PE Sports Grant 2016-2017
The government provided additional funding for the academic year 2016/2017 to improve the provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. At St Stephen’s Primary school we wanted to increase the participation level of FSM pupils in extracurricular sporting activities.
2014/2015 / 2015/2016 / 2016/2017 / 2017/2018
Total Eligible pupils / 501
Grant in Financial year (paid in October) / £6024 / £5722 + £4073 / £4081 + £5419
Total Grant academic year / £9315 / £9759 / £9500 / £9800
Curriculum resources/Staff Training
Swimming subsidy for Key Stage 2 children.
Swimming is part of the National Curriculum and before children leave St Stephen’s it is expected that they are able to swim independently and confidently. At St Stephen’s, all children in Year 4 have attended swimming each day for 4 weeks at the Olympic Aquatic Centre in Stratford. (£4958.80)
Providing places for pupils for after school sport club.
The school has offered a range of after school sports clubs, accessed by children from Key Stage one and two. The clubs have changed throughout the year to allow children to try a range of different sporting activities. Examples include, athletics, cheerleading, dance, basketball, cricket and karate. (£6600: karate + £1000:Ballet +£1400: cheerleading= £9000)
Sports days
Sports days are held at a range of venues promoting high level athletic achievement, competition and a lifelong love for activity. This has provided opportunities for the children to experience athletic events beyond the primary curriculum. (£700)
Providing lunchtime opportunities
School equipment that has given more opportunities for children to be active during lunchtime.Staff were trained regularly to ensure high levels of participation by all children. (£500)
Provision for physical activity programmes
We offer classes the opportunity to participate in more specialist programmes to develop more specific skills that offer opportunities to develop skills for life. (Our cycling programme/soccer days) (£1500)
Attending sporting events
Children at St Stephen’s are given opportunities to attend sporting events. Eg.Cricket at Lords and events at the Olympic Park. (£900)
The impact of this spending was as follows:
- An increase in the number of children engaged in sporting activities
- Fitness and skill levels of children were raised.
- Higher proportion of children made good progress through PE curriculum.
- Children are more confident and enjoy being physically active and successful sports people.
Intended expenditure for pupil premium funding 2017-2018
INITIATIVES / Amount spentSwimming / £6000
School Club subsidy / £1000
Sports Days / £1000
Sports Coach / £4000
GRAND TOTAL / £12,000