Apartado Postal 222-1260

Plaza Colonial, Escazú

Costa Rica

Tel: (505) 232-2490 Tel/fax: (506) 228-3002




M.A. Developmental Psychology, Columbia University, New York, USA

M.Sc. Mental Health Counseling, Nova University, Florida, USA

B.A. Psychology, Colegio Monterrey, Universidad Autónoma de Centroamérica,

San Jose, Costa Rica[1]

Additional Studies and Training:

- Pychoanalytic Training: ASPAS[2]-ITARI, San José, Costa Rica

- Training Analyst: Ursulla Hauser, Ph.D. (Zurich Psychoanalytic Seminar).

-Supervising Analyst: Miguel Matrajt, M.D., (Argentinean Psychoanalytic Association).

Ernesto Mujica, Ph.D., (William Allanson White Institute, New York).

XI International Forum of Psychoanalysis (International Federation of Psychoanalytic

Societies). May 4 – May 7, 2000. Nueva York

Seminar: “Psychopathology of the Postmodern Subject”. 1998

- IV Congreso Costarricense de Psicología, Instr. Enrique Guinsberg, Ph.D.

X Session on Psychology and Health: Basic Concepts on Working with Groups in the

Institutional Setting, 1996.

CENDEISSS, Instructor Mario Podcamisky, Lic.

Seminar: Contributions and Prevalence of Jurgen Habermas

ALFORJA/UNA, Instructor Alfonso Ibañez Izquierdo, Ph.D.

Seminar: Problems in the relationship between psychoanalysis and gender theories.

V Costa Rican Psychological Congress, 2002. Instr. Juan Carlos Volnovich, Ph.D.


Center for Psychoanalytic Studies of the Association for Socio-Critical Psychoanalysis (CEP de ASPAS).

-Director and founding member. 2005 present

-Instructor and clinical supervisor

Universidad Independiente de Costa Rica, October 1997 present

-Director: Masters Program in Psychoanalytically Oriented Clinical Psychology

-Professor of Clinical Psychology

  • Psychoanalytic Theory I
  • Psychoanalytic therapy II
  • Supervised Practicum II

Manuel Fajardo Hospital

Havana, Cuba. Clinical Trainer, March 2008 Present

Universidad Nacional, July 1996 December 1997

- Professor of Psychology:

  • Contemporary Problems in Psychopedagogy (graduate level)
  • Introduction to Psychopedagogy (undergraduate level)

SAP (Psychological services): Individual and group psychoanalytic therapy.

Universidad Autónoma Monterrey, May 1994 December 1997

- Professor of Psychology:

  • Short-Term Psychotherapy (graduate level)
  • Theories and Systems II (undergraduate level)
  • Clinical Interview (undergraduate level)
  • Integrative Seminar (undergraduate level)

Private Practice, 94present


Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Study Group Guide for Psychologists, March 1998 November 2000

- Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theory (Klein, Winnicott, Kernberg)


- (2007). Narcissistic Issues in Psychoanalytic Training: Between the Institute’s and the

Analyst’s Narcissism. Presented at the BostonGraduateSchool of Psychoanalysis, May 6, 2007.

- (2006). The Cultural Structuralization of Drives: an Approach to a Socio-Psychoanalytic

Drive Theory. Presented at theBostonGraduateSchool of Psychoanalysis.

October 14, 2006.

- (2005). Is psychoanalysis possible? En Libro Polémico de Subjetividad y Cultura, Vol. 23.

(Book review of Elizabeth Roudinesco’s “¿Por qué el Psicoanálisis?”)

- (2005). Repetitive dreams of non-traumatic origin and there value in psychoanalytic

therapy. Revista Costarricense de Psicología, Vol. 29.

- (2004). Psychoanalytic notes on the Costa Rican psyche and it’s capacity for tolerance,

Anotaciones Sociológicas.

- (2004). Notes towards a critical psychoanalysis. Giros, Vol. 7.

- (2003). Tradicional and Post-modern Psicoanálisis: a difficult relationship. In Libro Polémico

de Subjetividad y Cultura, Vol. 19.

(Book review of Joan Coderch’s “La relación paciente – terapeuta”)

- (2002). Vicissitudes of psychoanalytic supervision: Notes toward an integrative

approach. Giros, Vol. 6.

- (2000). The internal struggle of Psychoanalysis: Between institutional narcissism and the

analyst's narcissism. Giros, Vol. 5.

- (1999). The Freudian Structural Model. Inaugural conference of the official presentation

of the “Master’s Program in Psychoanalytic Theory” of the Colegio Leonardo Da

Vinci, UACA. May 11, 1999.

- (1997). Drives, structures and the subject of Freudian psychoanalysis. Revista

Costarricense de Psicología, Vol. 27.

- (1997). Guest speaker: Analysis of the psychological moment of Latin America according

to post- modern popular music. RadioU. 101.9. Program: Raíces. June 7, 1997.

- (1996). The School of Psychology: a species on the endangered list? Significante, Vol. 1.

[1] It should be noted that the B.A. in Psychology was mainly psychoanalytic in orientation.

[2] ASPAS is the Association for Psychoanalysis and Social Psychology in Costa Rica, ITARI was their clinical center.