Naming Conventions for Project and Contract Names
Naming Conventions for Project and Contract Names
The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure’s (DPTI) Building Management has created buisness rules for the naming of projects and contracts. These rules ensure consistency in the names of projects and contracts managed by the division.
As a general business rule,abbreviations and symbols such as ‘&’ are not to be used.
Project Names
Project names are made up of three lines and are to be in sentence case.
Asset Name/s / The name of the asset/s as provided by the SAMIS database.Asset Component / The part or component of the asset on which work is being undertaken.
Project Scope/Project Scope Extension / The type of work being undertaken on the asset component as per the project scope definitions outlined below under the heading ‘Project Scope Definitions’.
In cases where the project is so extensive that it is staged, there can be a Project Scope Extension added, e.g. Redevelopment: Stage 1 or New Work: StageB.
Contract Names
Contract names are made up of the Project Name and an additional Line 4. The Contract Name will appear on the Conditions of Tendering and on the Contract. The following examples will help with the naming task.
Services Scope/Services Scope Extension / Description of the professional service contractor or contractor services scope to be provided under the contract. The description is restricted to standards used in the prequalification system or agreed additional Project Services created descriptions provided in the Tenders and ContractsSystem (TCS).Where there are potentially more than one contract with the same title within the project or there needs to be some explanation of the contract content there can be a Services Scope Extension added to clarify or differentiate, e.g. Trade Contractor: Metalwork Phase B.
Example 1
The project brief is for a completely new building on a new greenfields site described by the lead agency as Christies Child Parent Centre with a request for professional service contractor contracts to be called and let.
The Project Name is made up of three lines.
The first line is the Asset Name. In this instance the asset does not yet exist therefore DPTI Strategic and Business Services through the Strategic Asset Management Information System (SAMIS) data base will assign the asset a name in consultation with the lead agency.
There is no Asset Component as the total asset is being created and therefore in this instance there is no second line.
The third line is the Project Scope and is the applicable description of the type of work being undertaken,in this case ‘New Work’. (For options for this line, see definitions outlined below under the heading ‘Project Scope Definitions’.)
In this example the contract to be called is for Lead Professional Service Contractor services. The Contract Name is created by adding the fourth line Services Scope descriptor to the Project Name.
Example 1Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / Christies Child Parent Centre
Line 2 / Asset Component
Line 3 / Project Scope / New Work
Line 4 / Services Scope / Lead Professional Service Contractor (Architecture)
Example 2
The project brief is to relocate the SA Racing Office which is situated on Level 2 of the Flinders Building to alternative premises and to engage a facilities planner.
The Project Name is made up of three lines. The first line is the Asset Name. In this instance there is uncertainty about where the Office will be relocated so the first line is the current asset as listed on the SAMIS database. The second line is the Asset Component which in this case is Level 2 SA Racing Office.
The third line is the Project Scope and is the applicable description of the type of work being undertaken, in this case ‘Relocation’.
The contract name is created by adding the fourth line which is the relevant description of Services Scope from TCS, ‘Facilities Planner’.
Example 2Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / Flinders Building
Line 2 / Asset Component / Level 2 SA Racing Office
Line 3 / Project Scope / Relocation
Line 4 / Services Scope / Professional Service Contractor - Facilities Planner
Example 3
The project brief is for work to be done to upgrade the existing administration facilities at NorwoodHigh School. In this instance the task is to name a contract for construction of the facilities.
The first line is the name of the asset as listed in the SAMIS database. As the work requested is in the administration facilities the second line Asset Component is ‘Administration’. The third line is the Project Scope and is the applicable description of the type of work being undertaken, in this case ‘Upgrade’.
The contract name is created by adding the fourth line which is the relevant description of Services Scope from TCS, ‘General Building Contractor.’
Example 3Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / Norwood High School
Line 2 / Asset Component / Administration
Line 3 / Project Scope / Upgrade
Line 4 / Services Scope / General Building Contractor
Example 4
The project brief is for work to commence on the almost total redevelopment of the Nuriootpa TAFE. The construction procurement is construction management and the task is to name a contract for installation of metal balustrades. There has already been a previous trade contract in metalwork as part of an early works package on the project.
The first line is the name of the asset as listed in the SAMIS data base. As the work is so extensive that it is impractical to describe the asset component this line is left blank. The third line is the Project Scope and is the applicable description of the type of work being undertaken, in this case ‘Redevelopment’.
The contract name is created by adding the fourth line which is the relevant description of Services Scope from TCS, ‘Trade Contractor – Metalwork’. As this is the second metalwork package there is a Services Scope Extension which is ‘Phase B’.
Example 4Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / Nuriootpa Institute of Technical And Further Education
Line 2 / Asset Component
Line 3 / Project Scope / Redevelopment
Line 4 / Services Scope and Services Scope Extension / Trade Contractor: Metalwork Phase B
Example 5
The project brief is for work to commence on the almost total redevelopment of the The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The redevelopment is so extensive that it is staged and this is stage 4. The construction procurement is managing contractor and the task is to name a contract for the managing contractor.
The first line is the name of the asset as listed in the SAMIS data base. As the work is so extensive that it is impractical to describe the asset component the second line is left blank.
The third line is the Project Scope and is the applicable description of the type of work being undertaken, in this case ‘Redevelopment’ but as the redevelopment is so extensive, it is qualified with the stage number as a Project Scope Extension.
The contract name is created by adding the fourth line which is the relevant description of Services Scope from TCS, ‘General Building Contractor Managing.’
Note that the fact that it is a managing contractor contract is not relevant in regard to the contract name.
Example 5Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Line 2 / Asset Component
Line 3 / Project Scope and Project Scope Extension / Redevelopment:Stage 4
Line 4 / Services Scope and Services Scope Extension / General Building Contractor
Example 6
The project brief is for work to commence on parts of the existing NorthWhyallaHospital. Around 45% of the asset is to have work done with the key components being emergency and imaging department and the wards. The task is to name the project and then call for a cost manager.
The first line is the name of the asset as listed in the SAMIS data base. The components of the asset having work done comprises increased areas in the existing key asset areas of Emergency, Imaging and Wards and this is described in the asset component. The third line Project Scope is the applicable description of the type of work being undertaken, in this case as the asset components are being extended, it is ‘Extension’.
The contract name is created by adding the fourth line which is the relevant description of Services Scope from TCS, ‘Cost Manager’.
Example 6Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / North Whyalla Hospital
Line 2 / Asset Component / Emergency, Imaging and Wards
Line 3 / Project Scope / Extension
Line 4 / Services Scope / Cost Manager
Example 7
The project brief is for work to commence to construct a new building for remand prisoners at Cruickshank Police Station. The task is to name the project and then call for an acoustic professional service contractor.
The first line is the name of the asset as listed in the SAMIS data base. The components of the asset being constructed are remand cells and this is described as the Asset Component. The third line Project Scope is the applicable description of the type of work being undertaken which in this case as there is a new building being added to the asset is ‘Addition’.
The contract name is created by adding the fourth line which is the relevant description of Services Scope from TCS ‘ Professional Service Contractor – Acoustic Engineer’.
Example 7Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / Cruickshank Police Station
Line 2 / Asset Component / Remand Cells
Line 3 / Project Scope / Addition
Line 4 / Services Scope / Professional Service Contractor – Acoustic Engineer
Example 8
The project brief is to design a standard residence that will be used at several sites for the Building Management Government Employee Residential Property Management program. In this case where the project brief is clearly a program of projects each project in the program will be created separately with its own distinct project name comprising of the Asset Name, the common Asset Component in this instance being ‘Residence’ and the common Project Scopeis the applicable description of the type of work being undertaken, in this instance ‘New Work’.
Example 8 – Project 1Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name/s / Marree 7 High Street
Line 2 / Asset Component / Residence
Line 3 / Project Scope / New Work
Line 4 / Services Scope
Example 8 – Project 2
Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name/s / Peterborough 52 Smith Street
Line 2 / Asset Component / Residence
Line 3 / Project Scope / New Work
Line 4 / Services Scope
Example 8 – Project 3
Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name/s / Mount Gambier 4/6 Murray Road
Line 2 / Asset Component / Residence
Line 3 / Project Scope / New Work
Line 4 / Services Scope
Example 9
The project brief is to undertake construction of new General Learning Areas (GLAs) at the Woodville Special School site but in addition, there are general repairs and improvements to a withdrawal room and associated toilets at an associated asset, the Kilkenny Primary School which is included in the project and its budget. The task is to appoint a contractor to undertake design and construction.
The business rule for the Asset Name is that for a project with components of work to be done on more than one (but less than three) associated assets, the two or three asset names are to be listed and separated with a semi-colon with the asset where the majority of the work is being done listed first.
The second line will consist of the description of the key asset components at both sites.
The third line Project Scope will be the applicable description of the type of work being undertakenat each site with the two or three descriptions listed separated by ‘and’, with the asset where the majority of the work is being done listed first, in this case ‘Addition and Upgrade’.
Example 9Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / Woodville Special School; Kilkenny Primary School
Line 2 / Asset Component / General Learning Areas and Withdrawal Room
Line 3 / Project Scope / Addition and Upgrade
Line 4 / Services Scope
Example 10
The project brief is from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet to construct a standard disabled toilet upgrade at 15 ministerial offices across metropolitan Adelaide. The lead agency requires the work to be reported as one project and does not wish it to be broken down as 15 separate projects. The task is to appoint a discipline professional service contractor, in this instance a mechanical engineer.
In this case there are more than three assets where work will be undertaken so the first line will be the name of the lead agency and ‘various sites’. The component of each asset being constructed is a disability toilet and this is described in the Asset Component. The third line Project Scope is the applicable description of the type of work being undertaken, in this case ‘Upgrade’.
The contract name is created by adding the fourth line which is the relevant description of Services Scope from TCS ‘Professional Services Contractor – Mechanical Engineer’.
Example 10Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / Department of the Premier and Cabinet – Various Sites
Line 2 / Asset Component / Ministerial Offices Disability Access Toilet
Line 3 / Project Scope / Upgrade
Line 4 / Services Scope / Professional Service Contractor – Mechanical Engineer
Pre-Concept Project Names
Some of our projects are potential building projects but are in the pre-Concept phase and there is uncertainty about the eventual scope of the project or the asset component that will be affected. The naming protocols for this type of project are set out below.
Project names are made up of three lines.
Asset Name / The name of the asset under investigation as listed in the SAMIS data base.Services Description / A description of the type of service to be undertaken, e.g. Asset Condition Assessment.
Project Scope / As described in the ‘Project Scope Definitions’ table below. For these types of projects,will in most instances be either ‘Advice’ or ‘Planning’.
Contract names are made up of the Project Name and an additional fourth line.
Services Scope / Description of the professional service contractor or contractor services to be provided under the contract. The description is restricted to standards used in the prequalification system or agreed additional Project Services created descriptions provided in TCS.Example 1
The project brief is received for Project Services to provide advice/planning to a lead agency on how best to consolidate its asset at Strathmont Centre particularly in regard to the condition of the various buildings on the site. Project Services has decided to engage a Lead Professional Service Contractor (Engineer) to lead a team of engineers in undertaking the asset assessment.
Example 1Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Asset Name / Strathmont Centre
Line 2 / Services Scope Description / Asset Condition Assessment
Line 3 / Project Scope / Advice
Line 4 / Services Scope / Lead Professional Service Contractor (Architecture)
Note:When the first four steps of the 5-step Infrastructure Planning and Delivery Framework (Construction Procurement Policy: Project Implementation Process) are complete and the core elements of the project have been determined, a new project name and account number will be raised which will follow the naming protocols outlined above for building (design and construct) projects.
Non-Building Project Names
Some of our projects are services only and not design and construct projects. The naming protocols for this type of project are set out below.
Project Names are made up of three lines.
Lead Agency Name / The name of the agency or lead agency requesting the service.Services Description / A description of the type of service to be undertaken, e.g. review of quality assurance systems
Project Scope / For non-building related services the project scope, in most instances, will be ‘Advice’ as described in the ‘Project Scope Definitions’ table below.
Contract Names are made up of the Project Name and a fourth line.
Services Scope / Description of the professional service contractor or contractor services to be provided under the contract.Unlikely to be used often as most such projects will be carried out in house.
Example 1
The project brief is received for Project Services to provide advice to an agency where the services required does not relate directly to construction works. The request is to establish a Facilities Planner Panel from which specialist professional service contractors can be drawn to undertake specific facilities planning studies for Building Management Accommodation Services. Project Services does not need a professional service contractor to assist in this case.
Example 1Project Name / Contract Name / Line 1 / Lead Agency Name / Building Management Accommodation Services
Line 2 / Services Scope Description / Establish Facilities Planner Panel
Line 3 / Project Scope / Advice
Line 4 / Services Scope
Asset Name / Must be the name as listed in the SAMIS data base. (Refer to Strategic Services to check precise name – do not use the name provided by the Lead Agency as it is often incorrect.)Asset Component / Determined from the brief received from the Lead Agency.
Project Scope / Must be one of the following predetermined descriptions.
- Addition
- Advice
- Conservation
- Demolition
- Extension
- Fitout
- New Work
- Planning
- Redevelopment
- Relocation
- Upgrade.
Project Scope Extension / May be used on very large projects – generally ‘New Work’ or ‘Redevelopment’ where the work is staged. Generally should be restricted to the Stage Number.
Services Scope / Description of the professional service contractor or contractor services scope to be provided under the contract.
The description is restricted to standards used in the prequalification system or agreed additional Project Services created descriptions provided in TCS. Standards are:
- Lead Professional Service Contractor (Architecture)
- Lead Professional Service Contractor (Building Designer)
- Lead Professional Service Contractor (Engineer)
- Project Manager
- Cost Manager
- Construction Manager
- Professional Service Contractor – Discipline Name
- General Building Contractor
- Trade Contractor – Trade Name.
Services Scope Extension / Where there is potentially more than one contract with the same title within the project or there needs to be some explanation of the contract content, there can be a Services Scope Extension added. Services Scope Extensions are free text to clarify or differentiate, e.g. Trade Contractor - Mechanical Services - Phase 3 or General Building Contractor.
Project Scope Definitions