Mr. Cook
"America's Wars" - Social Studies Elective
Course Syllabus
BHS 2017-2018
*Course Description
This course will cover a wide range of material involving various wars our nation has fought in order for you and I to enjoy the freedoms we have in this great nation. I have designed the course to have an overall theme of honoring the men and women who have served our nation. Through various discussions, creative projects, and films, my hope is that when you leave my classroom you will have a better understanding of who these people were and what they did to help secure our freedoms as Americans.
*Classroom Behavior
It is expected that you are completely capable of behaving yourselves as young adults and able to follow the school rules as outlined in the BHS handbook. In my classroom, I specifically expect the following to be respected:
· I ask that you come to class with a positive attitude and respect my obligation to teach and the rights of others to learn. Paying attention to class discussions and participating is expected. The fact that you CHOSE to take this course indicates some personal interest in the subject matter and therefore should be engaged and behaving appropriately.
"Talk Less.....Smile More.....
· When I stand at the podium or ask everyone to get quiet, I am ready to start class and I expect you to become quiet and start listening at that point. Holding “sidebar” conversations while I am talking, or a classmate is talking, is extremely distracting to me and simply rude. I will not tolerate this in my classroom. When I begin class, continuing to work on other subject material is also very rude and disrespectful. I do keep score.
· Inappropriate remarks WILL NOT be tolerated.
· Cell phones..... (See Handout: "BYOD Policy")
· Cheating and lying will not be tolerated in my classroom.
Cheating includes (but is not limited to)
1. copying work from someone else
2. using electronic devices to obtain answers on tests and/or quizzes
3. copying and pasting material from the internet.
4. discussing quizzes with students who have not had my class yet on a quiz day
Lying includes (but is not limited to)
1. telling me you are going to point A when you actually go to point B
2. using someone else's work as your own.
IN ALL CASES: Honesty is always the best policy.
We will use these IN CLASS ONLY; you will NOT be issued personal copies.
Sun Tzu; The Art of War
Ways of War: American military history from the colonial era to the 21st century.
*Class Requirements
· TAKING NOTES: While I try to not make this your "traditional" history class with tests and lecture notes, you should take notes on material we do discuss. Retaining this information to increase your understanding of the American Soldier is the point of being here, isn't it?
· PARTICIPATION: (See Handout: "Participation Expectations")
· PROJECTS: (See Handout: "Project Guidelines")
· SUPPLIES: In addition to having something to write with each day in class as well as your own paper, you will be required to have your own supplies to complete your projects. It’s a good idea to have a glue stick and/or tape and some markers, perhaps a ruler. You will also need a poster board or two throughout the semester. Plenty of notice will be given when we are beginning a project.
*Movies/Documentaries/Media Clips
· We will watch a good number of media clips and movies in this class to supplement our discussions. You and I have not experienced battle or serving in the military; a lot of these films and documentaries are the best examples you and I have at this point of what the American serviceperson has sacrificed. These films and documentaries are an important part of this class.
· There will be assignments/grades based on the films and documentaries.
· You are not exempt from these assignments simply because you missed class that day. You must make up the film/clips you miss.
· If you were not here to view , your options are as follows:
1. Watch the film online via Netflix or Amazon or any one of the many
movie sources you guys have out there today!
2. Join us in another class period
3. Borrow my copy (With this comes GREAT responsibility!)
4. Simply guess on the questions I ask related to the movie/clip you
missed by not viewing it with us in class?
Final word is that you are responsible for movie/media clips whether or not you were in class.
Remarks on R rated movies: We will watch full-length feature films. These movies may be rated R due to language and war violence. As stated in school policy, regardless of your age, you will need a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian to view (See Movie Permission Slip handout). Movies are not for your entertainment purposes, they are not optional as to whether or not you “like” the movie or "have seen it before." You will study the movie with the class unless there is a pertinent reason for you not to view.
*Make-Up Work: Absences and Late Work
· When absent from class, you can get our daily class activities from a friend and/or from my class website (See Class Website below).
· In the event you do not make up your work in the allotted time it is considered LATE. The late policy is defined as you receiving at best a 50%.
· If you have an excused absence from school, I allow twice as many school days per absence to make up the work I collected. After that number of days it becomes “late,” as defined above.
* Class Website:
· My website is up to date and THE source for info regarding this class. The website contains ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM ME, NOTES/HANDOUTS FROM CLASS and a LIST of what we did each day. It is worth your time to check the site regularly; ESPECIALLY if you were absent. Everything you need for this course is on this site! Sometimes even extra credit is there for you!!
Simply keep lines of communication open with me. I am here to help you be successful in this course; I'm on YOUR side. While the procedures above are my general class policies, they are not written in stone and if needed, special circumstances will be allowed.