant people, through whom the promise was given, and accomplished. 3:27;4:13,14
Judgment Upon All Old Covenant People Since Justification Was Not Yet Accomplished
The Work of God’s Son Demonstrates God’s Righteousness Justification Accomplished, New Covenant People Constituted
By Faith: Inheritance Is Obtained
Justification Was Received By Faith By Faith: Righteousness Is Reckoned Justification Has Present Benefits
5:12 – 8: 39
Key Observation: Chapters 6-8 are simply the full blossom and details of what 5:20-21 contain in seed-form:
“…so that grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Chapters 6-8 explain
the manifold and cosmic application of the justification that Jesus accomplished. Presently, justification frees us from
sin’s power. (ch.6) Historically, justification frees us from Moses’ Law, which merely magnified Adam’s condemnation (ch.7)
In the future, the full effect of justification will be applied at the final resurrection, when all creation will be “delivered from
the bondage of corruption” (8:21) Romans 5 – 8 explains God’s victory in accomplishing and applying the full effect
of justification. This is the outworking of grace’s reign through Jesus’ righteousness.
Romans 9 – 10:13
Chapter 9 Chapter 10:1 - 13
Key Observations:
The “righteousness of Faith” refers both to Christ’s work for us (10:5), and our faith in Him (9:30). Through this “faith” God promised to Abraham and his seed, the world. (4:13)
The “righteousness which is of the Law” (10:5), or “the Law of righteousness” (9:30-31) refers to the good anticipation of how the Law desired life and righteousness only to be
accomplished in Christ. The Law could never give this glory, nor its own promises, not during its time nor within its power. (3:21) (Phil.3:6,9 is about the Law before Christ.)
Our “righteousness” in Christ (10:4) is the long-anticipated new covenant position that now justifies us, since we are now reckoned (6:11) to be in His death and resurrection.
“Justification” is a new-covenant, legal, and two-fold-eschatological declaration. In retrospect, it fulfills the past Law(10:4). In prospect, it secures the future judgment (5:9).
Our justification produces Spirit-wrought and Lawful fruits, which the future judgment will inspect (2:6) and justify (2:13-16); after the Spirit completes our resurrection (8:23).
Chapter 10:14 – 11:36
to be continued……