WORK SHOP 3: Janvrin Moore

e-learning Resources for Teaching and Learning.

KS3 Ideas.

Task 1: Using the Internet for help with planning activities/ lessons where our knowledge & confidence are not so strong.

Part A

QCA Unit 2 Dance:
About the unit: Develop an awareness of historical & cultural origins of
Strand: A & D: Teach pupils specific actions and techniques that could
be used in their dances. Teach them motifs and show
them how to adapt & vary these.

THEME: ASIAN DANCE: Surf route via Google.

1. Dance

  1. Panasiandance
  2. Gallery
  3. Follow instructions to: dotphoto site
  4. Search albums for motif images eg Pandemonium 2003-4

  • Select 4 photographs of ‘asian’ actions/ gestures to make a 4 move motif.
  • Copy & Paste them into Word doc or copy & paste into PPT doc. To copy photo right click on image and select copy.
  • You can either perform the motif of the 4 selected moves and the pupils copy you or you can get the pupils to learn the motif from images on worksheets or via power point.
  • Select 3 further actions/ gestures from the site so that pupils can choose 1 /2 to add to the motif. If area is networked then the pupils can surf the site and select 2+ images for themselves.
  • Can set up an ‘Asian Dance’ image bank on school intranet and the pupils have to surf it to get motif material for the next lesson.

Part B

QCA Unit 25 Outdoor and adventurous activities: development.
About the unit: pupils develop their ability to respond effectively to
Strand: S & A: to select and apply their knowledge and understanding when
moving from familiar ground to unfamiliar.
THEME: Professional performers. Surf via Google
  1. or
  2. photos throughout the site Click on photos
  3. Can go to specific sports

  • Select the correct number of images so that you have one per post in your orientation route.
  • Copy & Paste them into Word doc or copy & paste into PPT doc. To copy photo right click on image and select copy.
  • Problem solving task: The pupils have to collect information re each image and once they have finished the route they then have to establish what links all these images.
  • Possible answers: Easy to obscure…All have brown hair, all have sky in the background, all have a stripe on their clothing, all Olympiads, all use equipment, all have sponsors on their kit etc.


Purpose: To find a new practice for an activity area
Activity area of choice: Surf Google
  1. – superb site covers huge range of sports

Other Website ( provided by Trainee Teachers at Exeter University)

Description and Resources for Teaching / Web Address
  • Downloadable Royal Navy action packs – useful for creating work cards
  • Good resources for GCSE and A-Level resources including PowerPoint presentations,
  • Downloadable lesson plans which are searchable by Key Stage, Subject etc.
  • Provides some useful free downloads
  • Training sheets, circuits, posters,
  • Useful for GCSE level work cards or as a resource for GCSE/A-Level students to use on tasks
  • Flash demos of soccer drills, useful in planning lessons especially at KS4
  • Also useful for drills for extra-curricular football
  • Free resources including worksheets for non-participants, tasks for KS4 etc.
  • Some free lesson plans available
  • Links to useful sites, for example dance websites
Description and Resources for Teaching / Web Address
Good for loads of lessons on healthy living, nutrition.
Follow links for PE lesson plans /
Full of great drills for all sports
Follow the links at the bottom of the page /
Loads of drills for all sports
Follow the link to KS3/4 /
Loads of drills for specific sports all proven successful in PE lessons /
Useful addition to the CD. All latest news about athletics /
Loads of swimming drills /
Provides useful free downloads
Training sheets, circuits, posters
Useful for GCSE /
Animated drills & information on all positions for all games /
Lots of info. On all games and teaching of secondary PE /
GCSE & A level resources and worksheets /
Useful ‘Cool Rules & SPIRIT student guidelines /
Fun and Interactive site with tutorials on the human body /
GCSE including ppt presentations on many areas /
An online study centre with links to lessons, revision and quizzes /

TASK 2: Pupils Using Websites in Lessons.

The teacher might demonstrate how the site is to be used by the pupils, but on the whole it is the pupils who complete the work required.


Reaction time : Provided by Hywell Davies.
Unit of work: Net/ Wall games, Athletic activities, Fitness and Health block -
  • Initially formed part of GCSE Physical Education Syllabus, and Core PE HRF Module
  • Work will have been done on skill related fitness and students will have done a series of practical tests on speed, power, balance and agility. The results from these tests will be recorded.
  • It has now been piloted with KS 3 pupils and has been very successful. At KS3 it has been used as part of the HRF work and has been used with year 7 in a wet weather tennis lesson to look at reaction time/ ability/tennis.
  • Purpose
Development of the understanding of reaction time in various sports.
Development of key understanding of Skill Related fitness.
ICT skills: Recording in spreadsheets and working out averages. Collating class results and producing statistical information
Researching using search engines.
  1. Sometimes does not work with full address Try
  2. To run the on line test you need to have Shock Wave installed. YOU NEED TO CHECK THIS.
  3. Excel spread sheet available to record pupils’ results.


Making Puzzles: Janvrin Moore
Can be used across all activity areas.
This lesson was initially taught as a wet weather lesson when the computer suite was available.
  • To design word searches or criss cross puzzles, which show their knowledge and understanding of the activity they are currently learning.
  • To be able to include correct terminology. And to identify principles, techniques, rules
  • To design tasks and questions for the activity.
The content of word searches will reflect the pupils’ level of learning so all groups can work at their level.
The inclusion of knowledge and understanding of fitness and health can extend the word search.
Pupils can select to produce criss-cross puzzles, which are more complex.
The addition of a section with practices, further questions and strengths and weaknesses allow pupils to extend the work.
Surf via Google

  1. Puzzlemaker
  2. Follow step by step instructions
  3. Select puzzle
  4. Word search criss cross & then others
  5. Press solution to produce the puzzle.
  6. Save puzzle & save in word doc.
Examples provided: Athletics word search & question sheet
Tennis criss cross
Excellent site, which allows pupils to design their own word searches/ puzzles very quickly.
Pupils are highly motivated and each word search can be set to recall or push their knowledge and understanding.
The saved or printed word search/s can be used by teachers to assess pupils level of recall and understanding.
The pupils’ puzzles can be collected and used for non-participants in appropriate lessons.

Tennis Criss Cross (J.Moore)

2. 2of these and you loose the point
4. Racket service position
5. Not juice but…….
8. General direction of serve
9. your serve should go into this area. can do this with head/coin. of the break taken, not a Tea break / Down
1. not on “your marks” but…
3. cut you use in tennis and on lemons/carrots.
4. name of a line on court.
6. teaching point labelled in the serve.
7. what phase of the swing determines direction of shot.

Athletics Relay ( J.Moore)

X / T / D / X / N / T / V / U / N / S / T / L / N / P / S
E / O / F / O / V / O / P / C / P / Q / B / Y / O / I / G
P / N / B / Y / W / S / T / E / M / Y / C / I / L / V / N
P / M / I / R / W / N / C / A / O / J / N / J / O / F / I
E / T / Y / E / E / I / S / F / B / O / Y / Q / O / L / R
G / D / E / O / R / V / K / W / G / X / M / A / K / J / T
Q / P / M / D / W / U / O / T / E / F / R / M / I / M / S
T / Y / A / L / Z / O / U / E / J / E / B / A / N / P / M
L / U / H / F / S / D / H / Z / K / G / P / K / G / L / A
Q / S / T / N / I / R / P / S / C / A / I / X / P / W / H
T / X / D / U / J / Z / L / T / H / E / T / H / C / X / N
G / N / I / H / C / T / A / M / D / E / E / P / S / U / G
C / H / E / C / K / M / A / R / K / S / O / M / M / N / Z
A / Q / X / L / R / T / S / Y / W / M / S / M / S / S / D
B / S / W / Q / I / B / K / K / B / Z / U / Z / I / J / M

Additional Section for Relay Word Search ( J.MOORE)

Below are some examples of questions/ tasks pupils might set.

The words in bold tell show the different types of questions you can use.

Best if pupils are encouraged to use a minimum of 3 different types.

1. How many members are there in a relay team? ( question & answer)

2. What three things help you to receive a baton (list recalling technique/

a) teaching points)



3. What are the rules about lane use in the relay? ( list rules)

4. The baton changes hand? true or false(true or false


You have to change the baton from one hand to another? true or false

5. Draw a lane marking the Check mark, Acceleration zone and Take over zone. (drawing task)

6. Design a relay practice. (writing or drawing task)

7. The relay baton is passed in a s………. l……. and is passed as q……. as possible. ( fill in missing words)

8. What are the aspects you need to work on to improve your performance in the relay event? ( reflect on performance)

KS4 /5/6 IDEAS

School Based web sites.

Click on photo to enter
Rt side click on red text
Lt side click on Sports College.
Click on Red text please enter here for GCSE PE
Click on lesson notes / Superb set of GCSE lesson material.
To gain access contact Paul Collins ( 01823 274073)state where you got to hear about his resources & he’ll give you a user name & password.

Click on College Information
Under College Info. Click on Good Practice
Click on Teaching, Learning and Guidance Material
Click on PE
Click on PE main page
Click on Acquisition of Skill / All lesson resources for the Acquisition of Skill section AS/A level.
Please send @ mail to person highlighted to say thanks for the work (perhaps they will then complete the other sections!!)