April 1, 2013
The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00am. S. Kiss was not present and was excused.
The Board met with Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers and staff at the PUD Board Room to discuss local concerns. Also present were Treasurer Terri Miller, Auditor Marianne Nichols, Public Works Director Sam Castro, County Engineer Don Ramsey, Senior Design Construction Engineer George Luft, Steve Shumski, Jason Thompson, Wayne Antcliff, Fred Willenbrock, April Owen, Dan Peterson, Gayne Sears and Norris Boyd.
M. Manus discussed the Forest Service and timber sales within the County and Colville National Forest, noting the Usk mill is running at 41% due to the inability to get timber from the Colville National Forest noting that a supply of timber would provide 200 jobs. S. Shumski said the 200 additional jobs would carry on in the foreseeable future and without the timber the Mill would be mothballed and would most likely be gone forever.
K. Skoog discussed budgeting and the need to streamline. Congresswoman McMorris-Rodgers stated she is meeting with the Supervisor of the Colville National Forest tomorrow and will discuss the Forest Service setting aside timber that would be managed. The Forest is the economic driver in the northern counties. Her goal is to have a summit regarding the Colville National Forest to highlight the role that the NE Washington Forestry Coalition has played; to put together various plans, goals and needs; and looking for more certainty on how many board feet should be harvested annually. She discussed the A-to-Z pilot project and Secure Rural Schools, noting she would like to see the Secure Rural Schools revenue go directly to the counties and schools rather than the State. She also discussed the option of allowing counties to manage Forest Service lands.
T. Miller discussed the 5.1% reduction in PILT funds due to sequestration, noting the programs should have longer terms and the dollars go to the schools and counties that are affected, with the counties managing the forest land.
M. Manus discussed getting a year-in and year-out timber harvest of 30 million board feet. He also discussed the County’s desire to open Forest Service lands for Off-Highway Vehicles allowing for connectivity from Idaho to Stevens County, noting this would increase tourism.
Congresswoman McMorris-Rodgers encouraged the Board to engage in the Coalition for collaborative planning. G. Sears noted the Coalition’s involvement has been very helpful.
N. Boyd discussed the differences between the OHV riders on the west side versus the east side of the state. Congresswoman McMorris-Rodgers encouraged the group to become unified so there are no mixed messages going to Olympia.
K. Skoog discussed the US Fish and Wildlife and wolves, specifically the Wedge Pack. The Congresswoman stated she has received the information from her staff and it will be reviewed.
EXECUTIVE SESSION- Human Resource Coordinator Shelly Stafford requested an executive session to discuss collective bargaining via a conference call with Kevin Wesley pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a). Also present was Sheriff Alan Botzheim. Session began at 11:35a.m. for 30 minutes. An additional 15 minutes was requested. Present was Data Processing Coordinator Jill Shacklett. An additional 10 minutes was requested. Session ended at 12:30p.m.
The Board recessed for lunch.
S. Castro and D. Ramsey provided a Public Works update. The following items were discussed:
D. Ramsey discussed a phone call received from Keith Martin of the Department of Transportation and President of the Scenic By-Ways Committee regarding the Eagles Nest project. The project is no longer high priority within the County and funds would have to be spent to bring it out of inactive status and would need to go into construction in 2016. S. Castro stated that based on the County’s needs and the condition of county roads, the only way we could proceed with this project would be if there were a donation of 100% of the match funds. He noted the dollars for the Eagles Nest project was set aside, but the County has been unable to provide the required matching funds. The Board’s decision at their March 25th meeting to stop the project stands unless 100% of the matching funds is received, as the county funds cannot be committed to the construction of this project.
S. Castro noted April 3rd is the field visit with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission regarding Lost Creek Estates.
D. Ramsey will attend the April 4th meeting in Spokane with the WSDOT regarding highway illumination.
Buildings and Grounds – Items discussed were: the HVAC installation in the Hall of Justice is on schedule; April 3rd and 4th is the scheduled review of capital projects; and the sweeping of county facilities and bridges is taking place this week.
Other – S. Castro stated the documentation placing the County Courthouse on the National Historic Register is under review. He also discussed the evidence and data he will be presenting at the Diamond Lake Lake meeting on April 5th at the Sacheen Lake Fire Hall.
Prosecutor Tom Metzger provided information from the Washington State Legislature’s website regarding stock restricted areas. Other items discussed were: Indemnification of public employees; volunteer recognition day; and Legislative Steering Committee items. K. Skoog discussed wolf matters and legislation.
Motion was made by K. Skoog to continue the meeting to April 2, 2013. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.
April 2, 2013
The meeting continued and S. Kiss was excused.
Information Technology Services Director Chad Goodhue discussed electronic information, various security threats, having an annual security check and the need for laptops for the Sheriff’s deputies. He also discussed business continuity and the Board’s approval to form a steering committee which would address policies and recommendations within the IT department. The Board asked C. Goodhue to move forward with the formation of the committee.
Community Development Director Mike Lithgow provided a monthly department update which included the following reports:
Permit Event Reporting from January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013; Project Planning List itemizing projects from January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013; and provided minutes from the Park Board and the Planning Commission meetings. Also discussed was the Park Board, Section 16 access, and the recent meeting with Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers. The State’s 30-day comment period for the Shoreline Master Plan will begin on April 15, 2013. This information will be available on the Department of Ecology’s website.
Counseling Services - Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the Spokane County RSN amendment which extends the existing contract for an additional six months. Motion seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried.
Amendment to Contract Between Spokane Regional Support Network, A Division of Spokane County Community Services, Housing and Community Development, from April 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013.
Pursuant to the Civil Service Commission’s appointment, a motion was made by K. Skoog to add Civil Service Chief Examiner to the title of the Job Description for Clerk of the Board. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.
Solid Waste Coordinator Beth Gillespie requested approval of a Coordinated Prevention Grant Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. G1200351 Between the State of Washington Department of Ecology and Pend Oreille County, Solid Waste Division.
K. Skoog will be attending Legislative Steering Committee this week and will continue to support the wolf policy and funding bills.
Consent Agenda - Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s March 25, 2013 meeting and the following items:
Investment Earnings: $1,997.98
Job Description of Mail Carrier and Approval for Auditor, M. Nichols to advertise for and hire a mail carrier, based on successful pre-employment requirements.
Digital Submittal Certification – County Road Administration Board Reports for 2012
Agreement – American Sign Language, Agreement Between Universal Language Service, Inc. and Pend Oreille Counseling Services
Modification 01 - Cooperative Law Enforcement Annual Operating Plan and Financial Plan Between the Pend Oreille County Sheriff’s Office and the USDA, Forest Service Colville National Forest
Classification Plan and Job Descriptions for Pend Oreille County Sheriff’s Office approved by the Civil Service Commission on March 27, 2013.
04.1 Washington State County Road Administration Board-County Engineer of the Year Nominations
04.2 Pend Oreille County Fair Board-April 2, 2013 Agenda, March 5, 2013 Minutes
04.3 Ferry County Board of Commissioners-Copy of letter to Colville National Forest Three Rivers Ranger District, Attention Rodney Smoldon, District Ranger-Deer Jasper Project
04.4 Pend Oreille County Library District Board of Trustees Minutes of January 24, 2013
04.5 Washington State Department of Natural Resources-SEPA Lead Agency & Mitigated Determination of Non-significance, File No. 13-032001-Skookum FIT Timber Sale #89162 and Forest Practice Application #3017864
04.6 Washington State Department of Natural Resources-SEPA Lead Agency & Mitigated Determination of Non-significance, File No. 13-031903-Windy Jim FIT Timber Sale #889224 and Forest Practice Application #3017863
04.7 T. Miller, Pend Oreille County Treasurer-March 28, 2013 Property Tax Foreclosure Sale
As of this date the Board approved for payment the following vouchers as listed and made available by the Auditor's Office:
Salary and Claim
Fund Fund Amount
Current Expense $ 36,413.52
Counseling Services $ 7,587.93
Veteran’s Assistance $ 436.05
Auditor’s O&M $ 287.33
Extension Education $ 200.00
Growth Management $ 25,055.90
Low Income Housing/2060 $ 966.66
Homeless Program/2163 $ 6,735.30
Capital Projects $ 7,811.76
Solid Waste $ 39,509.03
Equipment R&R $ 42,065.54
IT Services $ 21,999.31
Sheriff’s Trust $ 1,821.00
TOTAL: $ 190,889.33
Motion to adjourn was made by K. Skoog. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.
ATTEST: s/______APPROVED: s/ ______Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board
Commissioners’ Minutes, April 1, 2013. Initial _____ Page 4 of 4