Build instructions
Project name / LexEVS – GRID SERVICE /Project version / 4.2
Build configuration (stage, prod, nightly, dependency, etc.) / QA
Technology stack / JBoss 4.0.4.GA, Ant 1.7.0, JDK 1.5, caGrid 1.2
Build script / util.xml
Build target / -f util.xml qa build pack
(See instructions below for details)
SVN repository root /
SVN module / /LexEVS_Grid_Services/trunk/LexBIGCaGridServices
SVN tag / See Deployment Request for current Tag
Build properties
Property / ValueNote: Build properties are stored in and can be manually edited. See “additional build instructions” for details.
Environment variables
Variable / Value /ANT_HOME / Points to ant home directory
JAVA_HOME / Points to Java JDK directory
JBOSS_HOME / Points to JBoss 4.0.4.GA directory
CAGRID_LOCATION / Points to caGrid directory
GLOBUS_LOCATION / Points to Globus directory (ws-core-4.0.3)
PATH / Should contain ANT_HOME/bin and JAVA_HOME/bin references
Deployment unit
File / Location /lexEVS-wsrf.tar / …/target
gridservice-lib.tar / …/target
Dependent Project(s)
Project / Description of dependency /None
BUILD Instructions
This section requires that you build deployment artifacts
in a local (desktop) JBoss server the results of which will be packaged and deployed to your “target” remote JBoss server.
A. Pre-build Instructions
1. Install or verify that you have ANT and JDK 1.7 installed (and environment variables set appropriately for these products.
2. Install JBoss 4.0.4.GA and set environment variables appropriately for JBoss.
3. Install caGrid. You can download the installer from File:
4. Set CAGRID_LOCATION and GLOBUS_LOCATION environment variables as per installer instructions.
Note; The installer will setup only a Globus or Tomcat container. You can pick one for now. You will configure the JBoss container in a following step. Also note that the installer will install Apache Ant as well.
5. Deploy Globus/caGrid to your Jboss server
a) Open command prompt
b) cd %CAGRID_LOCATION%/antfiles/jboss
c) ant -f jboss.xml deployJBoss -Djboss.dir="%JBOSS_HOME%"
This will create a wsrf.war directory in Jboss in which the LexEVS Grid Service will be deployed.
B. Steps to build LexEVS Grid Service
1. Checkout LexEVS grid service in to an appropriate directory on your computer.
2. Open a command prompt and CD in to the directory where you checked out the LexEVS grid service.
3. Build deployment artifacts. Type:
ant -f util.xml qa build pack
This command will set the environment variables (qa), build the service (build), and pack up the build artifacts (pack).
This step also will generate files ‘lexEVS-wsrf.tar’ and ‘gridservice-lib.tar’ in the ‘project_home/target’ directory for later use during deployment.