Weight (kg):
Prescription Start Date:
Rapid Acting Insulin
TYPE: / Carbohydrate Ratio (units/grams of CHO) or Fixed Dose (units) / Change 1
Date / Change 2
Date / Change 3
Date / Change 4
NOVORAPID / Example:
“1 unit : 10 grams” OR “6 units”
New Ratio/dose / New Ratio/dose / New Ratio/dose / New Ratio/dose
Signature: / Signature / Signature / Signature / Signature
Signature: / Signature / Signature / Signature / Signature
Evening meal
Signature: / Signature / Signature / Signature / Signature
Signature: / Signature / Signature / Signature / Signature
Rapid Acting Insulin Correction Ratio – add to all mealtime doses + standalone corrections (complete if patient usually corrects for high values):
Insulin type:...... should be given when blood glucose is greater than ...... mmol/L.
Use correction ratio of 1 units to reduce blood glucose by ...... mmol/L. (Round to nearest 0.5 units)
Calculate correction to a target blood glucose of ...... mmol/L. (Typically correct to 5.5 mmol/L; some patients may vary).
Long Acting or Pre-Mixed Insulin Prescription / Change 1
Date / Change 2
Date / Change 3
Date / Change 4
Insulin Type:
e.g Levemir / Time / Dose (units) / Dose (units) / Dose(units) / Dose(units) / Dose(unit)
units / units / units / units / units
units / units / units / units / units
Signature: / Signature / Signature / Signature / Signature
Patient’s Name: / Ward:
Hospital Number:
NHS Number: / Consultant:
Date of Birth:
Gender: M/F / Type of Pump:
Or affix ID label / Insulin type used in pump:…………………………………………………………………………
Please supply insulin as:
Pen cartridges# / / Vials / / Other (specify) /
Date of admission: / Allergy / sensitivity status:
Weight (kg):
Prescription start date: / Signature: / Date:
Basal Insulin / Bolus Insulin
Normal basal pattern? Yes No / Time block / mealtime / Ratio / Target blood glucose / Sensitivity / correction
If no, what type of pattern / temporary basal rate is in use?
(examples, ‘Using profile 2’, or TBR + 50%) / e.g. 6 – 8am / breakfast / (units/ g CHO) e.g. 1 unit:10g. / (mmol/l) (usually 5.5 mmol/l) / (e.g. 1 unit to reduce BG by …. mmol/l)
Total Daily Basal Insulin ……………………………………….units
Time / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11
Basal Rate
Start date:
Time / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / Signature:
Basal Rate
(units/hour) / Print name:
Changes During In-Patient Stay
(re-prescribe here and put a single line through first prescription)
Basal Insulin Change – Date………………………. / Bolus Insulin Change – Date.……………….
Normal basal pattern? Yes No / Time block / mealtime / Ratio / Target blood glucose / Sensitivity / correction
If no, what type of pattern / temporary basal rate is in use?
(examples, ‘Using profile B’, or TBR + 50%) / e.g. 6 – 8am / breakfast / (units/ g CHO) e.g.
1 unit:10g. / (mmol/l) (usually 5.5 mmol/l) / e.g. 1 unit :
6 mmol/l
Total Daily Basal Insulin ……………………………………….units
Time / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11
Basal Rate
Start date:
Time / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / Signature:
Basal Rate
(units/hour) / Print name:
#Note: Patients using pumps may also require cartridges if managing a pump problem or following sick day rules – in these instances, prescribe on charts A or C.
Subcutaneous Insulin Prescription Chart B – Pump TherapyChart C – Once Only Rapid Acting Insulin Doses
Use for Hyperglycaemia, with / without ketones in the unwell child NOT in DKA
Sick day guidance - principles
- (Hyperglycaemia without ketones, in a well child is managed with usual insulin correction, prescribed on charts A / B)
- For the unwell child, refer to “Guidelines for clinicians managing ‘out of hours’ childhood diabetes queries” (via intranet) to calculate a one off corrective insulin dose. (You will need to know Blood Glucose, Ketone level and usual Total Daily Dose.)
- Never stop insulin even if a child is refusing to eat or vomiting.
- Providing fluids and carbohydrates is also vital to prevent or treat ketosis.
- If the patient is unwell with blood glucose levels 14 mmol/L call a doctor for review.
- Check blood for ketones (especially if unwell and / or blood glucose is persistently 14 mmol/L).
- If ketones are raised > 3 mmol/l, also check a blood gas to rule out DKA.
- Consider possible causes e.g. too little / missed insulin, sepsis, stress, high carbohydrate intake, less exercise than usual.
One off corrective insulin doses during illness are calculated using a % of Total Daily Dose – see “Guidelines for clinicians managing ‘out of hours’ childhood diabetes queries”.
- Multiple Daily Injection regimens: Total daily dose = sum of all the usual insulin injections given in a typical day (includes all rapid acting, long acting and any mixed insulin given routinely when well).
- Insulin pumps: Consider pump failure / unrecognised occlusion. In the unwell child not responding to a single correction bolus via pump, give corrections by s/c injection until control regained. For bolus calculations, refer to “pump policy”. If TDD information is required, this may be read by parent / carer from the pump.
Usual Total Daily Dose (TDD): ……………………………………………………… units
Date / Time / Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Blood Ketones (mmol/l) / Rapid Acting Insulin name / Dose / Route / % of TDD / Prescribers name & signature / Given by / Time Given / Pharmacy
Chart D – Hypoglycaemia Action Record – for any blood glucose < 4mmol/L (For patients both on subcutaneous injection regimens and insulin pump therapy.)
For guidance refer to trust policy “Treatment of hypoglycaemia in children with diabetes mellitus”
Date / Time / Blood Glucose (mmol/L) / Give fast acting carbohydrate immediately
(record type & quantity) / When blood glucose > 4.0 mmol/L give starchy carbohydrate (record type & quantity) – NOTE: not usually required for insulin pump users
File in section D: Nurse & PAMSMRAG Approval Number: 130716/246/01
Blood Glucose and Insulin Given – Record ChartGuidance on use:
(1) Complete just the available information. For example, many patients do not need to always test post-meal blood glucose – if so, just leave this blank. For patients using fixed doses, leave the carbohydrates blank, just complete the fixed units + any correction.
(2) Many patients will usually only take 3 rapid acting insulin doses each day, one with each meal. Some patients take more frequent doses, e.g. for snacks or corrections. If more than 7 doses per day given, continue on the next line. But, begin each new day on a new line.
(3) Fill in either long acting insulin (for Multiple Daily Injection or TDS regimens) or Daily basal total (for insulin pumps) according to regimen.
Patient Name: / Hospital No. / DOB:
Rapid Acting Insulin Name……………………………………………………………………………………………….. / Long acting insulin (for MDI) / OR / Basal Insulin total (for pumps only)
Date / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY)
Meal (e.g. breakfast, snack) / Breakfast / Snack / Lunch / Snack / Tea / Pre-Bed / Night / Blood glucose
(mmol/l) / Blood glucose
Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Pre
Post / Insulin type: / Insulin type:
Carbohydrates (grams)
Insulin for meal / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / Dose given / Daily basal total
Insulin for correction / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Total insulin given / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Date / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY)
Meal (e.g. breakfast, snack) / Breakfast / Snack / Lunch / Snack / Tea / Pre-Bed / Night / Blood glucose
(mmol/l) / Blood glucose
Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Pre
Post / Insulin type: / Insulin type:
Carbohydrates (grams)
Insulin for meal / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / Dose given / Daily basal total
Insulin for correction / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Total insulin given / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Date / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY)
Meal (e.g. breakfast, snack) / Breakfast / Snack / Lunch / Snack / Tea / Pre-Bed / Night / Blood glucose
(mmol/l) / Blood glucose
Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Pre
Post / Insulin type: / Insulin type:
Carbohydrates (grams)
Insulin for meal / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / Dose given / Daily basal total
Insulin for correction / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Total insulin given / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Blood Glucose and Insulin Given – Record Chart
Guidance on use:
(1) Complete just the available information. For example, many patients do not need to always test post-meal blood glucose – if so, just leave this blank. For patients using fixed doses, leave the carbohydrates blank, just complete the fixed units + any correction.
(2) Many patients will usually only take 3 rapid acting insulin doses each day, one with each meal. Some patients take more frequent doses, e.g. for snacks or corrections. If more than 7 doses per day given, continue on the next line. But, begin each new day on a new line.
(3) Fill in either long acting insulin (for Multiple Daily Injection or TDS regimens) or Daily basal total (for insulin pumps) according to regimen.
Patient Name: / Hospital No. / DOB:
Rapid Acting Insulin Name……………………………………………………………………………………………….. / Long acting insulin (for MDI) / OR / Basal Insulin total (for pumps only)
Date / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY)
Meal (e.g. breakfast, snack) / Breakfast / Snack / Lunch / Snack / Tea / Pre-Bed / Night / Blood glucose
(mmol/l) / Blood glucose
Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Pre
Post / Insulin type: / Insulin type:
Carbohydrates (grams)
Insulin for meal / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / Dose given / Daily basal total
Insulin for correction / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Total insulin given / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Date / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY)
Meal (e.g. breakfast, snack) / Breakfast / Snack / Lunch / Snack / Tea / Pre-Bed / Night / Blood glucose
(mmol/l) / Blood glucose
Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Pre
Post / Insulin type: / Insulin type:
Carbohydrates (grams)
Insulin for meal / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / Dose given / Daily basal total
Insulin for correction / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Total insulin given / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Date / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY)
Meal (e.g. breakfast, snack) / Breakfast / Snack / Lunch / Snack / Tea / Pre-Bed / Night / Blood glucose
(mmol/l) / Blood glucose
Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Pre
Post / Insulin type: / Insulin type:
Carbohydrates (grams)
Insulin for meal / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / Dose given / Daily basal total
Insulin for correction / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Total insulin given / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Blood Glucose and Insulin Given – Record Chart
Guidance on use:
(1) Complete just the available information. For example, many patients do not need to always test post-meal blood glucose – if so, just leave this blank. For patients using fixed doses, leave the carbohydrates blank, just complete the fixed units + any correction.
(2) Many patients will usually only take 3 rapid acting insulin doses each day, one with each meal. Some patients take more frequent doses, e.g. for snacks or corrections. If more than 7 doses per day given, continue on the next line. But, begin each new day on a new line.
(3) Fill in either long acting insulin (for Multiple Daily Injection or TDS regimens) or Daily basal total (for insulin pumps) according to regimen.
Patient Name: / Hospital No. / DOB:
Rapid Acting Insulin Name……………………………………………………………………………………………….. / Long acting insulin (for MDI) / OR / Basal Insulin total (for pumps only)
Date / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY)
Meal (e.g. breakfast, snack) / Breakfast / Snack / Lunch / Snack / Tea / Pre-Bed / Night / Blood glucose
(mmol/l) / Blood glucose
Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Pre
Post / Insulin type: / Insulin type:
Carbohydrates (grams)
Insulin for meal / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / Dose given / Daily basal total
Insulin for correction / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Total insulin given / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Date / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY)
Meal (e.g. breakfast, snack) / Breakfast / Snack / Lunch / Snack / Tea / Pre-Bed / Night / Blood glucose
(mmol/l) / Blood glucose
Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Pre
Post / Insulin type: / Insulin type:
Carbohydrates (grams)
Insulin for meal / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / Dose given / Daily basal total
Insulin for correction / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Total insulin given / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Date / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY) / (DD/MM/YY)
Meal (e.g. breakfast, snack) / Breakfast / Snack / Lunch / Snack / Tea / Pre-Bed / Night / Blood glucose
(mmol/l) / Blood glucose
Blood Glucose (mmol/l) / Pre
Post / Insulin type: / Insulin type:
Carbohydrates (grams)
Insulin for meal / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / Dose given / Daily basal total
Insulin for correction / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
Total insulin given / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units / units
File in section D: Nurse & PAMSMRAG Approval Number: 130716/246/01
File in section D: Nurse & PAMSMRAG Approval Number: 130716/246/01