STAGE 2 Dream time Aboriginal story and comprehension strategy observation lesson agreement
Ena Lakisoe Class 4L Term 3 Tuesday 8th August, 9 – 10am Supervisor Dave Ottmann
Unit Outline / Pre-assessmentIn Stage 2- Students manipulate, sort and describe 3D objects using everyday language. / Students Diagnostic Test in first semester has been used to allocate group levels as well as target explicit areas of need within the context of 3D shapes.
What do I / we want the students to learn? / What do I /we want the students to do or produce?
What does our rubrix tell us? / Aboriginal Perspectives
This section addresses the Deep knowledge element of the quality teaching model.
The key concepts I want students to learn are:
· How to recognise different 3D shapes according to their properties. / This section addresses the success criteria and what the learning should look like.
The students will be able to:
· Recognise 3D shapes according to properties.
· Make models of 3D shapes.
· Describes and predicts cross sections of shapes. / This section addresses and acknowledges the Aboriginal perspective and linking this in the learning.
The students will be able to:
Not Applicable
Significance – what makes learning meaningful/ important to students / Syllabus outcomes
This section addresses how this learning is significant. Why learn it?
The students will learn :
Discuss how 3D shapes are important in everyday life. / Outcome
SGS2.1 Makes, compares, describes and names three-dimensional objects including pyramids, and represents them in drawings.
Literacy improvement target areas / Numeracy improvement target areas / ICT target areas / Assessment Opportunities / Resources
Not applicable / Numeracy 94% of students in mainstream classes performing above minimum standard in Years 3 and 5 NAPLAN results / Improve student ICT skills and usage through increased student engagement.
This will be addressed through the use of multimedia. During math there will be websites utilised in the form of Study ladder and also BBC Math websites. Also ebooks such as MathPlus could be used to illustrate concepts. / Post Assessment activity
Learning to be assessed at the end of the week with grade assessment task / - BBC math website.
- Projector or IWB.
- Signpost
- MathPlus E book
- Geometry shapes
Outcomes: / Indicators
Students learn to: / Teaching / Learning Experiences / Professional Teaching standards / Quality teaching elements
SGS2.1 Makes, compares, describes and names three-dimensional objects including pyramids, and represents them in drawings. / Indicators
· Identifies and names three-dimensional objects such as prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres.
· Identifies and discusses the properties of three-dimensional objects.
· Compares and describes features of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres.
· Makes models of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres.
· Recognising similarities and differences between prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres.
· Describe cross-sections of three-dimensional objects.
· Predicts possible sections and cross-sections of an object. / Is there a statement of learning, involvement of the learner, a relating of the learning to prior experiences of the learner?
Statement of learning
Learning Intention for the topic has been set for the week on Monday. Should revisit and discuss –
Today our Learning Intentions are:
- Identify and name 3 Dimensional objects.
- Make 3D shapes
- Compares and describes features of prisms, pyramids
- Understand and describe cross sections.
Math Rotations
Rotation 2 of the 3D shape math cycle. Each cycle to work on one of the learning intentions/indicators:
Groups are as follows:
Teacher / Cross section work and revision of 3D properties. Using projector and ebooks to illustrate and consolidate learning.
Work it / 3D worksheets and textbook work
Interactive / iPad 3D shapes and Blooms taxonomy activities.
Construction / Making models of 3D shapes.
Where to next?
Students in Math groups to reinforce and practise the learning through completing activities. Use the post assessment to pick up any indicators or individuals of concern. / Element 1- Teachers know their subject content and how they teach their students
Element 2 – Teachers know their students and how they learn
Element 3 – Teachers plan, assess and report for effective learning
Element 4- Teachers communicate effectively with their students
Element 5 – Teachers create & maintain safe & challenging learning environment through classroom management skills / Quality Learning Environment – Explicit Quality criteria: Students are provided with explicit criteria for the quality work they are to produce and those criteria are a regular reference point for the development and assessment of student work.
Intellectual Quality – Deep knowledge: The knowledge being addressed is focused on a small number of concepts and ideas within topics, subjects or KLAs, and on the relationship between and among concepts.
Significance – Background Knowledge: Lessons regularly and explicitly build from students’ background knowledge, in terms of prior school knowledge as well as other aspects of their personal lives.
Significance – Cultural knowledge: Lessons regularly incorporate the cultural knowledge of diverse social groupings (such as economic class, gender, ethnicity, race and sexuality, disability, language and religion)
Intellectual Quality – Substantive communication: Students are regularly engaged in sustained conversations about the concepts and ideas they are encountering. These conversations can be manifest in oral, written or artistic forms.
Intellectual Quality – Higher-Order thinking: Students are regularly engaged in thinking that requires them to organise, reorganise, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate knowledge and information.
Quality Learning Environment – Engagement: Most students, most of the time, are seriously engaged in the lesson or assessment activity, rather than going through the motions. Students display sustained interest and attention.
Intellectual Quality –
Deep understanding: Students demonstrate a profound and meaningful understanding of central ideas and the relationships between and among those central ideas.
Evaluation of Lesson
Teacher Evaluation / Comments/Variations
How did the unit ‘rate’ in these areas ? / Very appropriate / Suitable / Needs addressing
Time allocated for topic
Student understanding of content
Opportunities for student reflection on learning
Suitability of resources
Variety of teaching strategies
Integration of Quality Teaching strategies
Integration of ICTs
Literacy strategies used
Numeracy strategies used
Literacy targets addressed
Numeracy targets addressed
Teacher’s signature / Supervisor’s signature