Study Time:-
Do work in separate notebook
- Tables of 2 to 15(Learn & write )
- Revise all the class work
Activity Time:-
- Project:Draw a colourful Indian Place Value Chart and International Place Value Chart on A4 sheet.
- Project : Represent the following numbers on the spike abacus with the help of beads and sticks and paste it on A4 sheet.
- 5,31,681
- 9,50,389
- 2,63,505
- 1,69,003
English: Enjoy holidays but side by side
Maintain a record of all the good deeds done by you during the vacations. Write about at least one good deed you did each fortnight.(The good deed could be helping your parents /grandparents/siblings/neighbours/anyone in need of help/being kind to animals/taking care of plants and trees.
Let’s have ‘Fun with words’ .Make as many 3,4 or 5 letter words as you can from one word. Place these words neatly on a cutout and hang them under the beautiful coloured and decorated cutout of main word.
- Words are: watermelon, crocodile, tortoise, sunflower.
Watch a movie .write the name of the movie, its director, lead. actors and the character you liked the most in movie. Try to paste a picture to make it more presentable.
Cut and paste 3 articles and underline the words . Writ the meanings from dictionary and then write in sentences also.
Make two book marks on thoughts
Do fifteen writings in your writing book .
Learn two poems by heart.
Learn Paragraph ‘RakshaBandhan’ and letter to a friend inviting her to attend your elder brother’s wedding.
Learn the syllabus that is done in the class.
Activity Time:-
- Find out five well known people of the world who were differentially abled but still excelled in different fields. Collect their photographs and paste in A/4 sheet (Roll No – 1 to 40)
- Take a plain white handkerchief. Make a design of small flowers with leaves on the corners of handkerchief colour the flowers and the leaves with fabric colours. Roll No.( 1-10)
- Paste ten pictures of things which we use to clean our body parts like shampoo, tooth paste etc in cardboard(Roll No 11- 20)
- Make a model of one house with cardboard and other easily available material like igloo,hut,house etc (Roll No 21-30)
- Make a poster on the topic ‘Save Water’ and write some ways on a sheet by which we can save water in the school and at home. Roll No (31-40)
- Grow a plant in a flower pot write information about plant in observation sheet (Roll No – 1 to 40)
- Collect pictures of various pets and domestic animals from magazine and newspaper .Make a collage of them (Roll No -1 to 40)
- Make the chart on memory unit mentioned in chapter -2
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Holidays Homework