Primary School Visits
May/June / All children arevisited in their primary schoolby a member of the Mascalls Academy transition or Pastoral Team. Members of staff meet children to discuss life as a Year 7 student and answer any questions or concerns they may have.
CATs (Assessment) Test
Saturday 10 June 2017
9am-2.00pm / All pupils who have accepted a place at Mascalls will be required to attend for National Cognitive Ability testing. The results of these tests, together with the KS2 SATs results, will determine the teaching group your child will placed in on arrival in Year 7. These tests should not cause any anxiety they are used to help us place students correctly into each teaching group. It also provides the children with a great opportunity to meet both teachers and future friends.
  • Please provide your child with a drink and packed lunch and also a snack for break-time
  • Casual clothes (no need to wear uniform)
  • Stationery and pens will be provided
  • Make sure you collect your parent pack

Induction Morning
Thursday 6 July 2017
(No booking required) / Another opportunity for your child to become a little more familiar with Mascalls.
  • Please note that we are unable to provide transport for this visit
  • Please do not drop your child off before 8.45am. Please pull into the school driveway and drop off your child in the turning circle – staff will meet children here, parents should drop off only to avoid congestion. (Please let your child know that you will be doing this to avoid any anxiety on the morning)
  • Please bring a drink and snack for breaktime
  • Children to wear their primary school uniform
  • Bring a pair of trainers/pumps

New Parent Information Evening, *Uniform Pop Up Shop* &
Travel Advice
Tuesday 11 July 2017
6 -8pm
*uniform pop up shop open from 5pm* / A welcome and information evening for parents and children with Heads of Colleges, Mr Barnett and key staff.
Travel advice will be available and our uniform suppliers will be selling uniform (from 5pm).
Summer Fun Week
Monday 24 July – Friday 28July
(Booking required) / This week provides your child with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their new school, meet some teachers and make new friends. It is not compulsory that your child attends. Details of the Summer Fun Week and how to book will be in the parent pack given out to chidren on CATs day.
Meet the Advisor Evening
Thursday 14 September
5-6pm / Opportunity to meet your child’s advisor to discuss how your child is settling in and any concerns you may have.