Algebra II
Class Expectations and Procedures
Mr. Todd Pfeifer
“Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating you know it.”
Algebra II textbook (Prentice Hall Mathematics)
Pencil and spiral or composition notebook for note taking
Graph Paper
3 ring loose-leaf binder and regular notebook paper for homework
- Calculator I recommend the TI-84 (any version) or the TI-83+
Be prepared to class on time everyday and have the necessary materials
Complete all assignments on time
No food or drink allowed in class (water is fine if it is in a clear closed container)
Cell phones are not allowed during class time
iPods are allowed only during homework time (at a reasonable volume)
Be respectful of yourself and others
Participation is key!
- Students are expected to be in class every school day and be involved in the lesson. Anyone arriving 20 minutes or more late to class without a valid pass will be counted as absent (unexcused).
- Students will receive a purple pass at the beginning of each quarter. Each pass may be punched up to three times, with one punch given for every tardy or trip to the bathroom or locker. Three points extra credit will be given for each hole left un-punched at the end the quarter (added to Homework category).
All attendance and tardy issues will be handled in accordance with the current RMHS policy. At three (3) absences, an attendance contract will be enforced and I will call home. At five (5) absences, I may recommend that you be dropped from the class due to excessive absences.
- Grades will be weighted as such:
3rd Quarter4th QuarterOverall
Exams/Quizzes70%Exams/Quizzes50%100 - 90% = A
HW/HW Quizzes20%HW/HW Quizzes20%89 - 80% = B
Notebook/Particip.10%Final Exam20%79 - 70% = C
Notebook/Particip.10%69 - 60% = D
< 60% = F
It is recommended that students earn a grade of C or better to continue on to the next level of mathematics. The moment that you experience any difficulty in this class, please check with me and schedule an appointment for some extra help. I am here to help, so please feel free to ask.
The times I am most available:Contact Information:
In the mornings (after 7:00)Work488-7166
After school
Math requires practice. Expect to have homework every night. I plan to give you a generous amount of time in class to get started on your homework, so I expect you to use it wisely.
All assignments are due on time. In the case of an excused absence you will have one day to make-up each day of absence. Late assignments will be taken ONLY if you had an excused absence on the date it was assigned.
Criteria for credit on daily work:
Name AND Section #
Standard sized paper
Done in pencil
Neat and organized
Grading for daily work:
Homework will be graded each day and will be worth a total of 5 points:
3points will be distributed as follows:
3 Points 2 points1 point0 points
Attempted/completedAttempted/completedAttempted/Completed Incomplete
ALL problems MOST problems FEW problems
The remaining 2points will be determined by a homework quiz during the beginning of class. These quizzes will be graded for correctness and completeness. I will use these quizzes to check for your understanding of the previous night’s homework and offer valuable feedback on your progress.
Students are expected to keep a well organized notebook in a three-ring loose-leaf binder. The notebook should be well organized, neatly written and will include the followinginformation:
Lesson Notes (spiral or composition notebook)
- Dates
- Headings (topic for the day)
- Notes and sample problems
Homework assignments (3-ring binder)
- A notebook quiz will be given for each unit. Students will be asked to copy certain information from notes given on specific days. As long as notes are taken and organized, this should be an easy task.
Unit exams will be given at the end of each unit, and quizzes will be given at the end of shorter units.
Announced quizzes will be given periodically during units with emphasis on basic concepts.
- All work must be NEAT and LEGIBLE or no credit will be given.
- There will be no retakes on exams, so preparation is very important.
Everything that you produce and turn in must be your own. The point of homework, assessments, and any other assignment is that it represents your knowledge.
I have zero tolerance for cheating. If you choose to cheat, it will result in a zero on the assignment or test and a phone call to your parent or guardian.