SWE Collegiate Interest Group (CIG)
Application Procedure
Collegiate Interest Group (CIG)
Application Procedure
March 2006
A. Purpose 2
B. Definition of a SWE Collegiate Interest Group (CIG) 2
C. Benefits of being a CIG 2
D. Contact Information 2
E. Process Steps for Forming a new CIG & Applying for SWE Approval 3
F. Requirements for a Complete CIG Application Form 4
G. Submitting the CIG Application Package 4
H. Information to Include in the CIG Application Package 5
A. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to define the requirements and explain how to start a Collegiate Interest Group (CIG) within the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). It includes activities and deliverables for initially starting and obtaining approval for the CIG.
The primary purpose of having CIG’s within the Society allows individual SWE collegiate members enrolled in a junior college, community college, or four year college/university the opportunity and ability to operate similarly to a Collegiate section under the mentorship and guidance of a professional member section. The partnering of a CIG to a member section is critical to the success and longevity of the CIG.
B. Definition of a SWE Collegiate Interest Group (CIG)
A Collegiate Interest Group (CIG) is a body of individual SWE collegiate members enrolled in a junior college, community college, or four-year college/university that wish to function as a recognized SWE entity. A college or university with an existing SWE collegiate section cannot form a CIG at this time.
A CIG allows the collegiate members to utilize the name of the Society for group functions, without the need to fulfill all the requirements of a collegiate section. Although CIG collegiate members are entitled to all the individual membership benefits, the CIG will not be entitled to the same benefits as a collegiate section. In other words, a CIG can not request, apply for, or compete for, collegiate section rebates or awards given out annually by the Society. A collegiate member can still apply for, or compete for, individual Collegiate awards and scholarships given out annually by the Society.
C. Benefits of being a CIG
· Allows for fluctuation in collegiate membership numbers, i.e. it is not necessary to maintain the minimum required ten (10) SWE collegiate members.
· Allows a body of individual SWE collegiate members at a school without a SWE collegiate section to operate as a group in the name of the Society of Women Engineers.
· Promotes interaction and mentoring opportunities with other SWE Members on the local, regional, and national levels.
· Provides a support system to increase the understanding of engineering and to enhance professionalism among its members in alignment with the Society’s mission and objectives.
D. Contact Information
Students interested in forming a CIG will need to contact SWE Headquarters for the CIG Application package and for the name and contact information of their appropriate Region Governor.
Students can request any of this information from or
Society of Women Engineers Headquarters
230 East Ohio Street, Suite 400
Chicago IL 60611-3265
phone (312) 596-5223, fax (312) 596-5252
E. Process Steps for Forming a new CIG & Applying for SWE Approval
Interested students at a junior college, community college, or four-year college/university without an existing SWE collegiate section must perform the following steps to obtain SWE CIG approval.
1) Have all interested students apply for individual SWE collegiate membership online. Go to the Online Member Services at www.swe.org/JOIN to apply electronically.
2) Start meeting as a group. During the “formation period” and until approval is obtained, the group can call itself a Proposed CIG of the Society of Women Engineers.
3) Find a Faculty Advisor from the school who will be committed to supporting the CIG. This person is a requirement for the CIG, and will need to write a letter of support for the CIG and sign the application packet. This person does not need to be a SWE member, but it is highly recommended.
4) Once the Proposed CIG reaches the minimum chartering level of four (4) SWE collegiate members, contact SWE Headquarters and request a CIG Application Packet and contact information for the respective Region Governor. Refer to Section D.
5) Contact the Region Governor and inform her of their school’s desire to form a CIG.
6) The Region Governor will assist the Proposed CIG with finding a Sponsor. The Sponsor is a nearby SWE professional member section that is willing to mentor, guide, and administer support to the CIG. The Sponsor will act as the official reporting conduit to the Society for the CIG on all matters. Refer to the CIG Roles & Responsibilities document for more details.
The Sponsor will need to write a letter of support for the CIG and sign the application form. The Sponsor cannot be a nearby SWE collegiate section. If a nearby professional member section cannot be found to sponsor the CIG, then the Region Governor will determine if there is another appropriate Sponsor.
7) After receiving the CIG Application Packet from Headquarters, read and understand all documents in the packet, especially the SWE Bylaws and CIG Roles & Responsibilities documents.
8) Complete all sections of the application form. Refer to Section F below.
9) After completing the form, mail the original application package including all required attachments to SWE Headquarters for approval. Keep a copy of this complete package for your files.
10) This ends the Proposed CIG’s responsibility for the application process. The CIG will be notified by SWE Headquarters upon approval. If they are not approved, they will be contacted by the Region Governor.
Note: It is recommended that steps 3 through 6 be done in parallel.
F. Requirements for a Complete CIG Application Form
· Minimum of four (4) paid SWE collegiate members specifying degree/certificate/major and expected date of graduation listed as well as their signatures. 50% of the collegiate members must be female.
· Permanent school mailing address and email address
· Letter of Support and Signature from the Sponsor
· Letter of Support and Signature from a Faculty Advisor (The letter of support must be on school letterhead.)
· Choose whether the SIG will handle their own finances, or the Sponsor will handle this for them – please discuss this with your Sponsor, and Faculty Advisor beforehand
· Contact information for the Dean of the College/University
· Approximate number of women students in engineering, technology or related programs
· Approximate number of the total students in engineering, technology or related programs
G. Submitting the CIG Application Package
1) Complete all sections of the application. Details for completing each section are included in Section H below.
2) Attach all required letters of support.
3) Mail the original application package to SWE headquarters for approval. Retain a complete copy of the package for your records.
4) SWE Headquarters will process the application and send it to the Region Governor for approval
5) If the application is not approved, the Proposed CIG will be contacted by the Region Governor.
6) Upon receipt of approval of the application, SWE Headquarters will send a congratulatory letter to the CIG.
7) After processing the approved application package, SWE Headquarters will scan and email a complete copy of the package to the CIC Region Representative, Collegiate Interest Committee Chair, and the Director of Education on the
Board of Directors.
8) SWE Headquarters will also copy the following persons on the congratulatory letter:
- Region Governor
- CIG Sponsor
- Faculty Advisor
- All charter members of the CIG
- Dean of the College or University
- Director of Regions
- Collegiate Interest Committee Chair
H. Information to Include in the CIG Application Package
1) College or University Name: Enter the official school name of the junior college, community college or university applying for CIG recognition.
2) CIG Requirements: Checking this box indicates that the Proposed CIG agrees to abide by the CIG Roles and Responsibilities document. Carefully review the CIG Roles and Responsibilities document. If there any questions after reviewing this document, contact your Region Governor for clarification. This box must be checked to obtain CIG approval.
3) Permanent Address: This address should be a permanent school address that can be used to contact CIG members. Do NOT use a student’s personal mailing address. This can be the address of the Faculty Advisor, Student Affairs Office, or the appropriate school Dean.
4) School Data: This information can be obtained from the Faculty Advisor, Student Affairs Office, or the appropriate school Dean.
5) SWE Sponsor: A sponsor is required for a CIG. The sponsor is a nearby professional SWE Member Section, which can be found with the help of the Region Governor. The sponsor must complete this section and attach a letter of support.
6) Collegiate Members of the Proposed CIG: Complete and submit a paper or online Collegiate Membership Application to SWE Headquarters in advance of completing the CIG application. Print and sign your name, including your degree / certificate / major information, expected date of graduation and your SWE Collegiate Membership number. If you do not remember or can not locate your SWE Collegiate Membership number, check your personal record in the Online Member Services Directory or contact SWE Headquarters for this information. A minimum of four (4) Collegiate Member signatures is required. At least 50% of the members must be female.
7) School Faculty Advisor: A Faculty Advisor is required for a CIG. The Faculty Advisor must complete this section and attach a letter of support written on school letterhead. The Faculty Advisor is not required, but highly recommended, to be a SWE Member.
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